EDITORIAL for Monday 27 June 2016

Welcome to the current edition of i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine dated Monday 27 June 2016.
Much has happened internationally over the past two weeks, the principal event being BREXIT –the decision made through referendum by the UK to leave the European Union.
This means that a certain level of economic and political uncertainty will hover over the UK for a period before all settles down again, with further potential splits between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland needing to be resolved.

It would seem that an underlying nationalist movement has been progressively growing that is opposed to globalism and its centralised power.
This is also apparent in other member states of the EU, and it is also happening here in Australia, but with less intensity for the moment.

Simply put, people are fed up with the loss of freedoms associated with centralised forms of control and rule by “experts”.
The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is an example of such false economic argument that gives power to global corporations through a legal document that overrides all domestic legislation.
It even allows global corporations to sue sovereign governments for perceived losses in value for intellectual property and “bottom line” damage (like the tobacco companies and plain paper packaging that even today these tobacco companies are seeking financial compensation, without the thought that the people of Australia should be seeking damages for the lost health of its citizens).
Freedom and a restoration of identity seem to be more important than so-called economic benefits.
And why should this not be the case?

That vaccine markets can be artificially constructed through creating a false market place by legislation, and coercing parents into vaccinations for their children or lose government benefits (that are totally unrelated to vaccination), is actually happening.
That is not only immoral, but it is also illegal and yet falsely touted as one of the benefits of globalisation (supposedly beneficial science-based vaccines but devoid of any substance or reality).
Yet this approach is forced on to the general public through the “opinion” of experts accompanied by a form of verbal thuggery by their false front groups.

Yes, it is happening in Australia and there is a revolt building, particularly in the area of health policy and its manipulation.
It is also under way in the US in the form of Donald Trump.
This man is set to become the next president of the US and he has the globalists in a spin, because they have lost their control over their power to appoint the next president.
Again, people voting for freedom and against the financial and social constraints of globalism creating a transfer of wealth from the middle class to the elitist super rich
The globalists want Hilary Clinton as president, a person that many voters in the US believe should be in gaol, because of her alleged breaches of US law.

Interestingly, Trump paid a visit to Scotland for talks with some Scottish leaders within the past two weeks.
This meeting was not widely reported by mainstream media, but obviously new political links are being forged, even before the US elections and BREXIT have been completed.
Trump is also opposed to the TPPA, so there will be benefit for Australia and a curtailment of some corporate intrusions.

i2P constantly reviews its perspective in regards to political activity and its effect on community pharmacy.
These recent events may slow down the global agenda involving Australian community pharmacy, giving more time to adjust strategies suitable for the survival of the style of pharmacy we want to deliver.
We still believe that leadership quality is deficient within pharmacy leader organisations, even compromised in areas that are directly involved with the Department of Health.
In practice, this means that unless the various organisations purge themselves of cultural practices based on selfishness and greed, new organisations will eventually evolve to fill gaps.
That will take time and a level of disunity.
Lack of direction and growth of the core business in pharmacy has been lacking for an entire (immediately previous) business cycle.

Government tends to complicate issues by creating charades (such as yet another review committee to investigate community pharmacy) to manipulate pharmacists into the globalist approach of rule by experts.

Long story short, i2P now believes that the King Review will support Location Rules because if Australian community pharmacy was to be opened up for global corporates to take over, they would want certainty in the market place, and government would extend that certainty to promote a global objective.

Open ownership is another situation entirely. New Zealand is being developed as the model for Australia where pharmacy practice will be regulated by individual licence holders. Licenced individuals need only to be responsible people (not necessarily registered pharmacists) and conditions can be placed on individual licences.

So we believe that recent moves by government to privatise procedural components of Medibank and PBS should be taken seriously.
That global pharmacy conglomerates such as Boots have been building a presence in Australia is no accident, and they would arrive in the market place with patient benefit organisations that could immediately privatise Medibank and PBS in total.

But few globalist planners factored in an uprising in the form of BREXIT and how it may eventually affect countries like Australia.
A diminishment of globalist power as it affects Australian community pharmacy would be expected to be a plus.
Any adverse effects economically will tend to concentrate at the “top end of town” and while there may be slowdowns in national growth, there will be more freedoms within community pharmacy to practice as it should.
As they say, “we live in interesting times”.
And it is election time so we have had to focus on politics in this edition before getting back on track with solutions for pharmacy.

Our lead article this week covers some speedily enacted Victorian legislation involving discrimination against some natural medicine modalities.
That the legislation imposes a set of standards much higher than mainstream medicine, it also sets up natural medicine as a permanent target by mainstream medicine.
This is a perfect example of the type of power that the UK has rebelled against in the form of BREXIT – and it needs to be stopped now!
17 traditional medicine modalities discriminated against

Independently, Gerald Quigley is asking similar questions and his perspective is one that challenges all pharmacists to think through what is happening “in plain sight”.
Politics and Health

Judy Wilyman has been harassed and tested virtually every day since she published her thesis regarding Australian vaccination policy.
She has tirelessly worked to ensure that Australian citizens are protected by sane, sensible and evidence-based process.
That she can illustrate how Australian bureaucracies can ignore their responsibilities and even break the law with impunity is astounding.
i2P has put together a compilation of recent comment and communications:

Let’s Apply a “BREXIT” to Australian Vaccination Policy

In light of recent events it was inevitable that a political response was need by Natural Health Practitioners to enable their message to be heard by our politicians.
But the policies of the newly formed Health Australia Party (HAP) actually encompass Allied Health, including Pharmacy.
I have been given the privilege of helping to formulate policy within HAP for their entire centralist agenda – the health of all aspects of Australia (not just limited to human health)
It is interesting that the most difficult policy suggestions for me have been that of pharmacy.
This aspect remains incomplete for me at this moment because pharmacy policy within the profession is not cohesive for future direction, with elements locked down and skewed by leader organisations themselves.
It was interesting to see the Australian Medical Association come out strongly and with vitriol against HAP, suggesting that they feel threatened that they have a contender to deal with in “health policy”.
Even though their turf is “illness management”.
i2P talks to Health Australia Party (HAP) Senate candidate Kathryn Breakwell

And closely following on, the new national president of HAP, Professor Kerry Bone, elaborates on the newly-formed HAP and the gaps it will fill.

He comments on the perceptions being levelled at HAP by the medical mafia, a subset and vital component of the global sector.
For those who really follow and understand how mainstream medicine is manipulated and in turn, forces its constituents and associates to follow a particular agenda, then you would understand the need for natural practitioners in particular, to be able to defend themselves.
But HAP will exist for all health professionals without being judgemental.
Why is there a need for the Health Australia Party (HAP)?

With space at a premium for this issue and certainly no shortage of political news and views for this edition, we have created a Recent News to accommodate some of the overflow.
Make sure you check out some of these interesting items.
Recent News Items

And we finish this edition with a range of media releases from pharmacy leader organisations:

PSA:  PSA Media Releases – 1. Dorothy Lucardie receives OAM 2. First Pharmacist Vaccination in Vic 3. Everyone Responsible to Reduce Antibiotic Resistance 4. Joe Demarte re-elected president 5. Early career pharmacist appointed to national board

ASMI: ASMI Media Releases – 1. ASMI Congratulates PSA Leadership 2. ASMI Welcomes Preventive Health Support by Opposition 3. New NZSMI President Congratulated

NPS: NPS Media Releases – 1. National Antibiotic Use Report 2. Australian Prescriber

Enjoy your read for this edition and please add any comment to the panel below each article.

Neil Johnston
i2P E-Magazine
Monday 27 June 2016

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