




Computachem Services endeavours to create usable “Knowledge Products” which can convert to Intellectual Property Assets that have value sufficient to generate income streams for end users.
A unique knowledge product can be patented which protects its value and allows it to be used by others as a component of their own professional services, usually under some form of licence.

Personalised knowledge products may manifest as systems that enhance a pharmacist’s ability to market themselves to prospective employers (particularly recently graduated pharmacists) because they have that “extra something” that allows them to stand out from the crowd and offer the promise of generating revenues for a pharmacy above existing levels.
A solid “core” of knowledge products can allow you to contract to patients, pharmacy proprietors or other industry organisations in the format of your own service business

Knowledge products can be tailored for patients, associates, managers, pharmacy proprietors, pharmacy staff and students.
They can be delivered to a variety of settings – your pharmacy, your home, online, email in-box, telephone or by teleconference.
Knowledge transfers usually occur one-on-one, but occasionally will utilise a group interaction.

The various delivery techniques are illustrated in the diagram below.
They are all similar to each other, but each technique has its own nuances that distinguish one from the other.

KnowledgeTransfers (2)Delivery Techniques:

1a. Opinion
Opinions can be offered based on experience or can be given as a considered opinion after additional research.
An opinion is a favoured tool of the medical and legal professions.

Cambridge online dictionary defines it as:
a thought or belief about something or someone;a judgment made by an expert (My doctor has referred me to a specialist for a second opinion on the results of my blood test.)

1b. Advice
Advice could be regarded as the next step after becoming the beneficiary of an opinion, except that it gives specific directions.
Cambridge Online Dictionary defines it as:
 an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation

2. Career Counselling
Computachem Services believes that as soon as a pharmacy student graduates, they should map out a career plan as a formal document. This not only makes you think about where you want to be at a point in time, but alerts you to all the intermediate steps as well.
It could include undertaking a range of post-graduate courses to acquire required skills to achieve goals.
After all, if you were going to purchase a pharmacy later on, your lending bank would insist on you preparing a formal business plan before signing up for your loan.
It just makes common sense.
Cambridge Online Dictionary defines it as:
advice and information about what type of job someone could do or how they could progress to a better job


3. Mentoring
to help and give advice to someone who has less experience than you, especially in your job

4. Tutoring
to teach by working with one student or a small group, esp. one which needs special help

5a. Teaching
the job of being a teacher

5b. Learning
the activity of obtaining knowledge: This technique makes learning fun.For the first month in her new job she was on a steep learning curve(= she learned a lot quickly).›knowledge obtained by study: His friends praised his generosity, wit, and learning.

6. Coaching
to give special classes in sports or a school subject, especially privately, to one person or a small group

7. Consulting
giving advice on a particular subject


This page is being developed to link to short courses for personal development and education.
It will evolve over time to become a boutique training area tailored specifically to clients of Computachem Services.
Suggestions are always welcomed for the direction and content that people will find useful for their personal development.

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