The Opportunity Cost of Waiting
A recent report published by Harvard Medical School highlighted the following patient cost in attending a medical appointment:Total time involvement….121 minutes; which broke down to Travel time….37 minutes and Clinic time……84 minutes. Within the clinic time segment, only 20 minutes was spent with the doctor. Those figures, extrapolated to represent the entire US population amounted to…
Fast Food Leading the way – Annihilate Dispensing or Enhance it?
The fast food industry is rapidly moving to replace employees with robots to eliminate payroll, health benefits and human unreliability. It will prove to be a template for pharmacy evolution and it’s under way right now. Also, it’s very likely that, within your professional lifetime, you’re going to see a huge revolution in robotics. It…
Health Care Dissatisfaction
GE Healthcare Camden Group and Prophet on Wednesday published the results of a study that found about 81% of the people they surveyed are dissatisfied with their health care experience. While this is a US study i2P believes that a similar situation exists here in Australia. The study also found a gap between what providers…
Define Your Pharmacy Frustum
I was performing my regular reading of my emails when I came across the latest words of wisdom from Seth Godin. Seth always seems to read my mind, and his emails often cross over with a period of time when I may be thinking about a pharmacy problem, but finding difficulty in trying to express…
Blackmore’s New Flagship Store – Now There’s a Model for Pharmacy!
Blackmores have designed and opened an innovative flagship store that offers the complete wellbeing experience, with rooms for private consultations with qualified naturopaths, a modern ‘Mindful Ocean’ system to assess mindfulness, the Wellbeing Bar for food and drink tasting as well as offering the comprehensive Blackmores’ product range. Located on Level 5 of Westfield, Bondi Junction, the…
A Pharmacy Hub- Providing Advanced Patient Investigations and Linking to all Health Providers
In a recent i2P article a novel design and brand for a walk-in clinic was identified, and its rollout across the US. Its’ target market vision is 62,000 pharmacies – every single pharmacy operating within the US. (Read: Telehealth and Telemedicine – a major pharmacy opportunity in Healthspot Concept ). Of course, it will eventually land in Australia…
Telehealth and Telemedicine – Major Pharmacy Opportunities in Healthspot concept
Telehealth and telemedicine represent a significant opportunity for pharmacists and providers to partner on cutting-edge healthcare models, and pharmacy chains such as Walgreens and CVS are looking to embrace this technology in a big way. This new and quite disruptive technology (particularly for GP’s) has been adapted as a kiosk fitted with a range of…
Pharmacy Paradigm Shift is Occurring – Vision Still Needed
Australia needs a new vision for care models and funding to ensure healthcare remains sustainable and accessible into the future, according to a report published by the George Institute recently, following consultation with various health organisations. “The report recognises the growing burden of chronic disease as a driver in increasing health costs. Evidence of this…
Why Large Pharmacies Must Develop
Traditionally, when pharmacists reach a mature point in their business and practice development, they have looked to increase their success by adding a new pharmacy to their collection. And sometimes more than two pharmacies, expanding to the legal limit of five or six (or even more using creative investment practices). While the gross profit capacity…
Supermarket Comparisons – are they individually different?
i2P began reporting on Aldi well before they opened their first store in Australia and it has always been favourable. They are renowned for their constant attention to detail in designing their internal systems and their continual auditing of costs. They also tend to put cost savings back into their retail prices. And by putting…