PSA Media Releases – 1. Practitioner Development Committee 2. MMR Stage 1 course
1 September 2015 CommuniquÉ from the Pharmacy Practitioner development Committee The Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee (PPDC) met in early August 2015 and has continued to progress work on the review of the National competency standards framework for pharmacists in Australia. Key considerations of the PPDC included the following. Enhancing the domain on Leadership and management. …
ASMI Media Release – ‘Big Data’ promotes new insights
‘Big data’ promotes new insights,igniting innovation and competitive success 2 September, 2015 – “A combination of great data and strong analytics delivers powerful insights, enabling companies to deliver against current and predicted customer demands and preferences,” says Tim Trumper, Director of Quantium, a leading Australian data and analytics company. Tim Trumper will uncover the shifts…
NPS Media Release: Springtime hay fever: persevere to find effective treatment for seasonal allergies
As spring is upon us with a forecast of high pollen levels in parts of Australia this season, and hay fever sufferers once again lamenting the blooming of flowers and blowing of dry winds, NPS MedicineWise is reminding people suffering from their annual allergies to talk to a doctor or pharmacist to work out the…
Australian Pharmacy Council Media Release – APC Colloquium 2015 – the cake is baked!
26 August 2015 APC Colloquium 2015 – the cake is baked! The Australian Pharmacy Council’s 2015 Colloquium, “The Secret Ingredient: can we turn up the heat on experiential education”, was held on Tuesday 25 August in Canberra. The event bought together a variety of delegates from Australia and New Zealand as well as a number…
PSA Media Releases – 1. New RUM Project Manager 2. Strong Support for Practice Rx
August 28, 2015 PSA welcomes new Project Manager for RUM The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has welcomed the appointment of Victorian pharmacist Toni Riley as Project Manager of theNational Return and Disposal of Unwanted Medicines Limited (The RUM Project). Ms Riley will take over as the new Project Manager from September 1, 2015, replacing Simon…
Monash research sets new record for generation of fuels from sunlight
Researchers at Monash University have designed a solar fuel generating device that has established a new record in energy efficiency for the production of solar fuels. The new device can produce hydrogen fuel at 22% energy efficiency, breaking the previous record of 18%. Lead researcher Professor Leone Spiccia in the School of Chemistry at Monash…
PSA Media Releases – PSA calls for more research into medicinal cannabis
PSA calls for more research into medicinal cannabis August 14, 2015 The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia today released a position statement on the investigation of the potential therapeutic value of and therefore possible medicinal uses for cannabis. The PSA cautions that the document does not aim to address implications or barriers to the calls to…
Forefront – Primary role for community pharmacy
There is an ongoing need for genuine primary health care reform, and the Guild is actively playing a part in the national debate about the direction that reform needs to take. As part of this dialogue, a Guild delegation – including myself and National President George Tambassis – was pleased to meet this week with…
ASMI Media Release – ASMI Conference 2015
Register NOW! for the ASMI Conference 2015 Innovating to a Self-Care Future on 11 November 2015 Plan for the future with the latest game changing innovations and growth drivers for the consumer healthcare industry. This year ASMI is putting the spotlight on the key drivers of growth for consumer healthcare moving forward. Our speakers will look…
PSA Media Releases – PSA15 most successful PSA onshore conference to date
August 13, 2015 PSA15 most successful PSA onshore conference to date The recent PSA15 conference held in Sydney has emerged as the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s most successful onshore conference to date. Around 900 registrations were recorded for the event, a record for a PSA conference. Chief Executive Office of PSA Dr Lance Emerson said the success of the event would help shape…