EDITORIAL for Monday 13 June 2016
Welcome to the current edition of i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine dated Monday 13 June 2016. As I write, the Australian national elections draw closer, petitions arrive by email urging me to sign up to a range of urgent problems that seem to flow from a range of poor policy decisions (like the damage to…
A Patient’s Real Cost – Their time Involvement and a future cause for health system collapse
For some time we have seen media references portraying GP’s as overworked, becoming more stressed and now being underpaid due to the freezing of Medicare rebates. It seems GP’s have now been put on the same treadmill as pharmacists. Welcome to the real world that we pharmacists already inhabit! But what is not identified within…
Israel, has an ECOsystem not an EGOsystem
Editor’s Note: I have been building a resource on practical examples of collaboration that could act as a model and be absorbed into the pharmacy ecosystem. It was obvious to me some years ago that the process of collaboration is more than welding a clinical pharmacist to a GP’s hip and turning them loose into…
CORRUPTION IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL SECTOR: Why the Health Australia Party is needed
Editor’s Note: i2P first stumbled across the issue of corruption in the Pharmaceutical Industry about eight years ago and found issues that were simply unbelievable. The blatantly corrupt processes that were never reported in mainstream media pointed to complicity – both through cross investment and advertising revenues. Pharmacy itself has often been the victim of…
A Professional Conundrum
What a fascinating standoff has developed over the role of the pharmacist in advising on the use of complementary medicines. The Blackmore’s Institute is urging us to understand the complete medication profile of our patients, to ensure that we drive optimum health outcomes. Many of our patients fail to mention their complementary medicine use (often…
Marketing Focus – Miscellaneous Essays on Management & Marketing
BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS – NOW TRANSACTIONAL My, how things have changed. The nature of, and expectations for most business relationships in 2016 are now founded and valued on single transactions, and short-term relationships. Put aside the well crafted vision and philosophy statements about customer-centricity, client-driven and mutually rewarding strategic alliances. Reality is, that for…
A lesson in making mistakes
Try to remember the last time you uttered the words, “I made a mistake.” Was it painful? Expensive? Career-changing? Or therapeutic? When my kids were young, they used to sing along with a little ditty on “Sesame Street” that went something like this: “Everyone makes mistakes, so why not you?” That’s the wisdom of children…
PSA Media Releases 1. Pharmacists to “Next Level” 2. Healthcare Reforms must Match Pharmacist Potential
‘Taking pharmacists to the next level’ a key focus of PSA16 June 8, 2016 Improving pharmacists’ remuneration, the 6CPA Pharmacy Trial Program (PTP) and healthcare collaboration are key issues to be discussed at the flagship conference for the peak national body for pharmacists, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA). Embracing the theme Leading Pharmacy Innovation, the…
ASMI Media Releases – 1. Code of Practice Review 2. CM Research a Priority 3. Response to Four Corners Program
Annual Review of the ASMI Code of Practice 08 June 2016 ASMI is undertaking the annual review of our Code of Practice and as part of that review we are seeking suggestions for potential revisions to the Code. If you have any suggestions for how the ASMI Code of Practice might be revised, please complete…
NPS Media Releases 1. Prescriptions & Drug Seeking Behaviour 2. Latest Australian Prescriber 3. What’s Next after Metformin?
1 JUNE 2016 Dealing with prescription drug-seeking behaviour The latest issue of Australian Prescriber raises awareness of the challenges of dealing with people seeking prescription drugs. Dr Jenny James, Medical Coordinator for the Substance Misuse Program at the Sydney West Aboriginal Health Service, calls for all GPs to develop practice policies that clearly state their approach to…