EDITORIAL for Monday 15 May 2017

Welcome to the current edition of i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine dated 15 May 2017.
Most people are becoming aware of the changes occurring rapidly within the mainstream media organisations – particularly print media.
You would also be familiar with the term “fake news” which has had an increased profile during the recent US presidential elections.

Fake news results when major media organisations become so financially enmeshed with global corporate organisations that they believe they can actually fabricate “news” as a means of controlling the thought processes of otherwise intelligent individuals and use this control to protect their corporate investors (many being majority shareholders in media).

The journalists that front for “fake news” have long left their ethical and moral compass behind and simply write what media owners instruct.
The Roy Morgan Image of Australian professions Survey ranks pharmacists equal second, with a rating of 84 percent.
Print media journalists are rated at 18 percent, which is illustrative of their collective problem.
These journalists are now colloquially known as “trolls”.
Dictionary.com defines a troll as:

“A person who posts inflammatory or inappropriate messages or comments on the Internet, (especially a message board), for the purpose of upsetting other users and provoking a response; or to upset or provoke other users by posting such messages or comments.”

Community pharmacy has its own personal troll in the form of Sue Dunleavy who works for the Daily Telegraph, one of the Murdoch media entities.

The world at large in the form of print media readers have already started a process of disengagement and instead have turned to a range of independent Internet news publishers who have turned the news-making business on its head.
In the US, independent media is credited for getting Donald Trump elected and the mainstream media is still reeling from the loss of their own compromised candidate in the form of Hillary Clinton.
As a reprisal, mainstream media teamed up with Facebook and Google to declare all independent news media as promoting “fake news” and disrupted the advertising revenue model that kept many of these entities afloat.
This shows the degree of control that has infiltrated society to the extent that democracy has almost lost one of its platforms – a free and investigative press.
Thank heavens for the rise of independents!

In Australia, print media continues to die as advertising revenues decline, keeping pace with the loss of readership.
Fairfax is a classic example currently and i2P will celebrate a similar event that will eventually overtake the Murdoch press (as well as Sue Dunleavy).
i2P is proud to be part of the independent media and was not disrupted financially, (but was placed on the Google “black” list), because it is a “not for profit” business model.

So we need not be concerned about Sue Dunleavy and need not give her any more oxygen as she gets her “fix” for the day by writing fake news stories about pharmacy.
She is irrelevant.
But official pharmacy needs to link in to a range of independent news publishers, some of which have very large reader numbers, to ensure that a positive message is broadcast to those people who have already marched with their feet.

One other positive associated with the rise of independent publishing is that we are now receiving high quality information resulting from their investigative journalists.
Some of these journalists have started their own publications or write their own blog material for re-posting through independent publishers.
i2P, for example, often publishes the work of Jon Rappoport, a US-based investigative journalist (and ex-mainstream media journalist), who shines the light on many topics “buried” by other media.
He has exposed and confirmed many outrages involving the vaccine industry and as a result of the efforts of Jon Rappoport and our own independent researcher (Dr Judy Wilyman) i2P has brought information to the attention of pharmacists they may never have had access to.
That community pharmacy has been manipulated by Big Pharma, mainstream media and politicians bought and paid for by global corporate “lobbyists” is alarming, but at least some of it is being exposed through the pages of i2P.

The rush of solid information relating to vaccine toxicity and injury is starting to flood our in-box, and in this edition we recommend all pharmacists to read the report of a study comparing the general health of vaccinated children to those who remain unvaccinated.
Believe it or not, this is the first valid study that reports on the efficacy of vaccines and the information is very relevant to those pharmacists who will be obtaining informed consent from patients, within their pharmacy-based vaccination programs.

I believe that this type of evidence may be influencing policy of the Australian Medical Association currently, and a recent article in MJA InSight:
 No Jab, No Pay: does it actually work?

It highlights some revision of policy thinking – even admitting that some of their views on herd immunity may have been a bit extreme.
They also point to a particular paper Perspective published in the MJA,
that would definitely be worth reading.

i2P also notes that medical cannabis is still being denied access to those who genuinely need it.
i2P was given information relating to a compassionate supplier of medical marijuana in South Australia that was raided by police and shut down.
One patient, a cancer patient, was being supplied by her sister who was initially able to get a supply and there were signs that the patient may have been turning the corner with her cancer.
But the police raided also the sister, who held a three month supply, and it was confiscated.
Sadly, the patient died about two weeks ago.
We also note that the parents who kidnapped their child from a Brisbane hospital after watching their vaccine-injured son endure 100+ fitting episodes per day, with doctors looking on helplessly.
They knew that the appropriate treatment would not be made available, but they also knew where to obtain a supply of medical cannabis.
For their efforts they had to endure police interference and hate mail on Facebook labelling them as “anti-vaxers”.
Are these the values that migrants, who wish to become naturalised citizens, have to sign up to?
Pharmacists, as a valued and embedded component of Australian communities need to become more activist in the communities they serve – because our times are becoming quite extreme and extraordinary!

Our lead article for this week highlights the fact that the Location Rules as they currently stand, are fast becoming meaningless.
They exist because of a public/private agreement in the form of the PBS which is at the end of its product life cycle.
While some stimulants can be applied to extend its life span, these are limited and there is no real future in fighting the inevitable.
The issue of Location Rules was never really an issue for government or pharmacy leadership organisations.
But it was an issue for new pharmacist owner-aspirants.
The issue of Location Rules is not over because it represents an opportunity to negotiate new public-private partnerships and redress the negative issues associated with the old Location Rule format.
Do our leaders have the necessary insights to achieve this?
Read: Location Rules Need to be Re-purposed

Gerald Quigley is back and is worried about patient care.
Care and genuine concern for a patient has similar or stronger weighting as a component of a patient’s treatment, as does the selection and recommendation of a drug or supplement.
The care and concern component humanises the patient health transaction and becomes valued by the patient as they more speedily recover to an anticipated health outcome.
 It is also the “glue” that cements a patient, and provides a value more prized than a simple discount off a product.
Do you put in the extra effort?
Read: Are we obsessed with numbers and forget who our patients are?

Harvey Mackay is back with a relevant article on mentoring.
Many pharmacists have experienced mentors for themselves, or may have accepted such a role for say, a student.
Mentoring is a tool for developing relationships at all levels.
In particular, pharmacist to student, pharmacist to pharmacist, and most importantly, pharmacist to patient.
As a communications tool, it can break down barriers and enable knowledge transfers. And as a method for developing patient health literacy it has an unlimited capacity.
Why are these concepts so little understood and not routinely applied by health professionals?
Read:  Mentoring Works Both Ways

The Orthomolecular News Service has sent us an article (written by a medical doctor) relating to the diminishment of curiosity as a component of a health practice.
The rise of “scientism” has been associated with a coalition of interests spread over Big Pharma’s, mainstream media, industrial agriculture, food processing and chemical industries as the main players.
Their collective agenda appears supportive, one to the other, and their collective needs involve “dumbing down” population groups and attacking any individual who dares to become curious and ask the simple question “Why?”.
Clinical nutrition is a recognised science and has a strong evidence base.
It fits well into a health model that is best described as Preventive Medicine, particularly when integrated with sound medical and pharmaceutical practice.
It is the model that fits best with Australian pharmacists and their patients.
Read:  MEDICAL CURIOSITY: Where Has It Gone?

Steve Jenkin, our IT writer, sent some material on a new malware threat.
He had forecast such an attack some time ago and wrote material for i2P.
Recently TV news went viral with the scope of this particular threat.
The threat was Ransomeware, a malware item that encrypts your files and you pay a “ransome” to have it decrypted.
The dollar amounts set by ransomware hijackers is always set at a level where it is cheaper to pay the ransom than to reconstruct your files.
Through embarrassment, this type of activity is not usually widely reported.
Do yourself a favour and ensure that someone in your organistion has on their position description “Back up all IT systems” and ensure that it is done.
Read:  Ransomeware Attacks Reported in Australia & Globally

i2P is pleased to announce that some quality education is now available through United in Compassion, a charitable organisation promoting the ethical use of medical cannabis . A none day course will be held on the 22nd June 2017 at Melbourne’s Crowne Plaza, and a symposium will be held on 23rd, 24th and 25th June at Melbourne’s Exhibition Centre

The normally hard-headed but sensibly rational Swiss government is going to legalise medical cannabis as well as recreational marijuana.
They will tax the latter as a form of (major) revenue.
This is the same government that investigated homeopathy and found that it had a beneficial effect on that country’s health budget.
Good information is starting to flow through respected sources, and that is beginning to “flesh out” the different and diverse benefits that can derive from medical cannabis use.
It can even be used for the treatment of autism – and that must give hope to the parents of vaccine-damaged kids.

i2P urges pharmacists to engage with cannabis and incorporate it into a primary health clinical practice.
Lobby, wherever possible for CBD oil and low-dose THC oils to be classified as Scedule 3 substances.
Read: Understanding Medical Cannabis 1. UIC Provides Quality Education 2.Switzerland to legalise cannabis 3. Multi-disciplinary cannabis research 4. Marijuana can treat autism 5. Gastric disorders?-use edible cannabis

Vaccines continue to be controversial and “no jab no pay” government policy is being found to be faulty, damaging to children and basically corrupt.
Sweden, on the other hand, is the latest country to recognise the flaws promoted by “Scientism” advocates for what they are and are legislating sensible policy.
The safe vaccination debate is continued here, despite the fact that it is not recognised by the extreme pro and anti-vax participants.
The pro-vax proponents sustain their immoral position with dishonest tactics and communications.
The anti-vax proponents also hold extremist views because vaccination principles are sound.
It is only the manufacturers who are the real villains in this drama because they continue to make unsafe vaccines and develop new vaccines without any formal evidence.
The consistent reports, submitted by Dr Judy Wilyman, illustrates clear examples of “Scientism”, a corrupt system of power that is permeating the entire medical spectrum of health delivery.
Read:  Safe Vaccination Debate 1. Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated: new study 2. Judy Wilyman Report

We finish our offering for this edition by publishing media releases from two pharmacy leadership organisations:

PSA – http://i2p.com.au/psa-media-releases-seven-new-releases/

ASMI- http://i2p.com.au/asmi-media-releases-new-research-has-minimal-implications-for-otc-painkillers-when-they-are-used-according-to-label-instructions/

We trust you enjoy our current offering and please respond to any issue raised through any article content by inserting comments in the panel provided at the foot of the article.

Neil Johnston
Editor, i2P E-Magazine
Monday 15 May 2017

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