Trust – It Always Has to be Worked at
Pharmacy always appears in national polls measuring trust, and always in the first three, with results for pharmacists, nurses and doctors all highly ranked and all close together. Trust is an elusive concept to quantify and when evaluating, only a subjective opinion can be formed as a measurement. But in human beings it is something…
Disruptive Technology for Patient Engagement
New technologies pave the way for innovation to drive business practices in pharmacy. Unfortunately, innovation appears to be a slow process in Australian pharmacies and as a result there is a pent-up frustration among young pharmacists that nothing is happening. On the other side of the coin there seems to be a majority of pharmacy…
Define Your Pharmacy Frustum
I was performing my regular reading of my emails when I came across the latest words of wisdom from Seth Godin. Seth always seems to read my mind, and his emails often cross over with a period of time when I may be thinking about a pharmacy problem, but finding difficulty in trying to express…
Marketing Focus 1. The Year of the Entrepreneur 2. A Black Star 3. Pursuit of Business 4. Digital-Era Local Marketing 5. The Digital Divide
It’s official. 2016 is the year of the Entrepreneur. Those looking for leadership, financial stimulation and a “leg-up” from government or the mining industry will be disappointed. In both instances for them the cupboard is bare. For the innovators the potential for financial rewards will be substantial – but as rare as genuine entrepreneurs. …
Creativity in the Workplace – It has to be made possible
Think about a place where creativity would be encouraged and nurtured. Did you envision an art studio, a theatre, or maybe a child’s playroom? All those places come to mind pretty easily, but I’m willing to bet there’s one place that didn’t, and that’s the pharmacy workplace. The traditional working life that many of us…
Leadership, Future Direction, Public Health and Triage Services
Most pharmacists recognise the need to expand their focus from dispensing to something wider. Community pharmacy is the most visible “face” of pharmacy, but its leadership struggles to keep its members focused on creative pathways that utilise the natural advantages of a community pharmacy – convenient location, health professional availability and access, a “core” duality…
The Dream of Owning Your Own Pharmacy
At one stage of my life I was a mentor to all students being hosted in the Northern Rivers region of NSW. I found the exercise quite stimulating, but I found that there was a single question from every mentee that was common to all. It was: “How do I get to own my own…
Pharmacy Paradigm Shift is Occurring – Vision Still Needed
Australia needs a new vision for care models and funding to ensure healthcare remains sustainable and accessible into the future, according to a report published by the George Institute recently, following consultation with various health organisations. “The report recognises the growing burden of chronic disease as a driver in increasing health costs. Evidence of this…
3D Drug Printing Becoming Commercialised for Pharmacy Use
The initial burst of enthusiasm that followed a laboratory experiment in the printing of drugs using 3D-technology, was in turn, followed by a hiatus that was due to the problems (needing solutions), of getting the product to market, and registered through the FDA, TGA etc. One of the first companies to emerge with proven functional…
The Opportunity for Pharmacist Provided Triage Services
Triage, is a word derived from the French verb trier, which means to separate, sift or select. It is really a management process and management consultants constantly use the system to make management systems more efficient. It can can be applied to any workflow component of a pharmacy, and so the word has slightly different meanings depending on…