EDITORIAL for Monday 30 April 2018

Welcome to the current edition of i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine dated Monday 30 April 2018.
For some time we have been receiving reports of health issues associated with radiation from electronic devices (such as mobile phones, Wi-Fi installations, electrical equipment,including smart meters and appliances, plus medical imaging equipment).
Information from independent media indicates that even very low radiation levels can damage human DNA resulting in serious medical conditions such as cancer and inflammatory disorders of the brain.
There is now a new name for the problem of electronic pollution – “electrosmog” or “E-Smog”.

A more alarming report has also been released through independent media as follows:

“Journalist Curtis Waltman filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Washington State Fusion Center (which is partnered with Department of Homeland Security) to obtain information about Antifa and white supremacist groups; instead of getting information on how the agency targets the groups, he got way more than the information he was looking for – Curtis was accidentally sent a mysterious file with the label “EM effects on human body.zip.”
The file included methods of “remote mind control,”

These methods of mind control resemble the CIA program MKULTRA  which was supposedly shut down by a special US government committee(Church committee) after investigation of this, and other mind control programs.
They also included mind control through use of EMF radiation that was beamed directly at the skull so that the recipient could “hear” specific messages remotely transmitted.
This segment was titled the “Voice of God” program.

The goals of MKULTRA were to break down human beings both physically and mentally, and modify and control their behavior as well as test chemicals on people for research purposes.
These means included but were not limited to, hypnosis, chemical, biological and radioactive exposure.
President Bill Clinton was forced to apologise after parts of these programs were revealed to have been continuing after the Church Committee Hearings and they were caught running experiments on Africans under the Tuskegee experiment.
What is even more concerning is the global proposal being developed for a 5G mobile network that will involve EMF transmission from low-level electric light poles virtually flooding large numbers of populations with health-damaging radiation.

As investigative journalist Jon Rappoport notes in his article in this edition of i2P, the 5G network is being established through intense lobbying of governments to dilute regulations surrounding microwave towers to an unsafe model damaging to human health, seemingly for purposes of control rather than for any other real benefit.
Considering Australia has spent $’s multi-million on a yet to be completed NBN Internet system, why should 5G be even a consideration?

Alarm bells began ringing for i2P for we have recently reported on global drug company interest in holographic imaging delivered by a mobile phone, with the image able to deliver diagnostic and drug information directly to a patient in a health professional’s clinical space via an EMF mind altering radiation pathway.
In other words, messages transmitted by the “Voice of God”.

That is to say, we have a system even more powerful than direct-to-consumer TV advertising and it appears to be another step in the direction of a one-world global corporate government.

On another issue, medical cannabis, it appears that one European country, Germany, has pragmatically pushed aside all obstructions and obfuscation in introducing medical cannabis into its mainstream health program.
Germany now leads the world in recognition of the benefits of this plant molecule and is already reaping dividends in focusing on a single condition – epilepsy.
Germany has a system similar to the Australian PBS system and allows GP’s to write prescriptions for medical cannabis without cumbersome restriction and has patients able to have those prescriptions dispensed for a cost of $12.
Germany has approximately 30,000 patients currently using medical cannabis and is returning $3,000 per patient, per annum, back to taxpayers, due to savings from the cost of synthetic drugs no longer needed.

Our lead article for this edition outlines a range of reasons for pharmacists to proactively pursue a sensible access to the medical cannabis market.
This market holds the potential to stimulate research, education, marketing and investment opportunities across the entire profession.
It is also a market that government needs to invest in for if they looked at a pharmacy-driven business model for this compound, they stand to gain $’s millions in PBS savings, plus stimulate employment through job generation by local growers and manufacturers.
Pharmacists also need to look beyond a community pharmacy investment and turn their attention to the supply chain, both growing and manufacturing, to ensure a sustainable future for pharmacists and their patients, creating an economical market price and a supply without disruption.
The ideas discussed in this article are meant to kick-start a pharmacist-led innovation.
Components discussed are already in use around the globe but they still need to be assembled for Australian conditions before they could be construed as practical and sustainable.
Read: Pharmacist Investment Opportunity – Medical Cannabis Growing & Manufacturing

Gerald Quigley is back to describe a patient engagement tactic that can create an initial patient contact as an important strategy component. 
The structured patient interview starts the process. 
But patient reinforcement through the use of a written prescription is the permanent reminder to the patient of your professionalism and quality of care. 
Going the “last mile” will always remain etched in a patient’s memory, so the strategy for having a patient return to you exclusively for the next clinical engagement is almost guaranteed.
Read: “Recommendation Prescriptions

WHO has made a statement saying that cannabis should be decriminalised world-wide because existing laws cause health discrimination.
In Australia, patients are being actively discriminated against as police are instructed to enforce existing laws and close down “illegal” supplies, leaving critically ill people with no workable solutions for their health problems.
Flawed health policy generates bad laws and lowered community respect for policy and laws.
Yet again, Pharmacy is in a position to provide solutions very simply and simultaneously create opportunity for the profession to treat chronically ill patients efficiently and economically.
Pharmacy leaders need to be proactive in the regulatory area because other health professionals are actively competing to lock pharmacy out of any opportunity whatsoever.
Potential for pharmacists is found in the compounding of THC and CBD in specific ratios to match the best result for patients with chronic illness.
Further pharmacist potential also lies in using cannabinoids in harm minimisation programs involving opioid dependencies and as an adjunct for the management of pain.
Pharmacists also need to be active and have a voice in the regulation of these substances ensuring that maximum patient access can be obtained through the application of Schedule 3 of the Poison’s Act.
Read: Understanding Medical Cannabis – 1. Australia21: Concerned about The Greens — and even doctors — going ‘soft’ on cannabis? 3. Cannabis Tech: The Awakening Of The German Cannabis Market

The science is settled”.
So say the people who promote vaccination as some form of extreme medical ideology.
Scientism is settled” is a more accurate description of the manipulation of the science surrounding vaccines – and it is certainly “unsettling” to hear the dishonest claims that blare out in all forms of media.
First do no harm” is the concept that underwrites all medical practice.
Australian vaccination policy is so poor and damaging, that it beggars belief that legislators can be so close to manufacturer sales objectives as to guarantee them a market through coercive legislation that involves simultaneous removal of patient choice.
The evidence supporting vaccine policy failure and its lack of safety is becoming so voluminous that it will eventually destroy the unnatural power alliance that desperately tries to hold it all together.
The Safe Vaccine Debate – 1. Dr Judy Wilyman Report – Open Letter & Newsletter #197 2. Robert Kennedy’s World Mercury Project: Merck Accused of Fraud, Deceit and Negligence in US Gardasil Case 3. Elizabeth Hart: OverVaccination


Jon Rappoport is a well-known US based investigative reporter.
In his current article he raises concerns regarding the indiscriminate use of devices that rely on EMF radiation.
He describes the “lunacy” of the 5G mobile phone development without regard to actual need or respect for human health.
I2P believes that EMF is being developed for mind control programs that could eventually involve bypassing professional patient communications through qualified health professionals, who will be displaced by robotic databases.EMF programs are at best “sinister” and at the next level are controlling to a level that threatens personal freedoms.
5G wireless: a ridiculous front for global control

Harvey Mackay is back with an article on survival through humour.
Sometimes the only stress relief available is a good laugh, so it is good therapy to hang out with cheerful and humorous people.
Given that Auustralian current affairs programs delivered by television are rather grim by nature these days, is it any wonder that the most successful of these types of programs are those that have one or more professional comedians employed for a lighter rendition of news delivery.
Translate that model to pharmacist-delivered health literacy programs, and with practice, you could be seen by patients as the clinician worth seeing.
Read: Every Survival Kit Should  Include A Sense Of Humor

Barry Urquhart is back with his broad perspectives of a world outside the confined space of pharmacy.
He brings concepts that can be adapted by pharmacists to enhance their own practice experience.
For example, he writes about access.
What does that mean to you -how do you access your patients?
Do you have a limited access due to the obstructive tactics by other health professions?
Or do you have a range of tactics to support the overall strategy of “accessing patients and engage with them”.What are your thoughts?

And we conclude our offering for this edition with a press release from one pharmacy leadership organisation.

NPS – NPS Media Releases – How is your CPD going?

We hope you enjoy reading our content and please enter in the debate by posting a comment in the panel provided at the foot of each article.

Neil Johnston
Editor i2P E-Magazine
Monday 30 April 2018

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