What Donald Trump and The Noosh Have in Common
I’ve been thinking about Donald, God, Goofy, and 10. Someone said, ‘The difference between God and Donald Trump is that God knows he is not Donald.’ If God Almighty is the all-knowing judge of all mankind, Mr. Trump seems hell-bent on usurping the bench, declaring everyone else wrong and stupid in oft-ungodly terms. Recently, after declaring…
Pineapple Express – A Retail Store Concept for the Sale of Marijuana
Editor’s Note: The Pineapple Express has engaged design firm, The McBride Company, to envision the future of cannabis culture (and consumerism). While the laws in the US are completely different to Australia (some states in the US allow recreational use of marijuana) it is not beyond expectation that a similar culture will emerge in Australia.…
Marketing Focus – Essays in Management & Marketing
1. “We are family”. Three small words. But not a three-word slogan. Collectively, they represent a force of nature in society and business. The importance and power of the phrase were brought home to me at a nephew’s 50thbirthday party. He shared with his guests that he and I had had a counselling session when…
Why are educated parents choosing not to use all the recommended vaccines?
I feel it is time to start properly fighting for our health rights. The Australian government has recently removed the right for many Australians to choose how many vaccines they use in their children by implementing coercive welfare legislation. Similar legislation is also being adopted in many workplaces for adults. Yet there has been no…
A Healthy Relationship?
The 2nd Annual Blackmore’s Institute Symposium 2015, held in Melbourne late last month, was titled “Translating Research into Practice”. The speaker line-up was impressive, as their workbook states, “catering for the clinical needs of a wide spectrum of healthcare professionals, including general practitioners, pharmacists, naturopaths, nutritionists and complementary medicine practitioners”. I was therefore surprised at…
Our Thinking and Thought Leadership is Reflected
I2P has long espoused that community pharmacy has deep roots embedded in patient centering and engagement and has won all of its “stripes” on the basis of all the things that our antecedents did right. Those “roots” were responsible for our unique style of “over-the-counter prescribing” as well has building a market in compunded prescriptions…
You really can buy happiness
We’ve all heard the old adage that you can’t buy happiness. Well, it turns out that’s not exactly true. You actually can buy happiness – when you spend your money or your time on others. Does that come as a surprise to anyone? It’s true for individuals and companies alike. Corporations and organizations often…
Phoctors and Docpharms
In these days of constant change or business disruption we often find ourselves in a constant state of anxiety. This is not good for mental health and is probably the underlying reason why mental health issues have shown such a massive increase across the spectrum of entire populations, over the past five years As a…
Health Fund Managed Care – Will it be a short-term positive or a long-term negative for Pharmacy
There seems little doubt that the Australian government is setting out to introduce a US style of healthcare management using health funds to “front” for some of their objectives. Despite the fact that the US has the worst health system in the world (as well as the most expensive), government seems to think that by…
I’ve Been Thinking – She should have been home for Christmas too
I’ve been thinking about drugs, wars, Christmases, and your hospital (the one you work in and/or the one you go to as a patient). On my daily walks, I’ve been listening to Laura Hillenbrand’sUnbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption. I’m at Christmas of 1943—the year Bing Crosby’s newly recorded “I’ll Be…