EDITORIAL For Monday, 21 September 2015 – Includes News of Missing Pharmacist, Belinda Lee
Welcome to this weeks’ i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine dated 21 September, 2015. This week we see a health precinct concept launch called Healthspot that has been taking shape around the world prior to this US launch in various formats, but with rapid development and testing over the past four years. I am talking about…
Telehealth and Telemedicine – Major Pharmacy Opportunities in Healthspot concept
Telehealth and telemedicine represent a significant opportunity for pharmacists and providers to partner on cutting-edge healthcare models, and pharmacy chains such as Walgreens and CVS are looking to embrace this technology in a big way. This new and quite disruptive technology (particularly for GP’s) has been adapted as a kiosk fitted with a range of…
The Concept of a Precinct Pharmacy – a Different Form of Collaboration
We are all aware of the changing dynamics with our own profession of Pharmacy and the fact that it is a global phenomenon, even where different health funding models exist. We have seen the rapid growth of Retail Clinics in the US after a decade of evolution. The now accepted model is showing a high…
Social Services Legislation Amendment (No Jab, No Pay) Bill 2015
Here is the link to the Australian government’s new Social Services Legislation Amendment (No Jab, No Pay) Bill 2015. This bill was presented in parliament and referred to the Senate Community Affairs Committee for inquiry and report on 17 September 2015.Submissions for this inquiry must be made before 16 October 2016. The reporting date for the…
Vaccine Mechanism of Harm Exposed in Gardasil Vaccine
L-Histidine + Injection = Histamine Release + Excess Histamine Excess Inflammation = Histamine Intolerance? There are times in our lives when it seems like we come full circle in our findings. This is one of those times for me. Early on in my research into the HPV vaccines I knew that the L-Histidine, which is…
Use GPS System to Chart to Course
It’s getting easier and easier to navigate the highways and byways through the magic of GPS – Global Positioning System. The service is in your car, your phone, your tablet, your watch. You are running out of excuses for not getting to where you want to go. Wouldn’t it be great if such a tool…
Pharmacy Council of NSW News – September, 2015
TABLE OF CONTENTS • Pharmacy Council News, September 2015 • 2015 Election of local pharmacist members to the Pharmacy Council of NSW • Meet your Council • Opiates, criminal activity and pharmacies • Loophole closed: PBS and non-PBS dispensing • Dispense repeats from duplicate prescriptions • Another potential compounding disaster in the United States •…
PSA Media Releases – 1. Understanding Biosimilars 2. Crimestoppers – Missing Person
September 17, 2015 PSA seeks consensus to promote understanding of biosimilars The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia believes a consensus Australian document on terminology and definitions relating to biological medicines, including biosimilar medicines, should be developed as a priority to promote accurate and common understanding of this subject. In its Biosimilar medicines position statement, released today,…
ASMI Media Releases – Mobilising Australia’s Healthcare
Mobilising Australia’s healthcare sector to bring about generational change in service delivery 14 September 2015 – “We are on the cusp of a generational change in healthcare policy, driven by powerful external forces making governments rethink the way healthcare services are delivered,” said Robert Lippiatt, Convenor of Australia’s Self Care Alliance and a speaker at…
NPS Media Release – Opioid Prescribing
The pitfalls of opioid prescribing – what prescribers need to know 18 SEPTEMBER 2015 In an online-first article for Australian Prescriber, Dr Walid Jammal and Ms Grace Gown urge prescribers to recognise that opioid prescribing can lead to patient harm as well as pose medicolegal risks. The authors, from medical indemnity provider Avant Mutual Group…