Organisational Styles of Management – Some Charting Views
One of the criticisms that i2P has leveled at pharmacy proprietors/managers and their leadership body, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia is their style of management. It has always been a top down hierarchical style that is slow-moving and now out of date. It concentrates excessive power at the executive end of the organisation, with members…
PPRx – Are We One Family?
I have often reiterated that sometime in the recent past, pharmacists were a unified bunch, and supported each other no matter what their status or their leadership organisation. In those times leadership mostly occurred through the Pharmacy Guild of Australia (PGA) taking on an all-embracing attitude, with members treating their employed pharmacists with respect and…
2015 – a New Year Breakthrough
We are at the end of another tumultuous year. As I write there is a hostage negotiation under way in the Lindt chocolate cafe in Martin Place in Central Sydney CBD. It’s hard to concentrate and we are certainly living in more violent times. Who knows – this time next year we might be giving…
Medicines That Matter – Drug Schedules Administered by Pharmacists
It’s taken a long time for pharmacy proprietors and their leadership body to take a good look and this sector of medicines and actually do something with it. But at least it is being reviewed and that has to be a plus. Another sector, with only a handful of scheduled items within it is the…
Remote Interviews Made Easy with Speakset
Planners in health have considered alternatives for helping people “age in place”, living in their own home for as long as they are able. In this technological age we are inundated with “apps” that engage with existing electronic items, principally mobile phones. One new item that could fit into a “pharmacy-in-the-home” project is the UK…
Important Breakthrough in Clinical Room Design
Research has shown that clinical services can be inhibited in pharmacy in the introductory phase of development if the elements of good marketing and management are missing. Marketing is a “communicator” element and the technique of telling a story that communicates the new culture of pharmacy is extremely important. Services are like products and have…
Own Your Own Work to Build Patient Trust
We now live in a world of science that most of us did not know or even understand when we finished our studies within pharmacy schools at various universities around Australia. Unfortunately that science is now tinged by corruption of evidence by Big Pharma and skewed to an extreme by medical skeptics seemingly supporting orthodox…
Preventing Medical Errors with Proven Bar-Code Technology
Bar-code technologies, which have proven effective at points-of-sale in stores and during order-fulfillment in warehouses are preventing errors at points-of-care and during medication preparations in hospitals. A US television commercial for Berlitz language courses begins with a senior officer briefing a draftee on how to man the station before leaving him on his own. No…
A Pharmacy Industry Model
Celesio is a leading international wholesale and retail company and provider of logistics and services to the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. It is a German company with headquarters based in Stuttgart. The proactive and preventive approach ensures that patients receive the products and support that they require for optimum care. With some 39,000 employees, Celesio…
Perceived Hurdles For Clinical Services Published
Recent reports in various media cited research done in respect cardiovascular disease and pharmacist involvement delivered as a paid clinical service provided from a pharmacy environment. The research was undertaken by the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Pharmacy which conducted in-depth interviews with 21 NSW community pharmacists, based around the feasibility of a cardiovascular disease…