Print your own medicine – a $9 million 3D printing research and development hub opens in Melbourne
If I was back in my early 40’s, and including the energy levels I had back then, I would certainly not be wasting my time about the latest political “spin doctoring” from pharmacy organisations or government. It is so much a waste of time. I would be looking to harness the latest in scientific research and…
Electronic Shelf Labelling – a Nucleus for your own Local Area Marketing System
Developing technology for retail shelf pricing is being presented in an e-paper format. Originally, this type of labelling was invented using LCD displays, but it was fuzzy and indistinct, with an inability to handle graphics, logos etc.A new version known as ESL (electronic shelf label) uses a combination of e-paper and e-ink. This new system…
Precision Medicine – Pharmacy needs to get a move on
Primary health care teams in the US are currently being considered for the promotion of personalised medicine based on gene analysis. This has to be pharmacist territory, but given the time lag of pharmacist leadership organisations, Australian pharmacists may again miss the boat by not having decentralised training systems to be able to deliver suitable…
3D-Printed Liver Cells Commercially Available
I’ve sometimes wondered, though, why people care so much about space when there are so many real problems back on Terra. One company that is attempting to improve the quality of life on Earth is Organovo. This year will be described in history books as the year that the first 3D printed liver cells were…
Future Pharmacy Starting From a Compound Base
Pharmaca is a US-based integrative pharmacy company that has developed a pharmacy model which could be adapted to an Australian “future pharmacy” model. Basically, it is a compounding pharmacy first, with outreach into evidence-based complementary medicine (hence they are integrative medicine specialists) plus a retail segment. By US standards it is a small to medium…
Telemedicine – Promising Opportunities For Clinical Pharmacists
As technology floods nearly every sector of the US economy and there is a move to convert providers from a fee-for-service model to one that reimburses based on patient outcomes, healthcare executives are gearing up for the industry’s next monumental shift. Telemedicine. The reality is that telemedicine is not a distant possibility. While few for-profit…
Patient Engagement Involves a Knowledge Exchange
Knowledge exchange occurs when a clinical pharmacist uses best evidence to inform a patient on which direction to take to create a good health care outcome. Knowledge exchange is about sharing knowledge freely to make a difference in health outcomes for patients. During the knowledge exchange the pharmacist uses mentoring processes to act firstly as…
Patient Engagement is Patient Management and Customer Conversion
How often do you openly engage with a patient, particularly when you have a busy dispensing schedule under way and the order in your day is rapidly becoming “disorder”. Eyes averted, you bend your head to avoid eye contact, because that would extend patient engagement, and with that, your day suddenly just deteriorated a shade…
Rite Aid has the Rite Pharmacy Model for Australia.
It’s nice to have your own research confirmed elsewhere in the world of pharmacy. i2P have long been talking about a “whole of pharmacy” approach to delivering clinical services. Every single aspect of a community pharmacy must dovetail, one with the other so that there is a sustainable effect for the whole. Core Business =…
Pop-Up Stores might Provide Pharmacy Marketing Opportunity
With a range of retail store becoming vacant because of economic distress, new opportunities present by being able to rent the front windows of these stores at low rentals. Outdoor industry insights reveal that this can create a marketing opportunity for pharmacies. The idea is not new and real estate agents and investors have started…