OHMS – Reducing Fluoride Exposure
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, December 12, 2014 How to Reduce Exposure to Fluoride by Stuart Cooper, Fluoride Action Network (OMNS Dec 12, 2014) When fluoride was first added to water in the 1940s, in an experiment to prevent tooth decay, not a single dental product contained fluoride: no fluoride toothpastes, no fluoride mouth rinses, no…
Functional Medicine – Embracing All That Is Needed in Health
Functional Medicine is a system that addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It talks about cures rather than just management and embraces all that is evidence-based in integrative medicine and other complementary medicine modalities. It is an evolution in health practice…
Expect 6000 more Australian deaths if pollution rises to ‘safe’ threshold
A leading pollution expert is warning Australian governments not to use the existing national pollution standards when assessing new infrastructure projects.The National Environment Protection Measures (NEPM) has set maximum daily limits, or ‘standards’, for six key outdoor pollutants, which QUT‘s Associate Professor Adrian Barnett says many authorities wrongly assume to be ‘safe’ thresholds for health. To test that…
Xenon UV light robot kills surface Ebola in two minutes – why doesn’t every hospital have one of these?
While vaccine makers and drug companies are rushing to bring medical interventions to the market that might address the Ebola pandemic, there’s already a technology available right now that can kill surface Ebola in just two minutes in hospitals, quarantine centers, commercial offices and even public schools. This would help control the spread of the…
Deprescribing – the New Kid on the Block!
When I see words such as “deprescribing” I immediately think of advertising spin and the need to address our “sick” society. And make no mistake, these new spin words are introduced through the medical profession to highlight doctors as “good guys” and pharmacists as “bad guys”. “Deprescribing” is simply overprescribing inappropriately by doctors, directly creating…
Lifting the Toxic Curse
Humans haven’t just poisoned the planet with potentially dangerous chemicals, we’ve also poisoned ourselves. So why is no one talking about it? Something more sinister than climate change stalks the human future – and it is high time we gave it the same attention. Few people have any idea of the universal chemical deluge to…
Ice Buckets Aren’t The Cure For Motor Neurone Disease
Give a person an opportunity for a photo and it’s on for young and old! Celebrities, industry and professional leaders, KOLs , politicians current and has-been’s……the list is endless. Let’s stop pretending that pouring ice on ourselves means anything until we can acknowledge the research that some of the causes and cures for motor neurone…
Complementary Medicines Advance Market Share
Mainstream medicine manufacturers have a continuing headache with the growth of complementary medicine sales in Australia. And because this is happening, mainstream medicine, through its front-promoter medical organisations, continues to hammer the mantra about lack of evidence and pressure on regulators to prevent the sale of complementary medicines because of a supposed lack of evidence…
Major Contaminants in Wine
Environmental health has become such a major issue that it is now overwhelming health practitioners globally in respect of identifying symptoms, their chemical origins, their immediate treatment and how to program future avoidance. Being in the front line, it is an issue that community pharmacy, in particular, must embrace. Yet there is no education in…