New Paradigm Pharmacy Design
Pharmacy Workplaces are fairly sterile places to work in as regards to interaction with co-workers and fulfilment for patients and customers. Design improvement is one of the last items generally considered when setting up a pharmacy because there are many models to view and adapt that are already developed, and can be readily copied. But…
Your Future Pharmacy – there are choices
Pharmacies have always existed in different formats to give customer or patient choices. Physical size has been one of these determinants, but does size really matter? Pharmacy, as an industry has relied on the PBS as being the centre of its universe. In so doing, pharmacists have skewed pharmacy practice to becoming overwhelmingly geared towards…
Pharmacy Inertia is Crippling Development – Build Clinical Spaces and Move into your Local Area Market Plan
I was standing at the reception counter at my local GP waiting to make an appointment for my next visit. It was a hive of activity with conversations animatedly occurring all around me. It was obviously going to be a bit of a wait before I got my turn and I started to observe more…
Apple’s Genius Bar – an Opportunity for Pharmacy
We have written about the Apple Genius Bar before, and its transformation into a “health bar” in the UK-based Lloydspharmacy. We have also previously commented on how similar it was to the pre-1960’s pharmacy counter and how it was private enough then for pharmacy patients. For Apple, the Genius Bar has been a great success story…
Taking Pressure Away from the ED Lloydspharmacy Model
The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust in Greater Manchester has partnered with LloydsPharmacy to trial an innovative new pharmacy-led clinic at its busy North Manchester General accident and emergency department. As A&E departments across the country face unprecedented demand and continuing pressures, with mounting patient numbers attending for all sorts of conditions and complaints, the…
Print your own medicine – a $9 million 3D printing research and development hub opens in Melbourne
If I was back in my early 40’s, and including the energy levels I had back then, I would certainly not be wasting my time about the latest political “spin doctoring” from pharmacy organisations or government. It is so much a waste of time. I would be looking to harness the latest in scientific research and…
Electronic Shelf Labelling – a Nucleus for your own Local Area Marketing System
Developing technology for retail shelf pricing is being presented in an e-paper format. Originally, this type of labelling was invented using LCD displays, but it was fuzzy and indistinct, with an inability to handle graphics, logos etc.A new version known as ESL (electronic shelf label) uses a combination of e-paper and e-ink. This new system…
The Pharmore Demise – a Wake Up Call for All of Pharmacy
One of the saddest aspects of the shakeout that has been occurring in pharmacy over the past 18 months is that a new wave of businesses who have been treading water for that period, are now starting to go under water. One such company is Pharmore, a pharmacy marketing and management service entity that has…
Nuvola: floating a new Health & Beauty store concept into Saudi skies
Fiona Sartoretto Verna AIAPP Architect, landscape architect and painter Fiona has lived for several years in the United States where she worked on the East Coast. Married with two small daughters she travels all around the globe researching innovative concepts in retail pharmacy. She graduated with honors in Architecture, Faculty of Architecture “La Sapienza”, University…