Spread Ideas With Effective Visual Docs
While I was viewing this interesting slideshow it dawned on me that pharmacy communications had slipped badly because we had not embraced slidedoc communications with patients. Knowing the difference between a slidedoc and a slideshow presentation also helps. It also crossed my mind that patient information may be better served if it was designed in…
Remote Interviews Made Easy with Speakset
Planners in health have considered alternatives for helping people “age in place”, living in their own home for as long as they are able. In this technological age we are inundated with “apps” that engage with existing electronic items, principally mobile phones. One new item that could fit into a “pharmacy-in-the-home” project is the UK…
Nurse practitioners ‘fill a gap’ in aged care
Editor’s Note:Nurse Practitioners established themselves as independent practitioners with prescribing rights about 12 years ago.Since that date they have been exploring opportunities for an expanded nurse practitioner role. Pharmacists on the other hand, while capable of an independent role and actually demonstrating that role through the development of Home Medicines Reviews (and derivatives) have been…