Light Emitting Devices Cause Sleep Havoc
Pharmacists who specialise in providing Sleep Hygiene Advice now have another item to tick off to improve the sleep of their patients Use of a light-emitting electronic book (LE-eBook) in the hours before bedtime can adversely impact overall health, alertness and the circadian clock, which synchronizes the daily rhythm of sleep to external environmental time…
Insulin nasal spray shows promise as treatment for adults with dementia and Alzheimer’s
Editor’s Note: That a synthetic form of intranasal insulin improves Alzheimer’s Disease, in turn may prove to be due to lowering excess glucose levels in the brain. High brain glucose is known to be inflammatory and inflammation is thought to be one of the mechanisms causing Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia.A man-made form…
Lost memories might be able to be restored, suggests research into marine snail
New research indicates that lost memories can be restored, according to new research into a type of marine snail called Aplysia. The findings offer some hope for patients in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. For decades, most neuroscientists have believed that memories are stored at the synapses — the connections between brain cells, or…
Digitally enabled care is fundamental to quality care
Clinicians are more open to utilizing burgeoning healthcare technology as part of their practice, and patients are more receptive to interacting with that technology, according to a new PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Research Institute report released last month titled “Healthcare delivery of the future: How digital technology can bridge the gap of time and distance between clinicians…
Health Consumers Want Connected Devices
According to an A&D Medical survey released recently, more than half (56%) of Americans want to monitor their health with connected devices. It is thought that this trend might be mirrored in Australia, as the company also has a physical presence within Australia and US trends seem to be a forerunner for Australia. A&D Medical…
Albert Einstein – His Personal Credo
Recently, some personal records of Albert Einstein were released and more are being digitised for public access. i2P is publishing some of this material because he was such an interesting man of science. Albert Einstein considered himself a “loner” and did not believe in “free will”. In August 1932, Albert Einstein wrote “My Credo” in…
A History of Pharmacy in Pictures – a Culture Change Reference
While this slide presentation (at the foot of this text) leads into the history of US pharmacy, we all share a common heritage up to 1788, the birth year of European settlement in Australia. As part of understanding the culture of pharmacy, everyone needs to know their origins to be able to centre their own…
Spread Ideas With Effective Visual Docs
While I was viewing this interesting slideshow it dawned on me that pharmacy communications had slipped badly because we had not embraced slidedoc communications with patients. Knowing the difference between a slidedoc and a slideshow presentation also helps. It also crossed my mind that patient information may be better served if it was designed in…
Company Culture – Trends in 2015
We all visualise that we have a great company culture (if we are using a pharmacy company structure) and that everything is green in the garden. We are one big happy family. Are you sure about that? How do you develop and promote your culture? Are you aware that it is central to your success…
Mobile is Eating the World
Some of the figures for mobile phone use are staggering. The take home message is that you cannot avoid engaging mobile phones with your business/practice, or face a disruption that may prove almost impossible to reverse. Given that pharmacists were once avid users of technology and were some of the first to embrace the Internet,…