EDITORIAL – for Monday 12 November 2018
Welcome to the current edition of i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine dated Monday 12 November 2018. Since our last edition the world has exploded with a range of states and countries recognising cannabis as a valuable contribution to patient health. Unfortunately, some of this recognition comes with flawed policy engineered by global drug companies and…
Professional Services Home Outreach – Marketing the Program and Recruiting the Patients
Pharmacy–in–the–Home (PIH) outreach programs are lagging in community pharmacy because there are insufficient clinical service developments within the existing physical environment.It is hard to establish a PIH if you are unable to demonstrate what a prospective patient may find of value, particularly in the form of a clinical service or other service. So in taking a…
Do we Play a Role in the Nutritional Interventions in Children’s Asthma?
A clinical trial led by LaTrobe University has shown that eating fish such as salmon, trout and sardines as part of a healthy diet can reduce asthma symptoms in children. The international study found that children who followed a healthy Mediterranean diet enriched with fatty fish had improved lung function after six months. However, with…
Understanding Medical Cannabis – 1. cannabis tech: Getting Your Cannabis Grow Off To A Great Start 2. Cannabis Cheri: How did marijuana become illegal? 3. Forbes: How Tech Will Drive The Next Stage Of Cannabis Regulation
1. cannabis tech: Getting Your Cannabis Grow Off To A Great Start There’s nothing a cannabis cultivator enjoys more than harvesting the dense, fragrant buds at the end of a successful grow. However, getting there takes a touch of finesse, as well as an understanding of basic plant biology. Getting the early parts of the…
The Safe Vaccination Debate – 1. Elizabeth Hart’s Overvaccination: Latest Challenge to Cochrane re the Cochrane HPV Vaccine Review and the CDC’s Lauri Markowitz’ Involvement in this Compromised Review. 2. Dr Judy Wileyman Report:Newsletter 213 Australia’s Health Minister, Greg Hunt, is using False Information to Mandate Vaccines 3. Robert Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defence: How the CDC Uses Fear to Increase Demand for Flu Vaccines
1. Elizabeth Hart’s Overvaccination: Latest Challenge to Cochrane re the Cochrane HPV Vaccine Review and the CDC’s Lauri Markowitz’ Involvement in this Compromised Review. The global community is being badly let down by the media’s failure to to properly investigate and critically analyse international vaccination policy. From: Elizabeth Hart <eliz.hart25@gmail.com> Date: Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 8:07 PM…
OMNS- Preventing Falls- A serious matter: One in four falls in the elderly proves fatal.
Preventing Falls – A serious matter: One in four falls in the elderly proves fatal. Being a physician doesn’t qualify me as an expert on falling. But because I am 91 years old, I have mighty good motivation to keep learning. In my experience, many geriatrists (specialists in the problems of older people) seem to lack…
1. WHAT IS IT ABOUT OCTOBER? Volatility seems innate to this monthly time span. It does little good for consumer, investor and business confidence. References to terms like “corrections” are not reassuring. Overall, sentiments get infected. Seasoned executives, analysts and consultants have seen it all before, or have studied the dramatic downturns of the Great Depression…
Achieving Your Potential
A famous art professor died and went to heaven. At the Pearly Gates, the professor asked St. Peter, “Sir, I spent most of my life on earth studying great art, but I have a question that has puzzled me for 30 years: Who was the greatest painter in history?” St. Peter pointed to a nearby…
PSA Media Releases – 1. PSA calls for support to allow pharmacists to do more for public health 2. New campaign urges Victorian smokers to seek advice from Quit-trained pharmacists 3. Pharmacists to vaccinate against more diseases in NSW
1. PSA calls for support to allow pharmacists to do more for public health November 8, 2018 The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) calls on Victoria’s political parties to improve Victorians’ access to healthcare by allowing pharmacists to do more, including through Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Dependence (MATOD) services. PSA Victorian President Benjamin Marchant said…
NPS Media Releases – 1. NEW DRUGS:Erenumab for migraine 2. MEDICINEWISE UPDATE: caring@home – Palliative care medicine guidelines – palliMEDS app 3. World Antibiotic Awareness Week
1. NEW DRUGS Erenumab for migraine Monthly injections of erenumab can reduce the number of attacks in people who have frequent migraine. Find out more ► 2. MEDICINEWISE UPDATE NOVEMBER 2018 caring@home is an Australian Government-funded project aiming to improve the quality of palliative care service delivery by developing a range of resources for community service providers,…