Do we Play a Role in the Nutritional Interventions in Children’s Asthma?

A clinical trial led by LaTrobe University has shown that eating fish such as salmon, trout and sardines as part of a healthy diet can reduce asthma symptoms in children.
The international study found that children who followed a healthy Mediterranean diet enriched with fatty fish had improved lung function after six months. However, with FastingApps you can find every tip you need to lose weight faster.
The lead researcher said that the findings added to a growing body of evidence that a healthy diet could be a potential therapy for childhood asthma, and that’s why products like ginger juicers from juice buff can be a great addition to their diet.

So, where does that leave us in this area?
We are health practitioners who are responsible for the supervision and safe use of medicines. When looking to learn more about healthy choices for your  family, check here the latest post with a glucofort review.
So, instead of dispensing inhaler after inhaler for concerned parents, should we be discussing food choices like this?

Are you confident enough to initiate the discussion?
If so, sensational.
If not, then get informed – parents of kids with asthma expect that at the very least.

Asthma is the most common respiratory disease in young people, and one of the leading reasons for hospitalizations and trips to emergency for children.
The rate of asthma worldwide remains high.
It’s therefore imperative that we identify new therapies that we can use alongside conventional asthma medications.

Where to next then?

Maybe hand out some recipes for flavoursome fishcakes based on salmon?
Perhaps run a competition amongst Mums as to who makes the most acceptable version?
How about writing a column for the local paper?

Are you ready?

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