EDITORIAL for Monday 26 November 2018
Welcome to the current edition of i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine dated Monday 26 November, 2018. Since our last edition medical cannabis has been a major news feature for two differing reasons. The first item concerns Chemist Warehouse and its decision to become involved in the marketing and distribution of medical cannabis and a range…
Outreach Services are Drivers for Clinical Services that can Expand Market Share
This article is the last in an article series attempting to summarise a focus for community pharmacy direction using an outreach Pharmacy-in-the-Home program as a driver of future directions. We have identified two main demographics as being the driving forces – the ageing population and a younger time-poor demographic who have in their charge young…
Do You Know the Signs of Seven Common Nutrient Deficiencies?
The hidden cause of common symptoms such as fatigue and muscle aches can be nutrient deficiencies – can you make a difference to a person’s quality-of-life by identifying them? Some cynics encourage us to think that nutrient deficiencies are a thing of the past, reserved for sailors trapped at sea. But even today, it’s possible…
Propaganda is the Art of Overwhelming Logic
One type of mind control involves defeating logic as a method of thinking. Modern formulations of basic logic begin with the statement: You can’t have A and not-A. Which is a way of saying contradictions are unacceptable. So it’s no surprise that mind control attempts to introduce contradictions into rational processes. You see this in…
The Safe Vaccine Debate – 1.Dr Judy Wilyman Report: Newsletter 214 The Australian Media will not Report the Case for Vaccination Choice 2. Robert Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defence: $4 Billion and Growing: U.S. Payouts for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Keep Climbing 3. GreenMedInfo: Attacking Ourselves – Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us
1.Dr Judy Wilyman Report: Newsletter 214 The Australian Media will not Report the Case for Vaccination Choice 16 November 2018 On the 10 November 2018 citizens in Perth held an event discussing the scientific and political reasons for our right to choice in vaccination. This event was promoted as “Let’s talk about Vaccination Choice and Vaccine Injury” and a press…
Understanding Medical Cannabis – 1. Medical Marijuana Inc News: Iowa Medical Cannabis Board Recommends Adding Autism to List of Qualifying Conditions 2. Project CBD: Cannibidiol and Epilepsy Meta-Analysis 3. Cannabis tech: The Cannabis Contribution
1. Medical Marijuana Inc News: Iowa Medical Cannabis Board Recommends Adding Autism to List of Qualifying Conditions Iowa’s medical cannabis advisory board this month recommended adding autism as a qualifying condition for medical cannabis. The recommendation now needs final approval from the Board of Medicine to be implemented. After hearing emotional testimony from a mother of a young…
Innovation Requires Creative Space
Seymour Cray, the founder of Cray Research and legendary free spirit in the management community, was once asked – according to a Wall Street Journal story – to produce a one-year and a five-year plan. The next day, he produced two three-ring binders, each containing a single sheet of paper. In the first binder, Cray…
Marketing Focus Newsbrief – Much Small Business Self-Induced
Many local businesses are losing revenue opportunities because of inadequate access, poor/no responses to initial enquiries, non-adherence to appointment times, indifferent service standards and a lack of follow-up. Price discounting and major global competitors are secondary issues. Profit from invaluable insights. Australians are turning off loyalty and preference to local small businesses. …
SHPA Media Releases – 1. New opioid data drives urgency for national action 2. Pharmacists shine as first Advancing Practice credentials awarded 3. JPPR doubles down on deprescribing 4. SHPA Queensland Branch welcomes pharmacy policy support 5. More than conversations: Pharmacists get to the heart of patient-centred care 6. Hospital pharmacy essential to patient safety and high-quality care in hospitals
Friday 9 November 2018 1. New opioid data drives urgency for national action The release of new data showing growing incidence of opioid-related harm and misuse in Australia significantly adds to the building impetus for collaborative and effective nationwide action the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA) said today. Released this morning by the…
NPS Media Releases – 1. New resources to improve the quality of at-home palliative care service delivery 2. Getting to the heart of diabetes webinar replay now available 3. Gabapentinoid misuse: an emerging problem 4. Australian Prescriber 5. Are you up to speed on antibiotic resistance?
MEDICINEWISE UPDATE NOVEMBER 2018 1. New resources to improve the quality of at-home palliative care service delivery NPS MedicineWise has collaborated with caring@home to develop resources to support clinicians delivering at-home palliative services to people who choose to be cared for and die at home. * Guidelines for handling palliative care medicines in community services * palliMEDS smartphone app to…