From the Editor’s Desk- 24 August 2014
I had occasion to look up the Google analytics figures relating to the new i2P publication, and I am pleased to report: * It has an open rate of 36% of subscribers compared to an industry average of 19.4%. This figure relates to the quality of content and we should be able to improve further…
Complementary Medicines Advance Market Share
Mainstream medicine manufacturers have a continuing headache with the growth of complementary medicine sales in Australia. And because this is happening, mainstream medicine, through its front-promoter medical organisations, continues to hammer the mantra about lack of evidence and pressure on regulators to prevent the sale of complementary medicines because of a supposed lack of evidence…
Major Contaminants in Wine
Environmental health has become such a major issue that it is now overwhelming health practitioners globally in respect of identifying symptoms, their chemical origins, their immediate treatment and how to program future avoidance. Being in the front line, it is an issue that community pharmacy, in particular, must embrace. Yet there is no education in…
Recreating Pharmacy’s Story in an Invigorating Format
An opportunity is being created to present the story of Australian pharmacy in a significant manner. Significant because of the government beating inflicted on the profession, plus the “spin” created by competing health professions, has caused all of pharmacy to pause, lick its wounds and find the way forward. The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has…
The Feel Good Principle: Making People Feel Better by Avoiding Inadequacy Marketing
We like things that make us feel good. We avoid stuff that hurts, feels bad, or is painful. It’s a basic human principle — embrace pleasure, and avoid pain. This explains why so many of us fail at New Year’s resolutions. Let’s be honest, most of us suck at resolutions. Here’s the reason why: they’re…
Vaccine Manufacturers Face Criminal Charges in Spain
Editor’s Note: The “junk science” that is used to promote vaccines and other pharmaceuticals has consequences. One consequence includes the loss of lives. While this is criminal and actionable, we have yet to see senior individual executives prosecuted for their crimes, only the companies they represent receiving massive fines. That mainstream media is colluding with…
I’ve Been Thinking About: Presidents, Engineers, Nurses, and the Law of Unintended Consequences
The bulk of the word consequence is sequence. In sequence, outcomes (intended or not) follow actions. Typically, consequences is used in reference to negative outcomes. In 1974, Richard Nixon had neither intended nor anticipated the devastating sequence of events that would follow the Watergate break-in and subsequent cover-up. He had not expected his actions would…
Can Vitamin C Cure Ebola?
Article provided by the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service http://orthomolecular.org/subscribe.html archive link http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/index.shtml Commentary by Steve Hickey PhD, Hilary Roberts PhD, and Damien Downing MBBS, MSB (OMNS Aug 20, 2014) If there were a drug that worked on Ebola you should use it. There isn’t. There is only vitamin C. But you must be extremely careful…
Philanthropy and Tex- Mex – an amazing story at PAC14
Medical practitioner, philanthropist and successful businessman Dr Sam Prince will be a highlight of PAC14 in Canberra when he details his amazing life and career, and the work he is doing on partnering and practising in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Dr Prince is a renowned motivational speaker and will detail how he came…
NPS Medicinewise Announces First Bilingual Pharmacist Hour
NPS MedicineWise today announced its first bilingual Pharmacist Hour which will be held in Arabic later this month.Pharmacist Hour is an ongoing successful program which encourages consumers to ask questions about medicines on NPS MedicineWise’s Facebook page. Questions are answered by a pharmacist who is a member of the NPS Medicines Line team. The Arabic-language…