1. Professor Raina MacIntyre – Banning unvaccinated kids from child care may have unforeseen consequences

OPINION: The federal government’s push for all state and territories to ban unvaccinated children from child care is a coercive measure that may disadvantage working parents and their children, and may have other unintended consequences.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says unifying how different state and territories handle access to child care is needed to boost childhood vaccination rates.
But there are other ways of achieving this that don’t disadvantage working women, in particular.
Another ceorcive measure
“No Jab, No Play” follows the much discussed “No Jab No Pay” policy, which makes vaccination a condition for receiving certain government benefits and subsidies.
But there is no evidence that banning unvaccinated children from child care will be any better than excluding them temporarily during an outbreak, which already occurs.
Yes, any measure that causes hardship, inconvenience or financial disadvantage for the target population will raise immunisation rates. If vaccine-hesitant parents cannot go to work because they do not have child care, or if they depend on child care payments or family tax benefits, then they may have no option but to vaccinate their child.
But we need to ask whether coercion is ethical and equitable, and whether there are better ways to improve immunisation rates.
There’s also the question of whether vaccinating a child by coercion, for instance to secure a place at child care, breaches principles of valid consent. The Australian Immunisation Handbook, produced by the Department of Health, says legally valid consent to vaccination:
“must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation”.
It is not clear whether “no jab no play” constitutes undue pressure, like some vaccine objectors claim, but doctors have been advised to make sure they obtain appropriate consent before vaccinating.
Effects on families and children
Working parents often depend on both incomes; child care allows parents to work, to contribute to society and to the economy.
Banning unvaccinated children from child care may force women in particular, out of the workforce to take care of children who would otherwise have attended. While wealthy parents can afford to continue to object to vaccination, many cannot.
If children cannot attend child care, they will miss out on the benefits of day care. Such a step could also see a proliferation of underground child care centres solely for unvaccinated children. This would be a step backward in disease control: without herd immunity that high vaccination rates provide, the risk of disease outbreaks increases.
There are better ways
There are many different approaches to improving vaccination worldwide. Many other countries such as Canada achieve high rates of vaccination without coercion or even legislation.
Australia is doing fairly well in controlling infectious diseases. Vaccination rates for kids younger than 15 months were over 93% before the No Jab, No Pay policy, among the highest in the world. But there is room for improvement.
Rather than banning unvaccinated children from child care, our best approach is to first identify where outbreaks or unacceptable rates of particular vaccine-preventable diseases are occurring.
For instance, children still die of vaccine-preventable diseases such as whooping cough, especially babies too young to have completed the full vaccine course. Hepatitis A also causes child care outbreaks, but unlike the US, the vaccine is not on our National Immunisation Program.
Target all age groups
In a country with high vaccination rates, we will have more success by identifying vaccine-preventable disease risks in all age groups and devising strategies to target them. For instance, many preventable epidemics are in adolescents and adults, such as measles. By tackling epidemics in older age groups, we can protect them and reduce the chance of those infectious diseases spreading to other vulnerable people, including children.
For infants too young to be fully vaccinated, strategies such as vaccinating pregnant women and their immediate family can protect them.
To improve overall infant vaccination rates, focusing on hesitant parents is likely to yield better results than focusing on outright objectors to vaccination.
And placing administrative barriers, for instance requiring parents to fill in multiple forms to register as an objector, would make vaccination the easiest course of action. Such measures would also separate true objectors from those who delay or hesitate about vaccination.
Inclusion and trust
Taking a long term view to ensure vaccination programs remain resilient, trusted and accepted beyond the political electoral cycle, it is best to build parents’ trust and use a more inclusive approach.
No vaccine is 100% safe or 100% effective, and sometimes serious vaccine side effects do occur, such as the first rotavirus vaccine in the US. A coercive policy will erode public trust if such events occur, especially without a no-fault vaccine compensation system in Australia.
An environment that ostracises or marginalises a targeted group of people may result in a bullying culture and other punishment, such as unverified reports of unvaccinated children having medical treatment withheld. This is not good public health practice.
Raina MacIntyre is Professor of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology and Head of the School of Public Health and Community Medicine at UNSW
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.
2. Organic Lifestyle: How plumbing (not vaccines) eradicated disease
Vaccines get all the glory, but services from plumber – sewage systems and clean water is what actually eradicated disease.
Disease Before Plumbing
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Europeans despised all things Roman, including bathing.
There was a widespread belief that getting wet caused illness.
This contempt and fear of bathing persisted through the Dark Ages.
Some Europeans defied local customs by bathing, but this was usually done over great protest. When Queen Elizabeth bathed, her servants panicked, fearing she would become ill and die.
This resistance to bathing was brought across the Atlantic to America, influencing habits all the way into the 1800s. In 1835, Philadelphia almost passed an ordinance forbidding wintertime bathing. Ten years later, Boston did outlaw bathing, except by medical directive. (Though this law was not widely enforced, it does illustrate the American resistance to bathing as late as the mid 1800s.)
How Plumbing Eradicated Disease
Before plumbing was widely used, indoor facilities consisted of a washstand and a washbowl, a pitcher, and a chamber pot or commode. Human waste was thrown into the street or anywhere convenient.
This total lack of sanitation in urban areas filled with rats and other vermin provided the perfect environment to spread disease. The Black Plague alone killed 75 million – 200 million people – including 1/3 of Europe’s population. Though this disease is not entirely eradicated, human infection has become a rare occurrence. The last plague epidemic in America was in the early 1900’s.
Polio and Plumbing
Polio thrives in fecal matter and is easily transmitted through human waste. Plumbing and water sanitation in India is way behind the rest of the industrialized world. In areas where sanitation and hygiene are good, polio is rare. In areas where sanitation and hygiene are poor, the disease can spread rapidly.
Immunization efforts have received a lot of publicity and have garnered most of the credit for India being declared “polio free” by the World Health Organization. As recently as 2009, India reported 762 cases of polio, and at that time, these numbers made India the polio capital of the world. In 2014, there are currently no “official” documented cases of polio, but without proper sanitation there is no way this can last.
A Polio Breeding Ground
India is the second most populous nation in the world, with an estimated population of 1.2 billion. Currently, 780 million Indians do not have a toilet; 96 million Indians do not have access to clean drinking water. In rural areas, open defecation is still more common than attempting to dispose of human waste in a more sanitary fashion, such as burying it.
There have been some efforts to improve sanitation, but they pale in comparison to the extensive efforts to vaccinate Indians. Over 9 billion has been spent in this vaccination public health campaign. In some parts of India, children have received as many as 30 doses of the oral polio vaccine before their fifth birthday. Bill Gates, the World Health Organization, and GAVI have ardently been pushing vaccines on people who still don’t have access to clean drinking water or the sanitary means to dispose of human waste.
They Say Tomato, I say Tomatoe
The current polio vaccine campaign in India is highly controversial due to the high rate of vaccine injury and death. There were 53,000 cases of NPAFP, a non-polio acute flaccid paralysis, among those vaccinated. NPAFP is a disease that is clinically indistinguishable from polio and twice as deadly that is caused by the live, weakened, polio viruses in the vaccine. Incidences of the disease rose and fell with the number of doses of the vaccine administered. To call this disease anything other than polio is semantic subterfuge, a whitewash for Big Pharma’s image.
In the past 13 months, India has reported 53,563 cases of NPAFP at a national rate of 12 per 100,000 children—way above the global benchmark set by WHO of 2 per 100,000.” – Jan, 13 2014 quote from LiveMint Newpaper, the second largest business newspaper in India.
It would be less expensive in human cost and far more effective to improve India’s water infrastructure, improving India’s sanitation and hygiene.
London England and Cholera
In the 1800’s the European infant mortality rate was very high, from 25% to 70%. In the early-to-mid 1800s, London had little in the way of water infrastructure. The majority of people used town pumps and communal wells to get their drinking water. Waste disposal was far from adequate. Most Londoners dumped raw sewage and animal wastes into open pits known as “cesspools” or directly into the Thames River. Unfortunately, the Thames River was also the source of drinking water for many Londoners.
Cholera spreads easily through contaminated water and food and kills very quickly; it often proves fatal within hours of the first symptoms of vomiting or diarrhea.
In 1854, yet another outbreak struck London, claiming the lives of tens of thousands of Europeans. In Soho, a suburb of London, there were more than 500 fatal cases of cholera in ten days.
Dr. John Snow, who lived near Soho, was able to directly investigate what was causing the outbreak. Five years earlier, Dr. Snow had written an article about what he believed caused cholera. It was in the water, he argued. This idea flew in the face of the “wisdom” of his time. In the 1850s, doctors believed that bad vapors, or a “miasma in the atmosphere” caused disease. Dr. Snow dared to believe something different, to try something different, believing he might see different results.
Dr. John Snow Traced Cholera To Its Source
Dr. Snow traced the cholera outbreak to the Broad Street pump. He persuaded the town officials to remove the pump handle, and the cholera outbreak abruptly ended. Some time later, the outbreak was traced back to a woman cleaning a dirty diaper in the well.
However, according to Wayne W. LaMorte, MD, PhD, MPH of Boston University School of Public Health, the mother had emptied the baby’s diarrhea into the cesspool next to the well, and the cesspool’s wall was decayed, so the sewage was seeping into the well.
Though it took some time, Dr. Snow convinced the authorities that fecal matter was contaminating the water supply. Today Dr. John Snow is widely regarded as the father of epidemiology.
Refugee Camps, Dysentery Epidemic, and Poor Sanitation
The Rwandan refugee camps set up in Zaire in 1994 struggled with outbreaks of dysentery. Sanitation was poor; the refugees defecated openly in common areas. Human waste built up in the same areas where the refugees drew water that was used for cooking and drinking. Heavy rain flooded the area and dysentery became epidemic, at its peak it was killing 2,000 people a day.
Refugee camps have always been a haven for diseases related to poor sanitation. Once U.S. and UN officials brought in purified water and encouraged people to use outhouses and latrines for defecation, the incidences of dysentery fell.
Chicago’s Population Grew from 350 in 1835 to More than 60,000 by 1850
The industrial revolution drove rapid population growth. Chicago’s water infrastructure wasn’t designed to handle such a rapid rise in population. Chicago was dealing with many different diseases, but it had especially high rates of typhoid fever. The source of the rapid increase in disease was traced to the city’s water and sanitation.
The majority of the city’s sewage was directed to the Chicago River, which flowed right back into Lake Michigan, which provided the city’s drinking water. This, of course, contaminated Chicago’s drinking water and created a cycle of disease.
It took many years to solve the problem, but in the early 1900s Chicago modernized their water infrastructure. They reversed the flow of several rivers and streams, and as a result, typhoid fever and all other infectious diseases plummeted.
Sanitation prevents disease by removing the cause of disease transmission, but this is not new information. Moses taught sanitation. He made many rules for encampments. The Greeks and the Romans created elaborate systems of aqueducts, baths, and drainage. When the Roman Empire crumbled, sanitation became a lost art. Civilization paid the price: plague after plague struck areas of dense population.
Smallpox continued to infect Europe’s population until plumbing infrastructure became commonplace. Although, sanitation ended this disease, the smallpox vaccine takes the credit.
When most of us think of a conscientious objector, we think of someone who refused military service for moral or religious reasons. In the 1800s, the term came into use for someone who refused vaccinations for their children. There was a great deal of resistance to the smallpox vaccine. Some statistics placed fatalities from the vaccine as high as 1 in 200.
In modern times, objections to vaccines are mounting. Refusing to vaccinate is as controversial today as it was when the first vaccines were forced on British citizens almost 200 years ago.
Vaccines often contain toxins like aluminum and mercury, and many vaccines contain aborted fetal tissues. The reality of vaccine injury and death is making the news, though the propaganda and out and out lies from pharmaceutical companies cause a polarized division between those who are pro vaccine and those who are against.
If you are reading this, you probably have access to running water and a working toilet. If you choose to forego vaccines for yourself or your children, bear in mind that you will need additional protection to avoid contracting illnesses. Exercise, sleep, stress management, and a truly healthy diet are all essential for an immune system to work at optimal efficiency.
While the medical professionals and the pharmaceutical companies are quick to take credit for our increased life expectancy, in truth, they are not the heroes.
Have you thanked a plumber lately?
Further Reading:
- How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children
- Influenza Vaccine – A Comprehensive Overview of the Potential Dangers and Effectiveness of the Flu Shot
- The MMR Vaccine – A Comprehensive Overview Of the Potential Dangers and Effectiveness
- How Plumbing, Not Vaccines, Eradicated Disease
- Autism and Vaccines: CDC Whistleblower Exposes Vaccine Dangers, Lies, and Cover-ups
- Taps and Toilets Essential to Maintain India’s Polio Free Miracle– The Lancet
- Polio Vaccine Fails in India Due to Polluted Drinking Water– The Refusers
- John Snow and the Broad Street Pump: On the Trail of an Epidemic –UCLA
- Sanitation, Not Vaccination The True Protection Against Small-Pox –William Tebb
- The End of Smallpox– History Today
- 53,000 Paralysis Cases in India From Polio Vaccine In A Year – NPAFP Identical to Polio But Twice as Deadly –Child Health Safety
3. The Evidence is Settled – Aluminium in Vaccines is Highly Toxic
Editor’s Note:
i2P has been covering vaccine issues since we noted that government policy surrounding the promotion of vaccines seemed to be flawed and that voices expressing concerns relating to adjuvant toxicity, and the sheer number of multiple vaccines administered to young children with immature immune systems, seemed to be suppressed.
Commonsense applied by confused and concerned parents has increased over time and has been compounded by ridicule from some medical doctors and statements from some medical organisations that are simply unsupported by any form of rational evidence.
That many of the “talking heads” are in positions of power and influence makes you wonder why these people are prepared to use their position to suppress dissent by promoting false statements implying that vaccines are safe and the evidence in support is now “settled”.
The evidence is anything but settled.
In fact, the evidence supporting vaccine safety is notably deficient.
The new Trump administration has appointed Robert Kennedy to establish a Commission to investigate vaccine safety, industry claims and the regulating agency, The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) which appears to be more of a Big Pharma promoter than a regulator and appears to have major conflicts of interest e.g. CDC actually owns a range of drug patents, and licences these patents to Pharma’s – the people they are supposed to regulate.
Robert Kennedy started the ball rolling by offering a reward of $100,000 to any individual who could provide valid evidence that mercury was a safe ingredient for any vaccine.
To date, the reward is unclaimed.
i2P restates that it still supports the principle of vaccination but does not support unsafe presentations of those vaccines containing proven toxic substances such as mercury and aluminium.
Nor do we support coercive government policies or the over-vaccination of young children.
The public debate surrounding vaccine safety is distorted because mainstream media paints it as a debate where you are pro-vax or anti-vax – there is no middle ground for safe-vax and this latter perspective is lumped in with the anti-vax proponents by media.
This strategy by media is dishonest at the very least, but this is not an unusual feature of major media outlets who apply a range of techniques to falsify and manufacture their own “news”.
The general public is beginning to recognise and understand this dishonesty and is beginning to desert print media to the extent that mainstream media enterprises are beginning to lose their financial viability.
Australia is rapidly becoming an undemocratic country where freedom of speech is under attack and where many of our politicians have major conflict of interest issues.
And it goes all the way to the top.
i2P as a long time independent information resource for pharmacists and is hopeful that pharmacy leadership organisations will have the courage to stand up for their members and publicly position pharmacy as supporters of safe vaccination and continue to earn the high ratings for trust and integrity that they have been awarded through many polls measuring those qualities.
By so doing, pharmacy can emerge as a health resource of first choice and can shrug off criticisms by competing health profesionl organisations, particularly those extreme views held by the AMA.
Below, we publish in full, a report appearing in Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute(CMSRI) delivering research conducted by a group of scientists fully engaged with the problems of aluminium polluting our environment and the delivery systems of that pollution which includes vaccination.
Troubling Research Revealed at 12th Keele Conference on Aluminum
Every other year, for more than two decades, a small group of 70 or so scientists have been meeting at different locales across the globe to discuss their speciality: aluminum and its effects on living things.
The science of a metal used in industries from airplane manufacturing to food packaging may sound tedious, but this three-day Keele meeting (named for Keele University in the United Kingdom where it originated) produces a treasure trove of valuable information about the health impact of aluminium exposure. It’s a conference of the latest science that the $186 billion aluminum industry denies and public health agencies pretend does not exist.
The 12th Annual Keele Meeting on Aluminum last week in Vancouver, Canada, sponsored by the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute, was no exception. Scientists from 16 countries discussed the latest research about how aluminum impacts plants, animals and humans. We inhale it in pollution, consume it in processed foods, slather it on in toiletries and inject it into ourselves and our babies in vaccines. Neurotoxic aluminium, according to increasing amount of scientific evidence, may stay in the body where it breaches protective barriers, induces wildly oxidative processes and fires inflammation, disrupts genetic transcription, impairs metabolism, accumulates in brain and breasts and testes, is linked to cancer, infertility, Alzheimer’s disease and anxious, aggressive and autistic behaviour.
“Some people think it is harmless, but everyone at Keele understands the toxicity of aluminium,” said Keele biologist and aluminum expert Christopher Exley who launched the meeting. His research started three decades ago when he began looking into why fish exposed to aluminum in their water died within 24 hours.
Aluminum may be the third most abundant element on earth, said Exley, “but for most of its history, it has been sequestered by silica. It’s only in the last few decades that we’ve managed to put it into biological systems.”
And in the last few decades, as aluminum production has soared globally, research on the health consequences of that industry has steadily accumulated.
Aluminum safety myths
The keynote address of the conference was given by Romain Gherardi from the Neuromuscular Pathology Expert Centre at Paris-Est Créteil University (UPEC) who gave a frightening overview of the most novel and profound aluminum research related to vaccination.
Aluminium oxyhydroxide (Alhydrogel), and aluminium hydroxyphosphate (Adjuphos), are nanomaterials widely used as immune stimulants or “adjuvants” of vaccines. Children have received them in increasing doses from the hepatitis B shot on their day of birth, in diphtheria-tetanus shots given repeatedly in their first six months of life and in pneumococcal, meningitis, HPV vaccines and more.
In at least seven different countries, patients with myalgic chronic fatigue syndrome have been described after they received one of these aluminum-containing vaccines. In France in the late ’90s, Gherardi began taking biopsies of the deltoid muscle of these patients and he discovered lesions in these – clumps of aggregated aluminium hydroxide engulfed in white blood cells called macrophages — at the injection site. Subsequent studies in mice found that aluminum in these cells slowly migrates to their brains where it seems to prefer to settle, permanently. He called the phenomenon Macrophagic Myofasciitis (MMF).
Macrophagic Myofasciitis (MMF)
MMF mainly manifests as joint and muscle pain, fatigue and weakness, cognitive dysfunction, including attention and memory impairment and sleep disturbances. And many MMF sufferers eventually develop one of more than 100 different autoimmune disorders from alopecia to multiple sclerosis, sometimes years after the initial illness. So MMF is described as a facet of “autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants” (ASIA) identified by leading Israeli immunologist Yehuda Shoenfeld in 2011.
But the MMF picture is still developing. Another French researcher, Jérôme Authier, presented his group’s findings published in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine this year showing that neuroimaging of MMF patients’ brains by PET-scan reveals distinct patterns of impaired glucose metabolism in multiple regions of their brains.
New research presented by Housam Eidi of the University of British Columbia also looked at mouse brain function and aluminium (Al) concentration long after injections. Surprisingly, the researchers found the lowest dose of Alhydrogel exerts the greatest neurotoxic effects. And small particle size seems to be critical for this brain damage, Eidi explained.
But there is a wide gulf between what scientists have been saying about aluminum and MMF for nearly 20 years and what public health says about aluminum today. Gherardi summed up three basic public health myth about aluminum in vaccines that have been turned on their head by recent research:
Myth No. 1: We are told aluminum in vaccines is safe because it is rapidly excreted from the body; it is not. It persists for years after injection.
Myth No 2: Public health maintains injected aluminum is localized in the body to the injection site; it is not. Research shows clearly that it is swallowed up by phagocytic cells and migrates via these to other organs and accumulates in the brain where it exerts neurotoxic effects.
Myth No. 3: Public health toxicology says “the dose is the poison” and extremely high doses of aluminum are needed to do damage. This is not true. Dose-response studies show that low doses of the smallest sized particles of aluminum are the most toxic and it obeys “particle toxicology,” not dose-dependent toxicology.
Fourteen Percent at Risk, or More?
Other research Gherardi pointed to showed that aluminum is involved in many crucial functions in the immune and central nervous systems. Preliminary data from DNA screening has identified seven sequences on six genes that were significantly associated with MMF-ASIA compared to normal controls of the “1000 genome project.”
Ninety-three percent of 365 MMF-ASIA patients had one of these sequences which may be associated with an “inability to clear aluminum from the body,” compared to just 14 percent of healthy subjects. Gherardi thinks genetic testing might be able to identify these 14 percent before they get injured by aluminum in vaccines.
So where is the mention of these 14 percent of vulnerable people — 45.4 million Americans — including babies and children in danger of neurotoxic damage from aluminum in vaccines on the Centers for Disease Control website? Why are they not mentioned anywhere in the mainstream media?
Currently, no genetic testing is offered to sort those at risk from the rest of the vaccine “herd,” so according to these scientists’ research, vaccination today is a crap shoot and no one can accurately predict who is at risk.
No one can say how many of the one to four million Americans and millions more globally suffering from serious chronic fatigue are actually suffering from aluminum poisoning. No one can say how many of the current 50 million cases of autoimmune disease in America are a long-term fallout from shots taken years ago.
Terrifying as that is, there were two more days of this research presented. A 2017 study in the Journal of Translational Medicine from Exley’s lab demonstrated the presence of some of the highest contents of aluminum ever observed in brain tissue in every section of tissue sampled from brains of patients with familial early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. So, could it be that when aluminum migrates from vaccines to brains it is somehow associated with Alzheimer’s disease, the terrifying neurodegenerative plague that is expected to affect one in two Americans by 2050?
Vaccine-injured Sheep

Veterinary researchers in Spain have been studying the ovine version of ASIA which wiped out entire Spanish flocks in 2008 following a mass bluetongue vaccination campaign. Their 2013 study found that only a fraction (0.5%) of sheep inoculated with aluminum vaccines showed an acute reaction including lethargy, transient blindness, stupor and seizures.
But later, when exposed to other stressful “triggers” such as cold weather, 50 to 100 percent of vaccinated flocks suddenly developed abnormal behaviour, restlessness, compulsive wool-biting, generalized weakness, weight loss and muscle tremors before they became comatose and died. Post-mortem examinations revealed “severe neuron necrosis” and aluminum in the nerve tissue.
Ongoing unpublished research of the sheep indicates that when they are “over-vaccinated” with aluminum adjuvants alone or in vaccines, they develop aggressive and anxious behaviour including wool-biting which can see whole flocks denuded and is a costly problem for the industry.
The injected sheep also develop granulomas like those seen in humans with MMF which accumulated as doses were added — in 85 percent of the animals injected with aluminum adjuvant alone and “more severely” in the full 100 percent of vaccinated sheep.
It’s curious that the term “over-vaccinated” doesn’t even exist when it comes to America’s children who are receiving 69 doses of 16 vaccines before age 18.
Breast cancer connection
One of the more than 40 scientists presenting was Philippa Darbre, a reader in oncology at the University of Reading, who first linked the use of aluminum-based antiperspirants to breast cancer. She reviewed the growing literature in that arena that indicates aluminum has been measured in human breast tissue and cysts and in nipple aspirate fluid. Studies show it causes gene instability, cell migration and invasion and growth – all hallmarks of breast cancer. It also enhances tumour growth in normal breast cells and causes breast cancer to metastasize in mice.
Austrian doctoral student Caroline Linhart of the University of Innsbruck presented the preliminary results of a hospital based case-control study which found significantly higher concentration of aluminum in breast tissue of women with cancer and doubling of breast cancer risk for women under 30 who use antiperspirant frequently.
The Damage Done
Brazilian researcher Caroline Martinez said that lab rats fed aluminum-treated water even at low doses had impaired spermatogenesis and sperm quality and testicular inflammation. “Our data demonstrate that 60-day sub-chronic exposure to low doses of aluminum from feed and added to the water, which reflect human dietary aluminum intake, reaches a threshold sufficient to promote male reproductive dysfunction,” she reported.
Her findings fit with those of another team of French researchers who reported at the last Keele meeting that they found the sperm of men seeking infertility treatment were loaded with aluminium. This might be an underlying reason for the sudden spike in infertility that affects one in five couples today.
Smog in Los Angeles includes aluminum which may possibly enter our brains when we breathe, according to California researcher Jaaziel Castro who said, “it may be advisable to minimize exposure to particles by avoiding rigorous outdoor activities at peak pollution times.”
Other researchers described how aluminum influences genomic transcription, stokes inflammation and has a role instigating inflammatory bowel diseases. They also theorized about its mechanisms of action in autism and leaky gut.
Sadly, no one from the Centers for Disease Control was at the Keele Conference, nor from the FDA or any US vaccine manufacturer (who appear uninterested in the latest science about the dangers of ingredients they market as totally “safe and effective”). There was no mainstream media there to report on the findings about aluminum and breast cancer. There were no Alzheimer’s or autoimmune disease patient advocacy groups clamouring for tests to identify those at risk or demanding compensation from the lucrative aluminum and vaccine industries that have been denying the science while victims pile up.
The tone of these scientists was sober as each presentation revealed the clear risks of aluminum to public health. Why no press conference? Why the ‘silent scream’ rather than shouting a warning from the rooftops?
Throughout history, scientists whose consciences compelled them to become activists have been professionally and publicly scorned. Andrew Wakefield and Gilles-Éric Séralini are two recent examples of how the financially conflicted media and public health deal with dissenters. But a growing number of dedicated individuals and foundations are paying attention and are helping to educate the public, health professionals, scientists and policy makers.
The Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute is at the forefront of making this happen. It underwrites vital scientific research and collaboration at conferences like the Keele meeting, and supports articles, documentaries, websites, continuing education and scientific textbooks such as Vaccines and Autoimmunity.
Bringing this knowledge to the public will take continued research, financial support, and the willingness of concerned individuals to share this information with family and friends. You can join them and take action by donating to CMSRI.org and informing your legislator that you are concerned about the toll that aluminium exposure, particularly its easily avoided role in pharmaceuticals, is taking on our society, and especially on our children.
Our website and facebook page keep followers informed with cutting-edge relevant health research. As always, we keep our followers informed about publications that arise from the Keele Meetings and hope you will download and share the many important scientific studies that can be found on the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute website. Sign up for our newsletter today (we never share subscriber information) and please consider making a donation to help us to bring forward science-based, peer-reviewed and published research that is so critical to understanding and bringing to light the dangers facing children’s health and safety today.
The Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute(CMSRI) is a medical and scientific collaborative established to provide research funding for independent studies on causal factors underlying the chronic disease and disability epidemic.
4. Elizabet Hart: Overvaccination
The the latest vaccine propaganda on the research sector funded ‘The Conversation’ website… Advertising for Merck, GSK, CSL/Sequirus and Pfizer, courtesy of C Raina MacIntyre…
Newsletter 152 UOW Academics Promoting Non-Evidence based Claims on Vaccines
23 March 2017
In Australia today journalists are promoting a one-sided discussion of vaccination policies that perpetuates the myth that all vaccines are ‘safe and effective’. This synchronises with the University of Wollongong (UOW) where academics are promoting non-evidence based claimsabout the safety and efficacy of vaccines. This is influencing public behaviour on vaccines and it has allowed human rights to be removed from government vaccination policies.When the No Jab No Pay policy was implemented in January 2016 the Turnbull government removed the right to conscientious and religious exemption to vaccination for some Australians, and also the right to free and informed consent without coercion to vaccination. This contravenes many human rights codes including the Australian Immunisation Handbook (AIH) (NHMRC, Ed 10). The AIH states:“Vaccination must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion and manipulation”. Yet in Australia today many people are discriminated in social welfare policies and in employment situations if the do not use all the recommended vaccines. This financial coercion is an infringement of ethical medical practice.This human right has been adopted from the Nuremberg Code and the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Geneva. However, the Australian government has violated this human right in its No Jab No Pay policy that is not based on evidence about vaccine safety and efficacy. I have written many letters to the UOW academics who are promoting false claims about vaccines on the website but to date they have not answered the community’s concerns. Here is the letter I wrote on 15 March 2017 (Dr. Anthea Rhodes Promoting False Claims about Vaccines) asking Professor Alison Jones to provide clarification as a toxicologist that it is safe to inject the following ingredients into the tissues of developing infants.
Ingredients of Vaccines that are not provided to parents before they vaccinate their Children:Aluminium hydroxide
Aluminium hydroxide/phosphate
Aluminium phosphate
Borax (‘sodium borate’ – causes infertility and is found in HPV vaccines, hep A and flu vaccines)
Egg protein
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Thimerosal (50% mercury compound) (flu vaccine multidose vials and infanrix-hexa and hep B 2013)
Antibiotics: Neomycin, Polymyxin, Gentamicin, Kanamycin
To date Professor Alison Jones has not replied to this request and she has falsely claimed that the link between vaccines and autism has been discredited. This misinformation has serious consequences for human health and the community would like this issue clarified and our human rights restored.
The situation has been further compounded by opinionated journalists such as Sarah Gill from the Sydney Morning Herald (Fairfax News) who claims (23 March 2017) “And who for Pete’s sake is the anti-vaccination brigade anyway?” This highlights the ignorance and lack of investigative journalism that is acceptable in Australia today. Sarah Gill goes further and confirms that politicians are ignoring the advice of paediatricians and public health experts and basing their political decisions on their own faith based opinions. Gill states “The only people prepared to turn a sympathetic ear to “vaccine hesitant” parents, are curiously paediatricians and public health experts – who are not the ones spearheading the campaign , dubbed “No Jab No Play” (‘No Jab No Play’ Vaccination Policies aren’t the solution, SMH, 23 March 2017).
So now we have an admission that politicians are not basing legislation on expert advice and we also have evidence that some experts are promoting false information. This issue affects the health of our children and the concerned public does not accept that legislation removing human rights should be introduced without scientific evidence justifying its implementation.
It is time for the academics at the University of Wollongong to confirm the claims they are promoting on the UOW website with evidence, or explain why they are supporting this opinion of vaccines that has not been provided by an expert in vaccination science or policy. If the Turnbull government is to continue infringing on human rights with a No Jab No Play policy I hope that Professor Alison Jones in her role as a toxicologist will confirm that she believes it is safe to add this cocktail of chemicals in vaccines to a developing infant – because the evidence in our children is strongly indicating that it is not safe. Children’s health has deteriorated with the introduction of each new vaccine.
I will keep you all informed of the response I receive from the academics at UOW.
Dr. Judy Wilyman
The Science and Politics of Australia’s Vaccination Policies
Vaccination Decisions
One response to “The Safe Vaccination Debate – 1. Banning Unvaccinated Kids May Have Consequences 2. How Plumbing (not vaccines) Eradicated Disease 3. Aluminium in Vaccines Highly Toxic 4. Overvaccination 5. The Judy Wilyman Report”
Regarding Professor MacIntyre’s article, surely the precautionary principle should prevail regarding vaccinating pregnant women, considering the toxicity of many vaccine ingredients – particularly aluminium, as per CSMRI article above.
Further, ‘cocooning’ to protect infants from whooping cough doesn’t seem to be working – and it’s no wonder when so many studies show that despite high rates of vaccination, the disease remains prevalent, and in fact the vaccine is suspected of having caused the development of a new strain of the disease. For example:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/24216286/ Pertussis epidemic despite high levels of vaccination coverage with acellular pertussis vaccine:
“CONCLUSION: Despite high levels of vaccination coverage, pertussis circulation cannot be controlled at all. The results question the efficacy of the present immunization programmes.”
http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2010/02/26/rspb.2010.0010 Acellular pertussis vaccination facilitates Bordetella parapertussis infection in a rodent model of bordetellosis:
“Our data raise the possibility that widespread aP vaccination can create hosts more susceptible to B. parapertussis infection.”