1. Excellence Awards now open for innovative pharmacists
June 7, 2017
Nominations are now open for the 2017 PSA Excellence Awards for pharmacists presented by the peak national body for pharmacists, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA).
Proudly supported by Symbion, the prestigious Awards including Pharmacist of the Year, Early Career Pharmacist (ECP) of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Award, will be announced on Friday July 28 at the flagship conference PSA17.
PSA’s Excellence Awards acknowledge the achievers of the profession who engage in innovative practice, strive to raise practice standards and, through their professionalism, provide a model of practice that others strive to emulate.
The 2017 winners will receive a $9,000 educational grant from Symbion.
PSA National President Joe Demarte said the long-standing Awards honoured innovative pharmacists who have achieved the highest standards of commitment and professionalism in pharmacy.
“The Excellence Awards highlight what is great about pharmacy and how pharmacists are striving to make the profession even greater,” Mr Demarte said.
Symbion Executive General Manager Pharmacy Brett Barons said the Excellence Awards recognised outstanding individuals in pharmacy who have contributed above and beyond their roles to benefit the whole profession.
“Pharmacists at all levels of the profession and their career are inspired and motivated by the annual Excellence Awards, which ultimately ensures innovation and professionalism,” Mr Barons said.
PSA is partnering with the Commonwealth Pharmacists Association (CPA) to jointly host the PSA17 conference at one of Sydney’s premier convention spaces, the newly refurbished Hyatt Regency Sydney at Darling Harbour from July 28–30, 2017.
PSA encourages all pharmacists to nominate themselves or their peers. Nominations close on Friday 23 June 2017.
To nominate or find out more about the PSA Excellence Awards, visit the website.
2. Revised Competency Standards Framework for Pharmacists
May 31, 2017
The Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee (PPDC), on behalf of its member organisations*, is pleased to release the National competency standards framework for pharmacists in Australia 2016.

The 2016 framework has been endorsed by all 11 member organisations of the PPDC. This update was conducted as part of a regular cycle of reviews to ensure the profession’s competency standards framework is consistent with contemporary pharmacist practice and the interests of public safety, and reflects future needs of the Australian healthcare system.
The project conducted over two years involved a comprehensive review which was made possible by financial contributions of PPDC member organisations with the Pharmacy Board of Australia matching funds provided by other organisations. During the extensive consultation stages, PPDC appreciated all of the submissions received from pharmacy organisations, individual pharmacists, interns and students, and external stakeholders including consumer organisations, other health professions and government bodies.
The 2016 framework consists of five domains covering Professionalism and ethics, Communication and collaboration, Medicines management and patient care, Leadership and management and Education and research. The Leadership and management domain was significantly expanded and includes two standards which are universally applicable to all pharmacists regardless of their role or place of practice. The first two domains, Professionalism and ethics and Communication and collaboration, also apply across all areas of professional endeavour.
The comprehensive review of the 2010 framework was combined with the integration of standards in the 2012 Advanced Pharmacy Practice Framework to produce a single competency standards framework with emphasis on the importance of the continuum of professional practice.
The 2016 framework can be downloaded here.
The PPDC is currently working on the development of practice support tools for the implementation of the new framework, some of which will be funded by the Pharmacy Board of Australia. The PPDC is also considering an appropriate transition timeframe, recognising that the current framework is well embedded across all facets of the profession, for example, pharmacists’ continuing professional development plans. The Pharmacy Board of Australia and Australian Pharmacy Council will be determining the implementation date with respect to the assessment of interns (provisionally registered pharmacists). Further communication on these aspects will be issued by those mentioned and other PPDC member organisations to their respective organisational members in due course.
Shane Jackson
Chair, Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee
* Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee member organisations: Australian Association of Consultant Pharmacy; Australian College of Pharmacy; Australian Pharmacy Council; Council of Pharmacy Schools: Australia and New Zealand Inc.; National Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association; Pharmaceutical Defence Limited; Pharmaceutical Society of Australia; Pharmacy Board of Australia; Professional Pharmacists Australia; Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia; The Pharmacy Guild of Australia.
3. NZ pharmacist enrols in Diploma of Leadership and Management
May 29, 2017
Australia’s peak national body for pharmacists, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA), has enrolled its first New Zealand pharmacist in the Diploma of Leadership and Management customised specifically for pharmacists by PSA.
PSA and the Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand (PSNZ) have collaborated to introduce PSA’s formal qualifications in leadership and management to NZ pharmacists.
PSA National Vice President Michelle Lynch said: “PSA is enthusiastic about this partnership with PSNZ and the positive interest it’s generating. We look forward to more NZ pharmacists enrolling in these courses and attaining the skills in leadership and management from this PSA course.”
“PSA’s online learning platform is ideal for delivering these programs to PSNZ members so they can study at their own pace and without having to coordinate time zone differences. PSA programs are flexible and can be started at any time.”
PSNZ Chief Pharmacist Advisor Bob Buckham said: “We have talked to many pharmacists seeking professional development beyond the ‘usual’ range of clinically orientated programs, which offer skills to improve how they manage and deliver patient care.”
“Currently there is nothing similar to these qualifications available in New Zealand. They have generated a lot of interest and we expect many more NZ pharmacists will take advantage of the PSA and PSNZ partnership. PSA’s qualifications are of a very high quality and designed specifically for pharmacists in any area of practice with leadership or managerial responsibilities, or want to advance their careers towards these roles.”
PSA Executive Director, Practice Support and Education Jan Ridd said PSA qualifications available to PSNZ members include the Diploma of Leadership and Management – ideal for building skills and knowledge in team and business management and leadership – and the Graduate Diploma of Applied Pharmacy Practice which enables pharmacists to lead, innovate and advance their professional practice.
“Both qualifications offer articulation pathways to a Master of Business Administration and other qualifications such as marketing and project management,” Ms Ridd said.
“PSA looks forward to working with New Zealand pharmacists and other pharmacy groups in Australia to deliver leadership and management training specifically tailored to pharmacists to advance their careers.”
For more information, visit: www.psa.org.au/qualifications/pharmacist-training/new-zealand