Message from the Chair
Welcome to the Pharmacy Board of Australia’s (the Board) latest newsletter and my first as the Chair of the Board.We delayed the distribution of the newsletter to provide an update on a number of items that were pending, and also so that we could acknowledge the contribution made by the outgoing Chair, Steve Marty.As the Board’s inaugural Chair, Steve’s contribution both in the planning for, and in the transitioning of the various statePharmacy Boards to the Pharmacy Board of Australia, under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (the National Scheme) has been outstanding. Steve’s knowledge of pharmacy and pharmacist regulation is second to none, and his willingness to share this knowledge for the betterment of the profession and the protection of the public has brought him well-earned high praise. Thank you Steve.I’d also like to acknowledge the contributions of the other outgoing Board members – Gerry McInerney, Ian Huett and John Finlay. Like Steve, they have been inaugural Board members after distinguished service in their respective state boards before the National Scheme started. A special welcome also to incoming Board members – Ben Wilkins, Joy Hewitt, Mark Kirschbaum and Michael Piu. William Kelly
Chair, Pharmacy Board of Australia

Comment on the Board newsletter
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call the AHPRA customer service team on 1300 419 495
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Issue 9 – October 2015
In this issue |
Board appointments announced
The Australian Health Workforce Ministerial Council has announced new appointments and reappointments for National Boards.
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Online renewal of registration is now open
Pharmacists who are due to renew their general or non-practising registration can apply online now.
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Publication of revised guidelines for pharmacists
See the Codes, guidelines and policiessection of the Board’s website.
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Compounding of medicines
In its April 2015 communiqué the Board advised that the Guidelines on compounding of medicines are in effect.
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Quarterly registration data
At June 2015, there were 29,014 registered pharmacists in Australia.
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Accessing the national register of practitioners
The online national register of practitionershelps keep the public safe.
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Practice advice
Cautionary advisory labels
There are a range of resources available that provide guidance on the use of cautionary advice labels.
More…Supply of scheduled medicines for the treatment of animals
Pharmacists are reminded to make sure they comply with state and territory legal requirements for the supply of scheduled medicines for the treatment of animals.
More…Case studies
The Notifications Committee has provided de-identified case studies to encourage pharmacists to avoid similar incidents in the future
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National Scheme news
Criminal history and English language skills registration standards have been revised
Revised registration standards took effect on 1 July 2015.
More…Health ministers’ response to National Scheme review report
The Ministerial Council has considered the final report of the independent review of the National Scheme.
More…Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
The Board and AHPRA have been following the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and its implications for the regulation of health practitioners.
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For more information
Visit the Pharmacy Board of Australia website for more news about the profession.
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