Do we do enough for our statin patients?

Even though statins are the “go-to” therapy for lowering “bad” cholesterol, other treatments can effectively reduce the risk of future heart problems according to a new evidence review.
The Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that a heart-healthy diet can confer the same level of heart health protection as statins.

When we dispense a statin prescription, do we take the time to enquire about exercise options or food choices?
Or do we dispense and dismiss?

Surely every repeat dispensing gives us the opportunity to engage?
Isn’t that an opportunity to shift the focus from the actual drug onto the problem at hand?

Regular exercise does not have to be threatening – it just has to be regular. Food choices don’t have to be restrictive – just sensible with a focus on good fats, better protein and appropriate carbohydrates.

It might not be obvious within the confines of our dispensaries, but our patients, more than ever, are seeking to take more control over their health.

We need to encourage them to take their medicines correctly and to understand that there’s so much more we can help them do for their own health outcomes.

Do we want to be part of that?

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