Basic Patient Engagement
The term “Patient Engagement” is appearing in pharmacy media at an increasing rate. But what is meant by this term and is there more than one form of patient engagement? The quick answer is that the term is not new, but has been expanded to include patient sharing between various health professions. Patient engagement has…
Pharmacy Inertia is Crippling Development – Build Clinical Spaces and Move into your Local Area Market Plan
I was standing at the reception counter at my local GP waiting to make an appointment for my next visit. It was a hive of activity with conversations animatedly occurring all around me. It was obviously going to be a bit of a wait before I got my turn and I started to observe more…
Apple’s Genius Bar – an Opportunity for Pharmacy
We have written about the Apple Genius Bar before, and its transformation into a “health bar” in the UK-based Lloydspharmacy. We have also previously commented on how similar it was to the pre-1960’s pharmacy counter and how it was private enough then for pharmacy patients. For Apple, the Genius Bar has been a great success story…
Sustainable Technology – Making your own 3D printer recyclable ink filaments
What seems a technology that will become an integral part of our future, 3D printers are already making an impact over a wide cross-section of industries. Countries such as China are investing astronomical sums in the technology, and even Australia has made an investment through Monash University, to enable Australian industry to benefit from the…
Unprecedented Attacks on PGA Post-ANAO Report
“Australian pharmacy is in a death throe whether you are an accredited consultant or a community pharmacist and the PGA has been the spectacular lobbying body that has brought us to this point.” This is just a sample of one of the many comments currently circulating since the publication of the ANAO audit report after…
Post ANAO Report – the way ahead.
In his State of the Union address on 20 January, 2015, President Barrack Obama said: “I want the country that eliminated polio and mapped the human genome to lead a new era of medicine—one that delivers the right treatment at the right time.” And crucial to achieving that reality, said experts who addressed the 2014…
Try brainstorming to remedy cloudy thinking
An electric utility in the northwestern U.S. had problems with ice building up on its power transmission lines during the winter. The company had to send linesmen out to climb the pylons that held the lines to clear off the ice and snow. It was difficult and dangerous work, especially as bears sometimes wandered close…
Taking Pressure Away from the ED Lloydspharmacy Model
The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust in Greater Manchester has partnered with LloydsPharmacy to trial an innovative new pharmacy-led clinic at its busy North Manchester General accident and emergency department. As A&E departments across the country face unprecedented demand and continuing pressures, with mounting patient numbers attending for all sorts of conditions and complaints, the…
Print your own medicine – a $9 million 3D printing research and development hub opens in Melbourne
If I was back in my early 40’s, and including the energy levels I had back then, I would certainly not be wasting my time about the latest political “spin doctoring” from pharmacy organisations or government. It is so much a waste of time. I would be looking to harness the latest in scientific research and…
Management Consultancy Practices, Best Doctor Service and Establishing Pharmacy Clinical Services
As an accredited management consultant, it is common practice to seek second opinions from a variety of other consultants depending on their specialty. Before I retired from my management consultancy practice we had to have a method to train other consultants economically and productively. To do this we had a number of “in-house” activities where…