Walking Group is a Step to Better Health
Joining a walking group may be just what the doctor orders, because research suggests it is one of the best ways to improve your overall health. The British Journal of Sports Medicine states that it’s easy to stick with this type of exercise program, which offers a wide range of health benefits and has virtually…
Lifestyle medicine – the right idea at the right time
Eat well, stress less, move more and love more……these four simple principles of lifestyle changes have been shown to be of significant benefit in the management of chronic disease risk, influencing ageing and reducing health care costs. Speaking at the Personalised Lifestyle Medicine Institute’s Thought Leaders Consortium in Seattle, Dr Dean Ornish, President of the…
Clawing your way to the bottom
Seth Godin’s blogs are a refreshing way to stay grounded. He reminds us that to trade in your standards in order to gain short-term attention or profit isn’t as easy as it sounds. “Once-great media brands that now traffic in cheesecake and quick clicks don’t get there by mistake. Respected brands that rush to deliver…
Nutrition issues – another opportunity
Deakin University has come to the conclusion that most doctors are ill-equipped to identify and manage the nutritional needs of patients. Listening to my patients tell me that their GPs never allows them to eat eggs, because of the effects on their cholesterol, supports that Deakin conclusion. Deakin found for example, that a mere 15%…
Please Help the Worried Well
I’m not sure what’s happening, and it may be a result of the issues around blood tests for everything including underwear size, but I’m seeing lots of blokes especially who, having had a blood test which shows a slightly elevated something or other, are scared stiff about the ramifications. Fasting glucose levels that has slightly…
Vitamin D – Why Can’t We Be Proactive?
Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin”, forms the core of one of the longest fortification stories in the nutritional sphere. New research continues to support the ever-wider benefits for the vitamin. The naysayers continue to attempt to disagree with research results. Why are we so hesitant about embracing the benefits of vitamin D to our patients?…
Ice Buckets Aren’t The Cure For Motor Neurone Disease
Give a person an opportunity for a photo and it’s on for young and old! Celebrities, industry and professional leaders, KOLs , politicians current and has-been’s……the list is endless. Let’s stop pretending that pouring ice on ourselves means anything until we can acknowledge the research that some of the causes and cures for motor neurone…
Where are all the oldies going?
OK! I’ve had enough. I can’t sit back any longer and watch geriatric medicine become a cash cow for disinterested GPs and uncaring pharmacists. Let me give you a list: Proton pump inhibitors prescribed and dispensed for years at a time, in high doses, given at the wrong times of the day. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories prescribed…