EDITORIAL for Monday 14 March 2016
Welcome to this weeks’ edition of i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine dated Monday, 14 March 2016. This week we have devoted some time and effort to understand what is happening in the world of independent community pharmacies and how it is shrinking in terms of market share and the planning behind the forces driving these agendas.…
The Lessons From History – From Someone Who Has Lived It
Two weeks ago we published an article called Make the Right Turn at the Next Crossroads . It was based on a story written by a senior US pharmacist named Truman Lastinger and published in the US magazine, Drug Topics. Because Truman Lastinger and I are of similar vintage I could strongly identify with the period…
Marketing Your Leadership Potential – It’s a Great Persuader
Marketing is a powerful tool. Just ask any global drug company. It is their primary tool that underwrites the evidence base for their patented drugs. It’s a powerful tool to build cultural awareness, so that makes it a great tool for introducing the concepts that will take us down the pathway for a new paradigm pharmacy.…
Understanding the Impacts of a Global Pharmacy Invasion
Recently, i2P ran some articles postulating the expansion strategies of global supermarket and pharmacy groups. It is a story of consolidation of the pharmacy industry, both horizontally and vertically to form up massive conglomerates that concentrate purchasing power and market share of retail pharmacy goods and services. And it is a story that is mostly…
Health Care Dissatisfaction
GE Healthcare Camden Group and Prophet on Wednesday published the results of a study that found about 81% of the people they surveyed are dissatisfied with their health care experience. While this is a US study i2P believes that a similar situation exists here in Australia. The study also found a gap between what providers…
Important Communications Relating to Vaccine Policy and Debate
Editor’s Note: The following communications from Dr Judy Wilyman illustrate her tenacity and dedication to righting the wrongs created by the vaccine industry and their associates in mainstream media plus the lobby efforts with selected politicians with incorrect information. Full marks to Judy for standing up to all the pressures directed at her in a…
You can’t get out what you don’t put in
My friend, motivational speaker Zig Ziglar liked to tell the story of his friend, Walter Hailey. Although he became a star salesman, Hailey’s early career in insurance sales was rough. He endured frustration, anxiety, slammed doors, low sales figures, and uncertainty about his future. One day he grew so discouraged that he went to his…
PGA Forefront – Stock Management and Cash Flow Challenges
Mar 08, 2016 Unprecedented stock management and cashflow challenges Community pharmacies face a challenging nine months as the additional PBS reform savings that were required by the Federal Government during last year’s Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement (6CPA) negotiations take effect. On 1 April, the Government will, for the first time, reduce the price of a…
PSA Media Releases – 1. HDP Launched 2. ACT Intern of the Year 3. Victorian Pharmacist Vaccination Progress
Health Destination Pharmacy launched during PSA roadshow 9 March 2016 A new, evidence-based program to reposition pharmacists as health care providers and pharmacies as a health destination in the community to provide high-quality healthcare has been launched as part of a successful national roadshow by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA), Australia’s peak organisation for…
NPS Media Release – National Medicinewise Awards
10 MARCH 2016 NATIONAL MEDICINEWISE AWARDS: CALL FOR ENTRIES Entries and nominations are now open for the 2016 National Medicinewise Awards—the only awards to recognise contributions to quality use of medicines, medical tests and health technologies. The biennial National Medicinewise Awards will be presented by NPS MedicineWise as part of this year’s National Medicines Symposium…