EDITORIAL for Monday 23 November 2015
Welcome to this weeks’ edition of i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine dated Monday, 23rd November, 2015. Well, it’s now countdown to Christmas where traditionally forward planning and implementation processes are put on hold, and hopefully there will be a Christmas stimulus and cash flow positive position at the end of the holiday season. If forward…
Phoctors and Docpharms
In these days of constant change or business disruption we often find ourselves in a constant state of anxiety. This is not good for mental health and is probably the underlying reason why mental health issues have shown such a massive increase across the spectrum of entire populations, over the past five years As a…
Health Fund Managed Care – Will it be a short-term positive or a long-term negative for Pharmacy
There seems little doubt that the Australian government is setting out to introduce a US style of healthcare management using health funds to “front” for some of their objectives. Despite the fact that the US has the worst health system in the world (as well as the most expensive), government seems to think that by…
Health Disruption to Health Care – by Health Funds and Major Investors
Health funds are beginning to look at disruptive or innovative acquisitions that will help in their objective of converting as many health systems as possible to become part of a managed care consortium. While the process promises lower health costs, low health insurance premiums and a five star system for patients to rate their health…
I’ve Been Thinking – She should have been home for Christmas too
I’ve been thinking about drugs, wars, Christmases, and your hospital (the one you work in and/or the one you go to as a patient). On my daily walks, I’ve been listening to Laura Hillenbrand’sUnbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption. I’m at Christmas of 1943—the year Bing Crosby’s newly recorded “I’ll Be…
A Constant Stream of Expensive Drugs
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, November 16, 2015 It would be novel indeed to see a news media report entitled “Life- Saving Vitamins.” That’s a headline about vitamins that would be true for once. Instead, I see folks on TV speaking about those drugs they so desperately “need” while they plead with drug companies to just…
Australian Pharmacy Council (National & NSW Releases)
19 November 2015 Australian Pharmacy Council reveals Australia’s first Advanced Practice Pharmacists The Australian Pharmacy Council congratulates all pharmacists who participated in the Credentialing of advanced practice pharmacists pilot program. Today we reveal the full list of the 28 pharmacists credentialed as Australia’s first Advanced Practice Pharmacists (Adv. Prac. Pharm.). Throughout 2015, the Australian Pharmacy…
PSA Media Releases – Eight Current Releases
November 21, 2015 PSA Victorian Pharmacist of the Year Ms Fiona Robertson, a community pharmacist at Swan Hill was presented with the Victorian Pharmacist Medal at the Victorian Pharmacists Dinner held on Friday evening, 20 November 2015. Ms Robertson works full time at the Marraboor Pharmacy where she has been a partner since 1997. A graduate…
ASMI Media Releases – 1. Expert Panel Report 2. Codeine Decision Deferred 3. UK Self Care Week 4. Switch Environment & S3 Advertising
ASMI welcomes Expert Panel Report 20 November 2015 – The Australian Self Medication Industry (ASMI) today welcomed the Stage Two Expert Panel report on the regulatory framework for medicines and medical devices. ASMI Chief Executive Officer, Deon Schoombie, said: “ASMI supports the majority of the Expert Panel’s recommendations on the regulation of complementary medicines and…
NPS Media Releases – Seven Recent Media Releases
20 NOVEMBER 2015 INTRODUCTION TO ANTIMICROBIAL PRESCRIBING: NEW HEALTH PROFESSIONAL COURSE Coinciding with Antibiotic Awareness Week and complementing this year’s theme ‘Antibiotics: Handle with care’ is the release of Introduction to antimicrobial prescribing, a new online learning course for health professionals and students. The course focuses on and provides an opportunity to reinforce knowledge of appropriate antimicrobial…