Creativity and Innovation – In Pharmacy, both may need an injection
Creativity and innovation are terms constantly used in the world of business, but what do they really mean in that context? The dictionary defines creativity as: “the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination” For an actual example of creativity I turned to Seth Godin, and he did not fail me. “One of my favorite triumphs of all time happened…
Patient Engagement – Start With The Salutation
Health is a very personal business and trust is a very important element in the “engagement” mix as far as delivering information about conditions or medications, and the mentoring required when transferring knowledge and understanding. Engagement is a two-way process and involves system and style. For example, I have often used my knowledge of family…
Blue Ocean Strategy – It Fits a New Pharmacy Model
Pharmacists have described the community pharmacy environment for as long as I can remember, as being restrictive and confined, no matter the physical size of the pharmacy. They call it the “four-wall syndrome” and it is, in fact, a form of depression. The one thing that characterises the profession overall is that there is little…
Define Your Pharmacy Frustum
I was performing my regular reading of my emails when I came across the latest words of wisdom from Seth Godin. Seth always seems to read my mind, and his emails often cross over with a period of time when I may be thinking about a pharmacy problem, but finding difficulty in trying to express…
Marketing Focus 1. The Year of the Entrepreneur 2. A Black Star 3. Pursuit of Business 4. Digital-Era Local Marketing 5. The Digital Divide
It’s official. 2016 is the year of the Entrepreneur. Those looking for leadership, financial stimulation and a “leg-up” from government or the mining industry will be disappointed. In both instances for them the cupboard is bare. For the innovators the potential for financial rewards will be substantial – but as rare as genuine entrepreneurs. …
Local Education –Forums to the future
As a management consultant my objective was always to delegate an owner-manager out of their business. The process usually took two years and during that period every single staff person was retrained to a different way of thinking about their workplace through on-the-job mentoring and the process of delegation. Thus, the business owners could actually take…
A Home Doesn’t Need to Have a Single Roof – Because it Might Need to be a Neighbourhood
The “buzz words” floating around the newly discovered world of primary health care are “Patient-Centred Homes”, a concept where a focus is generated on a patient through a triage process where patients are provided an efficient sequential introduction to the health resource most required by those patients under the one roof. Results to date in…
Give your self-confidence the boost you need
Walt Disney used to talk about the four Cs to success in life – curiosity, confidence, courage and consistency. He believed that if you applied these four Cs to your life, you could accomplish practically anything. But there was one C that Walt said was the greatest of all – confidence. He said, “When you…
Marketing Focus – Essays in Management & Marketing
1. “We are family”. Three small words. But not a three-word slogan. Collectively, they represent a force of nature in society and business. The importance and power of the phrase were brought home to me at a nephew’s 50thbirthday party. He shared with his guests that he and I had had a counselling session when…
The Paris Attacks – an Impetus for Community Pharmacy to be an Emergency Triage Point
Recently, I have written two articles relating to triaged services from a pharmacy environment and how community pharmacy could be integrated into a public emergency system. In these articles I made the proposition that Location Rules night have more meaning if pharmacies were able to be strategically located throughout Australia because of the need to…