Fast Food Leading the way – Annihilate Dispensing or Enhance it?
The fast food industry is rapidly moving to replace employees with robots to eliminate payroll, health benefits and human unreliability. It will prove to be a template for pharmacy evolution and it’s under way right now. Also, it’s very likely that, within your professional lifetime, you’re going to see a huge revolution in robotics. It…
Increase Safety Checks as Pharmacists Prepare to Leave Dispensaries
With the introduction of automated dispensing systems new safety factors appear as the pharmacist has to interface and change work-flows between dispensing assistants and the patient. And that takes place after a complete refit of the dispensary to accommodate the new robotic equipment and its impact on work-flows. Because of the pressures on the pharmacist…
Seth Godin Clarity – as applied to pharmacy
I have long been admired the mental agility of Seth Godin, the US marketing guru who was the author of an Internet transforming book titled “The Ideavirus”. Basically, he identified and predicted what has now come to pass, in that “word of mouth” would be displaced by “word of mouse”. His words reported further along…
Robots,dogs,sci-fi and intravenous drugs
I’ve been thinking about robots, dogs, sci fi, and the intravenous drugs hospitals are pushing into patients’ veins. 2030. A robot, a dog, and a pharmacist walk into a bar. A chatty bar tender learns that his three customers comprise the entire pharmacy department of the large hospital in town. When asked what each does, the…