What is Primary Health Care?
The term is used commonly within all health professions globally. Australian doctors continually make the claim to be the natural leaders of any primary health care initiative within Australia, often disruptively. But Primary Health Care is bigger than any single profession no matter how inflated its point of view. Just how did the term arise,…
Future Pharmacy Starting From a Compound Base
Pharmaca is a US-based integrative pharmacy company that has developed a pharmacy model which could be adapted to an Australian “future pharmacy” model. Basically, it is a compounding pharmacy first, with outreach into evidence-based complementary medicine (hence they are integrative medicine specialists) plus a retail segment. By US standards it is a small to medium…
Telemedicine – Promising Opportunities For Clinical Pharmacists
As technology floods nearly every sector of the US economy and there is a move to convert providers from a fee-for-service model to one that reimburses based on patient outcomes, healthcare executives are gearing up for the industry’s next monumental shift. Telemedicine. The reality is that telemedicine is not a distant possibility. While few for-profit…
Patient Engagement is Patient Management and Customer Conversion
How often do you openly engage with a patient, particularly when you have a busy dispensing schedule under way and the order in your day is rapidly becoming “disorder”. Eyes averted, you bend your head to avoid eye contact, because that would extend patient engagement, and with that, your day suddenly just deteriorated a shade…
Health Station Central – Rebuilding Trust
The community pharmacy environment is really the public face of pharmacy and has been privileged by being protected by legislation. There is an obligation to do the job properly and utilise the space to accommodate highly trained staff to deliver a complete service. There is also an expectation that skilled staff will be paid appropriately…
New Bachelor Degree Physician Assistants
Four new Physician Assistants (PA’s) graduated recently from James Cook University in Queensland. While there has been a small cadre of PA’s building up over the years (50 in total), there has been no significant volume of them stepping in to fill gaps. PA’s have been touted as the answer to doctor shortages in rural…
Health Consumers Want Connected Devices
According to an A&D Medical survey released recently, more than half (56%) of Americans want to monitor their health with connected devices. It is thought that this trend might be mirrored in Australia, as the company also has a physical presence within Australia and US trends seem to be a forerunner for Australia. A&D Medical…
Organisational Styles of Management – Some Charting Views
One of the criticisms that i2P has leveled at pharmacy proprietors/managers and their leadership body, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia is their style of management. It has always been a top down hierarchical style that is slow-moving and now out of date. It concentrates excessive power at the executive end of the organisation, with members…
UK Clinical Services Blocked
“The drive to move pharmacy away from a medicines supply role has made “disappointing” progress over the past year, think tank the Nuffield Trust has said.The sector must “seize the opportunities on offer” or its future over the next decade “looked bleak”, the think tank warned in its report on how attitudes to pharmacy have…
Important Breakthrough in Clinical Room Design
Research has shown that clinical services can be inhibited in pharmacy in the introductory phase of development if the elements of good marketing and management are missing. Marketing is a “communicator” element and the technique of telling a story that communicates the new culture of pharmacy is extremely important. Services are like products and have…