Something Fishy Going On?
I haven’t quite recovered from the surprise I received years ago when I found that the National Heart Foundation had awarded a fast food chain their famous “red tick” of approval for some of the “meals” they sold. On reflection, that fast food chain got rather good value for a $300,000 per annum investment, but…
More street smart ideas to drive success
A man went to a rabbi and asked, “Rabbi, you’re a wise man, how is it that you’re wise?” The rabbi replied, “Study and hard work.” Then the man asked, “What made you study and work hard?” The rabbi replied, “A lot of experience.” Then the man asked, “And how’d you get a lot of…
DNA – Does it Contain the Placebo Secret?
Some people feel better after dummy treatments, while others feel no difference unless the drugs are real. A new paper argues that the difference may come down to genetics. The first real, physical proof of the placebo effect came in 1978. Running a study on patients who had recently had their wisdom teeth removed, researchers gave some…
New Paradigm Pharmacy Design
Pharmacy Workplaces are fairly sterile places to work in as regards to interaction with co-workers and fulfilment for patients and customers. Design improvement is one of the last items generally considered when setting up a pharmacy because there are many models to view and adapt that are already developed, and can be readily copied. But…
Tuning out the “noise” – but it’s action time!
Many pharmacists from all walks of pharmacy life have become concerned at the depth, breadth and the number of critics that have emerged from the “woodwork”, launching their own version of vitriol and having it hurled it at the pharmacy profession as negatively as possible. During this contrived unprofessional “storm in a teacup” (and it…
Government Vaccination Policy – Research Uncovers Anomalies
Editor’s Note: Judy Wilyman, a PhD student based at the University of Wollongong, is researching government vaccination policies. And it’s just as well, because vaccination policy is all over the place, seemingly driven by vaccine manufacturers with little regard for human safety. Judy is very courageous because she writes truthfully and from an evidence base. And…
Vaccines – the Controversies Continue
As a member of a science-based profession I try to ensure that I follow processes that are evidence-based. Over the past decade I have become disillusioned over the quality and presentation of evidence for drugs which has become more of a marketing exercise than a scientific one. Even the design of clinical trials have been…
Embrace and Plan for the Future of 3D Drug Printing
In 3D-printing, pharmacists have a tool that if understood and used appropriately, can elevate their ability to perform research and provide service levels not even previously envisaged. i2P often claims that “it lives in the future to reflect a pathway back to its present readers”. Believe me, this claim refers to the topics contained within…
A Tale of an Aspiring Medication Specialist
During my final year of Pharmacy each student was required to complete a one week placement in a hospital as part of our training. My uncle was an Intensive Care Specialist at a large regional hospital in New South Wales and was enthusiastic about organising for me to stay with him and spend a week…
Your Future Pharmacy – there are choices
Pharmacies have always existed in different formats to give customer or patient choices. Physical size has been one of these determinants, but does size really matter? Pharmacy, as an industry has relied on the PBS as being the centre of its universe. In so doing, pharmacists have skewed pharmacy practice to becoming overwhelmingly geared towards…