Courage is an everyday virtue
Students in a philosophy class were anxiously awaiting the start of their final exam. The professor had warned them that it would be one of the most challenging tests they would ever take. The teacher wrote one question on the board and said, “This is your exam. You have one hour to complete it.” One…
Patient Engagement – Start With The Salutation
Health is a very personal business and trust is a very important element in the “engagement” mix as far as delivering information about conditions or medications, and the mentoring required when transferring knowledge and understanding. Engagement is a two-way process and involves system and style. For example, I have often used my knowledge of family…
Vaccinations, Vitamin C, and “Choice”
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, February 13, 2016 Some folks are pretty appalled that my husband and I had our children vaccinated. People write and tell me that vaccinations are dangerous. They warn me about the side effects of this vaccine and that one. They share alternative, natural ways to improve immunity. What we’ve got here…
Blue Ocean Strategy – It Fits a New Pharmacy Model
Pharmacists have described the community pharmacy environment for as long as I can remember, as being restrictive and confined, no matter the physical size of the pharmacy. They call it the “four-wall syndrome” and it is, in fact, a form of depression. The one thing that characterises the profession overall is that there is little…
Define Your Pharmacy Frustum
I was performing my regular reading of my emails when I came across the latest words of wisdom from Seth Godin. Seth always seems to read my mind, and his emails often cross over with a period of time when I may be thinking about a pharmacy problem, but finding difficulty in trying to express…
Marketing Focus 1. The Year of the Entrepreneur 2. A Black Star 3. Pursuit of Business 4. Digital-Era Local Marketing 5. The Digital Divide
It’s official. 2016 is the year of the Entrepreneur. Those looking for leadership, financial stimulation and a “leg-up” from government or the mining industry will be disappointed. In both instances for them the cupboard is bare. For the innovators the potential for financial rewards will be substantial – but as rare as genuine entrepreneurs. …
Ethical weight loss?
What an interesting link between Novo Nordisk and their pharmacist-led weight-loss support program! This is a clinical trial of a human glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and is a hormone that suppresses appetite. Using the former National President of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia as a brand ambassador might even add some credibility to enhance the uptake…
An Orchestrated Attack on a PhD Thesis
When my PhD thesis was published on the University of Wollongong website (January 2016) the copyright act was used to selectively publish the research. In addition, journalists and lobbyists have attempted to discredit the research by disparaging me, the university’s processes and my supervisor. These members of the public do not counter any of the information…
How Doctors Use Vitamin C Against Lead Poisoning
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, January 26, 2016. We hear about the hazards of lead. We know that lead poisoning can cause severe mental retardation. Lead has been clearly linked with Alzheimer’s disease. We have been told to avoid lead in our homes and in our water, and to clean up lead pollution of our environment.…
Pharmacy has lost its chemistry
The pharmacy profession has lost its chemistry, it has become pharmacy against pharmacy until the cheaper more aggressive one triumphs against the other. The consequences of losing our chemistry is that we are no longer afraid of destroying the lives of the pharmacy next door, because they are looked at as a business and business must…