E-Commerce Giant May Interest Pharmacy Inventors
Health and wellness, apart from providing opportunity in product retailing and the sale of health services, is also a rich source for research projects involving new inventions that represent a vast range of opportunities. Many pharmacists have an inventive component in their make-up and many useful products and services have been invented and designed to…
Pharmacy by Design – Reinventing the Dispensary
Recently, we published some work (Pharmacy by Design) carried out by some US design researchers that involved pharmacy design basic research. The company, which is called Nurture by Steelcase, conducted research over a number of differing pharmacy settings and came up with a number of principles that held true for a pharmacy in all those…
Digitally enabled care is fundamental to quality care
Clinicians are more open to utilizing burgeoning healthcare technology as part of their practice, and patients are more receptive to interacting with that technology, according to a new PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Research Institute report released last month titled “Healthcare delivery of the future: How digital technology can bridge the gap of time and distance between clinicians…
Health Consumers Want Connected Devices
According to an A&D Medical survey released recently, more than half (56%) of Americans want to monitor their health with connected devices. It is thought that this trend might be mirrored in Australia, as the company also has a physical presence within Australia and US trends seem to be a forerunner for Australia. A&D Medical…
Mobile is Eating the World
Some of the figures for mobile phone use are staggering. The take home message is that you cannot avoid engaging mobile phones with your business/practice, or face a disruption that may prove almost impossible to reverse. Given that pharmacists were once avid users of technology and were some of the first to embrace the Internet,…
Instant-start computers possible with new breakthrough
To encode data, today’s computer memory technology uses electric currents – a major limiting factor for reliability and shrinkability, and the source of significant power consumption. If data could instead be encoded without current – for example, by an electric field applied across an insulator – it would require much less energy, and make things…
On The Other Side Of Christmas
Many pharmacies rely on Christmas trading to fill revenue gaps that may have occurred over the year. December turnover in pharmacy usually is around 50% above the average of the preceding 11 months and often requires taking high risk. That risk is getting higher with discount pharmacies continually expanding their market share. Also, Internet retailers…
Own Your Own Work to Build Patient Trust
We now live in a world of science that most of us did not know or even understand when we finished our studies within pharmacy schools at various universities around Australia. Unfortunately that science is now tinged by corruption of evidence by Big Pharma and skewed to an extreme by medical skeptics seemingly supporting orthodox…
One Precursor Strategy For Building a New Paradigm Pharmacy
Information Technology can be very disruptive and the retailing industry is testament to that with the introduction of e-commerce. To keep up with strategies that may give a retail advantage, Westfield Corporation, well-known to many Australian pharmacy owners, has established Westfield Labs as an entity of Westfield Corporation serving as a global digital lab focused…
New Pharmacy Paradigm – Drone Delivery
Editor’s Note: In keeping with our “over-the-horizon” view of pharmacy we allow staff writers to exercise their imagination and publish “what if?” material. Drone technology could become an integral component of a pharmacy-in-the home project, and because of its widespread uptake, it will be at a reasonable cost. We will check back in over time.…