Value Over Profit ?
When pharmacy comes under financial pressure it always looks for a “quick fix” and it usually takes the form of concentrating resources and focus into various retail channels of activity. Even though pharmacists are criticised for expanding their retail offering and daring to create survival profits, it is a necessary activity to ensure that the…
Design for a Medication Safety Plan
The problem of creating a quality professional pharmacy practice for community pharmacy is often in conflict with the metrics required to provide a solid business infrastructure. Without a sound infrastructure there is no support to underpin a professional practice, so Codes of Conduct and minimum levels for Standards of Practice have to be developed. Increased…
Medical media recently has highlighted the bad news for back pain sufferers – analgesic don’t work! As reported in 6minutes newsletter to GPs, “NSAIDs such as ibuprofen are no better than placebo. And perhaps do more harm than good.” The news release goes on to say that “previous research has already demonstrated that paracetamol is…
Vaccine Update – 1. Jon Rappoport 2. Freda Birrell (Sanevax) 3. Dr Judy Wilyman 4. Health Impact News
Editor’s Note: The strategies devised to market vaccines were primarily developed by Big Pharma’s in the US. That they have been proven to be deceptive, certainly unsafe for some vaccine products (due to toxic preservatives and adjuvants) and enforced by corrupt agencies of government – has left health professionals and health consumers quite bewildered and…
The “Bent Spoon” award developed by people with bent thinking
Skeptics Australia, is an organisation noted for its biased opinions and its campaigning against a range of health groups. Originally it was set up to debunk paranormal issues but its agenda seems to have been hijacked by people reflecting the vested interests of global corporates, in particular, those of Big Pharma. I have commented in…
I’ve been thinking about medication safety technology and beating the clock.
Sixty years ago, I enjoyed the popular ABC black-and-white television game show Beat the Clock. “America’s number one clock watcher” and host, Bud Collyer, gave contestants simple, fun assignments. On one episode, a lady had to balance a dinner plate on a pencil for fifteen seconds—before the clock “beat her.” On another, a guy had…
November 1 – D-Day for Medical Cannabis
Medicinal cannabis will become legal, but strictly controlled from November this year, under a formal decision reached by the Therapeutic Goods Administration this week. The final decision was published on Wednesday, paving the way for the drug to be legalised for medicinal use, as the federal government works towards creating a national regulator. Clinical trials have shown…
The Pharmacist Advocate – Happenings in a Global Pharmacy on its way to you!
Editor’s Note: In March 2016 i2P published an article by Peter Sayers regarding the globalisation of Australian community pharmacies (read http://i2p.com.au/understanding-the-impacts-of-a-global-pharmacy-invasion/ ). We also published well before the last election that Medicare privatisation issues would became the focus of that election and that the election would be basically fought on health. Future elections are likely to keep…
17 traditional medicine modalities discriminated against
The 2016 federal elections are really about the control of Australia’s health system. And many special interest groups are using the elections to further their agendas at a time when the election polls are showing a “neck and neck” result between the major parties. One little drama played out recently was the Victorian legislation enacted…
Salad May Cause Autism? If Johns Hopkins Says So, It MUST be True
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, May 18, 2016 If you believe the media (and golly, doesn’t everybody?), pregnant women should not eat leafy green vegetables. Well, that is the gist of Johns Hopkins’ May 11 report that “Too Much Folate in Pregnant Women Increases Risk for Autism” (http://www.jhsph.edu/news/news-releases/2016/too-much-folate-in-pregnant-women-increases-risk-for-autism-study-suggests.html ). Okay, the study actually targets supplements, but let’s…