Embrace and Plan for the Future of 3D Drug Printing
In 3D-printing, pharmacists have a tool that if understood and used appropriately, can elevate their ability to perform research and provide service levels not even previously envisaged. i2P often claims that “it lives in the future to reflect a pathway back to its present readers”. Believe me, this claim refers to the topics contained within…
A Tale of an Aspiring Medication Specialist
During my final year of Pharmacy each student was required to complete a one week placement in a hospital as part of our training. My uncle was an Intensive Care Specialist at a large regional hospital in New South Wales and was enthusiastic about organising for me to stay with him and spend a week…
Your Future Pharmacy – there are choices
Pharmacies have always existed in different formats to give customer or patient choices. Physical size has been one of these determinants, but does size really matter? Pharmacy, as an industry has relied on the PBS as being the centre of its universe. In so doing, pharmacists have skewed pharmacy practice to becoming overwhelmingly geared towards…
So you want to collaborate? – a US experience
Collaboration between doctors and pharmacists is not a new thought, and when performed correctly and ethically, it works well for both sides. But mostly this is an exception, it only seems to work if the pharmacist takes up the role of being a second class citizen with floor-mat privileges. It is simply a power play…
Basic Patient Engagement
The term “Patient Engagement” is appearing in pharmacy media at an increasing rate. But what is meant by this term and is there more than one form of patient engagement? The quick answer is that the term is not new, but has been expanded to include patient sharing between various health professions. Patient engagement has…
Pharmacy Inertia is Crippling Development – Build Clinical Spaces and Move into your Local Area Market Plan
I was standing at the reception counter at my local GP waiting to make an appointment for my next visit. It was a hive of activity with conversations animatedly occurring all around me. It was obviously going to be a bit of a wait before I got my turn and I started to observe more…
Apple’s Genius Bar – an Opportunity for Pharmacy
We have written about the Apple Genius Bar before, and its transformation into a “health bar” in the UK-based Lloydspharmacy. We have also previously commented on how similar it was to the pre-1960’s pharmacy counter and how it was private enough then for pharmacy patients. For Apple, the Genius Bar has been a great success story…
Sustainable Technology – Making your own 3D printer recyclable ink filaments
What seems a technology that will become an integral part of our future, 3D printers are already making an impact over a wide cross-section of industries. Countries such as China are investing astronomical sums in the technology, and even Australia has made an investment through Monash University, to enable Australian industry to benefit from the…
The Unmet Needs of Cancer
How can we understand and meet the unfulfilled needs of our patients who have been through cancer therapy? Recent research shows that many cancer patients face physical and mental challenges that impair their quality of life well beyond the five-year survival milestone. These problems and challenges can vary by the type of cancer and the…
Pharmacy Guild of Australia is no friend of Community Clinical Pharmacists – ANAO
On the 5th of March a report by the Australian National Audit Office was tabled in Federal Parliament with 257 pages of analysis into the administration by the Department of Health of the Fifth Community Pharmacy Agreement (5CPA). I am not someone who reads these reports every day, but even to my untrained eye there…