November 1 – D-Day for Medical Cannabis
Medicinal cannabis will become legal, but strictly controlled from November this year, under a formal decision reached by the Therapeutic Goods Administration this week. The final decision was published on Wednesday, paving the way for the drug to be legalised for medicinal use, as the federal government works towards creating a national regulator. Clinical trials have shown…
Accessing Medical Marijuana
Australia really does have a peculiar poisons regulation system, particularly when you want to access a non-psychoactive version of medical cannabis, in the form of hemp. According to this outpatient alcohol rehab, although doctors can now legally prescribe medical marijuana they can only do so if they register at the federal and state levels for…
A Cautious Introduction of Marijuana into Your Pharmacy
Recently, an Israelis company lodged an application to approve its topical cannabis derived products for sale in the Australian market place. So topical marijuana may be the first entrant in the Australian pharmacy market. Some marijuana products already exist in the retail market place – but they are for external use only. Hemp oil, for…
Medical Cannabis – a Product That Clinical Pharmacists Could Match to Chronic Illness
While there has been movement in the right direction in getting medical cannabis on to the market in Australia there are still some glaring anomalies in its introduction and you would have to ask “Why?” Where I live in NSW I am on the fringe of some of the best cannabis growing soils and climate…
Diluting the debate
When we are asked what sort of tea we want at a cafè, we select an option. We know what we want – English breakfast tastes different that Earl Grey, Green Tea and others. So, we acknowledge that teas have different properties, different tastes, different “actives”. What is it then so hard for pharmacists to…
The Effects of Cannabis On Weight Loss, Exercise Performance and Insulin Resistance
This report is a collection of news items and research reports related to the effects of medical cannabis. Some of this information is anecdotal and has to be validated by formal clinical trials. But if only a fraction of the results claimed by personal users is correct, then we indeed have a very useful substance within…
Engage with Marijuana Opportunities
With the recent announcement by Minister for Health, Sussan Ley, that Australia will have a single licencing system for the controlled cultivation of cannabis, Australia will now have a streamlined system for medical or scientific cannabis development and production which will avoid some of the problems in other countries where it has not been appropriately…
Pineapple Express – A Retail Store Concept for the Sale of Marijuana
Editor’s Note: The Pineapple Express has engaged design firm, The McBride Company, to envision the future of cannabis culture (and consumerism). While the laws in the US are completely different to Australia (some states in the US allow recreational use of marijuana) it is not beyond expectation that a similar culture will emerge in Australia.…
Medical Marijuana Creates Clinical and Financial Opportunity for Pharmacists
The Australian Government intends to amend the Narcotic Drugs Act to allow cannabis to be grown for medicine or science and ensure that Australia is not in breach of international drug treaties. In Australia currently Cannabis is prohibited or otherwise managed through Drug Scheduling: (a) when separately specified in these Schedules; or (b) processed hemp…
I’ve been thinking about ….. ants, Amazon, IVs, and weed
I’ve been thinking about ants, Amazon, IVs, and weed. Whoever concluded we are direct descendants of apes must have missed Solomon’s advice about considering ants. Seriously, nonhuman primates travel light. More like ants, we humans spend our days schlepping stuff around. We pack suitcases and briefcases, pull them through airports, stow them overhead, and drag…