EDITORIAL For Monday 1 February 2016
Welcome to i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine for the week commencing Monday, 1 February 2016. This week sees the stirring of pharmacy as the holiday season draws to a close. It seems to have been an extended break because I suspect there are many tired and stressed pharmacists out there still feeling a bit mentally…
Pharmacy has lost its chemistry
The pharmacy profession has lost its chemistry, it has become pharmacy against pharmacy until the cheaper more aggressive one triumphs against the other. The consequences of losing our chemistry is that we are no longer afraid of destroying the lives of the pharmacy next door, because they are looked at as a business and business must…
Danish Malpractice System Provides Integrity, Safety, and an Education Resource
It is depressingly common and it has recently happened here in Australia. A patient leaves hospital, or a doctor’s surgery or from a pharmacy with a medication such as Methotrexate with instructions stating “one tablet daily” instead of “one tablet weekly”. The patient is damaged or dies, and there begins the problem of who to…
Australian Vaccination Policy and Autism/Chronic Illness
Since I publicised my graduation in December 2015 there have been many inaccurate stories written about my research in the mainstream media. Most of these stories and comments have been made by journalists who have presented statements from my thesis out of context and used labels such as ‘conspiracy theory’ and anti-vaccination’ to influence the…
Australian Research Illustrates a Reason for Irrational Skeptic Behaviour
In last week’s edition some of our staff writers put together an article that featured Australian research on Asperger’s syndrome and the behaviours associated with that condition. That article was titled “People with high autistic tendencies see the world very differently, and a Swinburne magazine summary of their research is found here: What started out…
The Formal Documents Required for a Functioning Pharmacy Business
Many pharmacy businesses (even some of the larger variety) often do not conduct important aspects of their business by having basic contracts/agreements in place for each activity. You do not have to be a legal expert, when often all that is required is an exchange of letters confirming details of your mutual discussion and your understanding…
MedsASSIST May Prove To Be A Useful Long Term Monitoring Tool
The MedsASSIST system, designed to monitor pharmacy sales of codeine products, has reached the stage of progressing to stage two of a pilot, involving approximately 150 pharmacies in the Newcastle and North Queensland regions. The system is being introduced because government was intending to reschedule codeine to schedule 4 (prescription only) status. Addiction to prescription…
Managed Alcohol Programs – (MAP). Slow progress of effective hostel protocol to save money, suffering and dignity of our most marginalised citizens.
Dear Colleagues, I have been writing these summaries for many years but there is little more dramatic I can think of than the findings of three published studies and numerous other reports of allowing alcohol to alcoholics in refuges under strict supervision with psychosocial supports. I wrote enthusiastically about a Canadian study by Tiina Podymow…
PSA Media Releases – 1. Health Destination Roadshow 2. Rural Pharmacist OAM Honour 3. South Africa Conference 2016
Register at this link Rural pharmacist humbled by OAM honour 27 January 2016 Respected rural pharmacist John Holds has been bestowed with an Order of Australia (OAM) medal to honour more than 40 years of his service to the community. Mr Holds’ outstanding dedication to rural pharmacy was applauded by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia…
ASMI Media Release – 1.New Chairperson Elected 2. Country of Origin Labelling
ASMI announces new Chairperson 28 January 2016 – The Australian Self Medication Industry (ASMI) today announced industry veteran, Lindsay Forrest, as its new Chairperson. ASMI Chief Executive Officer, Deon Schoombie, congratulated and welcomed Lindsay Forrest. “Lindsay has a long and distinguished history in the consumer healthcare products industry and is a recognised industry…