EDITORIAL for Monday 24 August 2015
Welcome to this weeks’ edition of i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine, dated Monday 24 August 2015. Fears of recession in Australia are rising as our economic indicators begin to show signs of a first recession in 24 years. Our budget seems to have blown out already, mining is still on the decrease and unemployment is…
Strengthening the “Core” of Pharmacy
UK pharmacists have a similar media nemesis to Australian pharmacists in the form of the Daily Telegraph. That newspaper is not, however, owned or controlled by the Murdoch group. The UK Pharmaceutical Journal reports that: “The front page of The Daily Telegraph on 10 August 2015 read ‘Boots, Tesco and Superdrug to get access to NHS medical…
Create Your Own Brand Challenge – or Spring Clean the one you already have
Starting with a blank sheet of paper gives you a sense of having a fresh and clean starting point, but no sense of who you are, what you do or where you are going. That requires a bit of thinking, planning, decluttering and logical projection. It’s the same process whether you are designing a brand…
Recent Italian Court Decisions on Vaccines and Autism
Editor’s Note: Mary S. Holland is a Research Scholar at the NYU School of Law and chairs the advisory board of the non-profit organization Health Choice. She assists in collating legal evidence to inform on court decisions that run contrary to government health policies. This type of evidence is slowly uncovering the issues of fraud surrounding…
Vaccines – Conflict of Interest
Here’s an interesting discussion about the conflict of interest surrounding supposedly ‘independent’ sources that back the US government’s assertion that vaccines and autism are not related. Front organisations such as Every Child by Two, and Dr. Paul Offit, receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding from pharmaceutical companies that make vaccines. They do not disclose how much money they…
Smart dressings speed healing of chronic wounds
Researchers at Swinburne University of Technology are developing innovative nanofibre meshes that might draw bacteria out of wounds and speed up the healing process. The research is the focus of Swinburne PhD candidate Martina Abrigo, who received the university’s Chancellor’s Research Scholarship to undertake this work. Using a technique called electrospinning – in which…
Monash research sets new record for generation of fuels from sunlight
Researchers at Monash University have designed a solar fuel generating device that has established a new record in energy efficiency for the production of solar fuels. The new device can produce hydrogen fuel at 22% energy efficiency, breaking the previous record of 18%. Lead researcher Professor Leone Spiccia in the School of Chemistry at Monash…
PSA Media Releases – PSA calls for more research into medicinal cannabis
PSA calls for more research into medicinal cannabis August 14, 2015 The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia today released a position statement on the investigation of the potential therapeutic value of and therefore possible medicinal uses for cannabis. The PSA cautions that the document does not aim to address implications or barriers to the calls to…
Forefront – Primary role for community pharmacy
There is an ongoing need for genuine primary health care reform, and the Guild is actively playing a part in the national debate about the direction that reform needs to take. As part of this dialogue, a Guild delegation – including myself and National President George Tambassis – was pleased to meet this week with…
ASMI Media Release – ASMI Conference 2015
Register NOW! for the ASMI Conference 2015 Innovating to a Self-Care Future on 11 November 2015 Plan for the future with the latest game changing innovations and growth drivers for the consumer healthcare industry. This year ASMI is putting the spotlight on the key drivers of growth for consumer healthcare moving forward. Our speakers will look…