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PSA Media Releases – Seven New Releases – I2P

PSA Media Releases – Seven New Releases

1. Record-breaking election turn-out for peak pharmacists’ body
May 12, 2017

A record voter turn-out has been achieved for the 2017 Branch Committee elections declared today by the peak national body for pharmacists, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA).

With 24 per cent of PSA’s eligible members casting their votes, PSA welcomed many passionate pharmacists seeking to represent their profession on PSA Branch Committees across Australia.  Voter turn-out for the 2014 PSA Branch Committee elections was 17%.

For the first time, PSA offered an online voting platform for the Branch Committee elections, and it was encouraging to see most members used this online technology to have their say.

PSA CEO Dr Lance Emerson said the impressive result followed an unprecedented number of nominations, including from a record number of female and Early Career Pharmacists (ECPs) and pharmacists from various cultural backgrounds.

“PSA’s election results are a fantastic reflection of the enthusiasm, dedication and rich diversity among PSA’s membership – which is to be applauded and welcomed,” said Dr Emerson, who congratulated the successful candidates.

“I’m so delighted to see such a strong cross-section of pharmacists being elected to represent the profession on Branch Committees who are committed to making a difference for the future.

“I welcome the new Branch Committee members and equally thank all of the nominees who put their hands up to help lead the profession.  I also encourage members who were not elected to continue their engagement with PSA through other opportunities.”

The newly elected Branch Committee members will hold office for a three-year term, starting on 1 July 2017.

The Branch Committee members are then eligible to become a National PSA Board Director. The Branch Committees will nominate the members to become National Board Directors to take office from July 1, 2017.


Australian Capital Territory – Nine (9) positions

  • APOLLONI, Elise
  • BEARDMORE, Renae
  • KELLY, William
  • KHIANI, Seema
  • NAUNTON, Mark
  • REID, Patrick
  • ROITMAN, Daniel
  • SINCLAIR, Sarah
  • TODD, Lyn

New South Wales – Eleven (11) positions

  • BARWICK, Anna
  • BELL, John
  • BENRIMOJ, Shalom (Charlie)
  • BRONGER, John
  • CARROLL, Peter
  • CARTER, Stephen
  • LEWIS, Chelsea
  • MOLES, Rebekah
  • PLUNKETT, Warwick
  • RIGBY, Krysti-Lee
  • ROSE, Lachlan

Queensland – Ten (10) positions

  • BLEE, Warren
  • CAMPBELL, Chris
  • CARSON, Susan
  • ELLIOT, Bruce
  • FREEMAN, Christopher
  • KIEL, Jacqueline
  • LAU, Esther
  • MACDONALD, Shane
  • SIMMONDS, Brett
  • TURNER, Sam

South Australia/Northern Territory – Nine (9) positions

  • COULTHARD, Kingsley
  • EDWARDS, Susan
  • FARRIER, Robert
  • JOHNS, Robyn
  • JOHNSON, Jacinta
  • KARDACHI, Grant
  • KEITAANPAA, Samuel
  • SLUGGETT, Andrew

Tasmania – Eight (8) positions

  • CRAWN, Jackson
  • HAYES, Katie
  • JACKSON, Shane
  • LEE, Kenneth
  • PEACHEY, David
  • SMITH, Lorraine
  • VAN TIENEN, Ella

Victoria – Ten (10) positions

  • CROSS, Amanda
  • DEMARTE, Joe
  • GOWAN, Jennifer
  • JACKSON, John
  • LI, Dani
  • LYNCH, Michelle
  • MARCHANT, Benjamin
  • MCMAUGH, Jarrod
  • PAGE, Amy
  • ROLLER, Louis

Western Australia – Nine (9) positions

  • BAILEY, Travis
  • BOLDEN, Georgia
  • BURTON, Lauren
  • DI FRANCO, Teresa
  • GELAVIS, Anna
  • PISANO, Alyssa
  • SCHMIDT, Matthew
  • SHENTON, Christopher
  • SIM, Fei

2. Last chance to buy Early Bird tickets for flagship conference 
May 11, 2017

Early Bird tickets to the flagship conference PSA17 are available until this Sunday May 14, the peak national body for pharmacists, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) said today.

PSA reminded all pharmacists to take advantage of the discounted rates before the closing date at

Through a partnership between PSA and the Commonwealth Pharmacists Association, PSA17 will continue to lead pharmacy innovation, exploring global pharmacy issues that affect practice in Australia and around the globe.

The engaging and innovative education program will provide 30 CPD credits to help pharmacists meet the Pharmacy Board of Australia’s requirements.

Meanwhile, the social program will redefine the networking opportunities on the pharmacy calendar, with events designed to suit every budget.  By taking advantage of the Early Bird offer, pharmacists have a chance to engage, connect and have a memorable time at PSA17.

With the conference returning to the state-of-the-art venue Hyatt Regency Sydney and its million dollar views over Darling Harbour, accommodation is likely to sell out fast. Now is the time to start planning attendance and travel for PSA17.

Register for Early Bird tickets here>>

Watch the PSA17 promo video here>>

3. Budget offers security for community pharmacy but misses mark on pharmacists’ primary healthcare role
May 9, 2017

The Federal Budget provides financial sustainability for community pharmacy owners but is a missed opportunity for maximising and enhancing the overall role of pharmacists in Australia’s health system, the peak national body for pharmacists, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) said tonight.

PSA strongly welcomed the Federal Government’s allocation of $210 million over three years for community pharmacies as compensation for reduced remuneration from prescription volumes that were lower than expected under the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement (6CPA).

Pharmacists also welcomed the $600 million, as part of the 6CPA, for community pharmacy programs, including medication management services designed to improve consumer health.

PSA National Vice President Michelle Lynch said: “Pharmacists welcome the strong investment by the Federal Government in Australia’s vital and established community pharmacy network.

“Whilst the commitment to community pharmacy programs is excellent news for pharmacists and consumers, there is a significant opportunity missed in the Budget for further maximising the role of pharmacists – the most accessible health professionals in Australia – especially in terms of innovation and delivering new, evidence-based services.”

As part of the $600 million, community pharmacy programs which have been supported include:

  • Dose Administration Aids – providing Government-funded DAAs to eligible chronically ill patients – ($340m)
  • Staged Supply – ($80m)
  • Expansion of MedsCheck and Diabetes MedsCheck program – ($90m)
  • Home Medicines Reviews, including follow up services in community pharmacy – ($60m)
  • Incorporating medication management programs within Health Care Homes (HCH) – ($30m).

Ms Lynch said: “These investments, according to the 6CPA, seek to ‘improve clinical outcomes and extend the role of the pharmacist in the delivery of primary health care’.

“Apart from the HCH program, all of these are programs currently being delivered under the 6CPA.  This funding, while a welcome and celebrated investment, was intended to flow from outcomes of the Pharmacy Trial Program (PTP).  So far, only one of three trials announced in March 2016 has commenced.

“If we are to see innovation and broadening the role of pharmacists in Australia to benefit consumers, how will this now be funded and scaled up after the trials as intended?”

“Secondly, the Agreement earmarked this $600 million to focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and rural consumers, who have the highest needs in our health system. How will this now be achieved?”

Tonight, Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt also announced his vision for health reform over the next three years as part of the Government’s Long Term National Health Plan, including a statement that he has entered into a partnership with pharmacists.

“Establishing a genuine partnership with pharmacists and PSA – as the peak national body for all pharmacists – will support the Minister in achieving the Government’s plan,” Ms Lynch said.

4. GP pharmacists provide “superpowers” in healthcare teams
May 5, 2017

Pharmacists providing integrated care in GP clinics have “superpowers” according to an international medical expert, the peak national body for pharmacists, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) highlighted today.

Dr Kirsten Meisinger, from Boston’s Cambridge Health Alliance, said pharmacists provide “superpowers” in multidisciplinary teams with a GP and practice nurse in offering patient-centred care.

Dr Meisinger – a pioneer of the American patient-centred primary care model who spoke in Sydney earlier this week – said general practices that have adopted the primary healthcare model have reported improved health outcomes and better patient engagement.

Ahead of next week’s Federal Budget, PSA reiterated calls for the Federal Government to support a large-scale trial integrating pharmacists in general practice, to determine the best approach for an evidence-based model in Australia.

PSA National Vice President Dr Chris Freeman said: “Dr Meisinger’s comments are no surprise to us – we have known for some time about the benefits that a practice pharmacist brings to patient care.

In Australia, the GP-pharmacist concept has been endorsed by many leading medical organisations, practitioners and experts – highlighting the value pharmacists add to the primary healthcare team and the savings this generates for the system as a whole.

“But the growth of this model has been limited to a small number of practices due to the absence of funding – and this has led to Australia falling behind other countries in terms of this collaborative healthcare approach.”

In its 2017-18 Budget submission, PSA also outlined other key health reforms including calls for pharmacists to become digital health champions to optimise medication management and encourage uptake of e-health records.

“A new report about My Health Records, released yesterday, highlighted the benefits for pharmacists embracing the digital health potential within the patient-centric care model. Consumers do want their pharmacists involved,” Dr Freeman said.

Dr Freeman said there were many positive outcomes for Australia by optimising the role of pharmacists, especially within collaborative healthcare frameworks.

“Pharmacists and the community pharmacy sector are critical to the Government’s efforts to achieve sustainable, efficient and quality healthcare for all Australians.”

To read PSA’s 2017-18 Budget submission: Optimising the contribution of pharmacists to achieve sustainable, efficient and quality healthcare for all Australians, click here>>

5. Fast learner wins Queensland Intern Pharmacist of the Year
May 3, 2017

Fast learning Gold Coast pharmacist Veronica Moss has been named the PSA MIMS Queensland Intern Pharmacist of the Year by the peak national body for pharmacists, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA).

The Award recognises intern pharmacists who demonstrate outstanding performance in their development as professional pharmacists, acting as role models amongst Early Career Pharmacists.

Ms Moss was presented with her Award last Sunday by PSA Queensland Director Mark Lock at the PSA Intern Training Program Workshop at the Pharmacy Australia Centre for Excellence in Brisbane.

Mr Lock said Ms Moss – who completed her internship at Chemist Warehouse, Varsity Lakes on the Gold Coast – is an excellent example of what young pharmacists can achieve early in their career and is a role model for all intern pharmacists.

Varsity Lakes Chemist Warehouse Managing Pharmacist Eric Lee said he had watched Ms Moss grow into a confident young pharmacist with a bright future.

“Veronica’s strength is certainly her therapeutic knowledge and intelligence which made her pre-registration year very challenging for me as I had to create learning experiences that pushed her further than our usual students,” Mr Lee said. “She learnt quickly and was very reflective of her actions, making the year a rewarding one for both of us.”

Ms Moss was also involved in many activities outside the pharmacy including in the Clinical Intervention Pilot program developed by Chemist Warehouse to use nationally. She also participated in the Laura Geitz Netball Clinic by providing therapeutic and first aid advice and promoting health and well-being.
She was an intern at Chemist Warehouse, on the Gold Coast , from July 2015 to July 2016.

As part of the Award, Ms Moss will now attend PSA’s flagship conference PSA17 in Sydney from July 28–30. At PSA17, she will compete with other State and Territory winners for the coveted PSA MIMS National Intern Pharmacist of the Year Award.

MIMS Australia is the leading sponsor of the Award and contributes the major prize of $2,000 to each State/Territory winner to be used to help advance their pharmacy career.

MIMS Australia has been publishing medicines information since 1963 and is the leading supplier of trusted, quality, independent medicine information to Australian healthcare professionals, known for its high level of editorial integrity and independence.


6. Shadow Health Minister to outline Labor’s vision for pharmacy
May 3, 2017

Federal Shadow Health Minister Catherine King MP will deliver a keynote address at the flagship annual conference PSA17hosted by the peak national body for pharmacists, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA).

Ms King – who is also Shadow Minister for Medicare – will speak on Friday, July 28 and highlight Labor’s National Health platform and the party’s “vision for the pharmacy sector” ahead of the next Federal election.

As Federal Member for Ballarat, Ms King was appointed Parliamentary Secretary in the portfolios of Health and Ageing and Infrastructure and Transport in the Gillard Government following the 2010 election.

Ms King was appointed Shadow Health Minister in 2013. She holds a Degree in Social Work and a Masters in Public Policy from the ANU.

PSA National Vice President Michelle Lynch said Ms King would provide a welcome update to pharmacists on current and future healthcare policies by Labor.

“PSA was recently delighted to hear Ms King’s strong support of pharmacists reflected in Labor’s National Platform recognising pharmacists stand alongside GPs, nurses and allied health professionals at the front line of Australia’s healthcare system,” Ms Lynch said.

“PSA also welcomed Labor’s commitment to honour the 6CPA and lead ‘early and inclusive’ negotiations towards the Seventh Community Pharmacy Agreement.”

Another guest speaker will be former Australian Comic of the Year and pharmacist Marty Wilson, who will outline how to embrace change and lead pharmacy innovation on Saturday, July 29.

Mr Wilson will outline how to introduce change programs to business in a healthier, more resilient way, with an emphasis on how pharmacists can lead teams to make changes that stick over time.

Mr Wilson will also host the PSA17 GALA dinner, ensuring his contagious energy and humour will set the scene for a fantastic night.

To find out more, visit the PSA17 website and take advantage of the Early Bird Tickets available until May 14, 2017.

The conference will be held at the newly refurbished Hyatt Regency Sydney at Darling Harbour from July 28–30, 2017.
Watch the PSA17 promo video here>>

7. Feedback invited on revised guidelines for DAA services
May 1, 2017

Consultation has started on the revised Guidelines for pharmacists providing Dose Administration Aid (DAA) services produced by the peak national body for pharmacists, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA).

PSA has undertaken the review to support the implementation of the revised Professional Practice Standards, and in particular, Standard 15: Dose Administration Aid Service.

DAAs – which have a common type called a Webster-Pak® – organise medicines in a sealed, tamper-proof pack with doses as prescribed and scheduled by a doctor to be taken at key times of the day. The provision of DAAs is a professional service provided by pharmacists.

The review has been undertaken following recent research, changes to common practices and the release of the Guidelines on dose administration aids and staged supply of dispensed medicines by the Pharmacy Board of Australia in September 2015.

PSA acknowledges the Federal Department of Health for providing funding for this work as part of the PBS Access and Sustainability Package, including the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement (6CPA).

An important outcome of the review has been updating of the guidance around cytotoxic medicines and medicines stability when repacked in a DAA, in line with recommendations from the Pharmacy Board, as well as Australian and international literature. The revised guidelines also address advancements in automated packing technology that have developed since the last review in 2007.

For the consultation, PSA invites comments from interested individuals and organisations including members of the pharmacy profession, consumers, other health professional groups and practitioners, educators, researchers and government bodies.

The consultation paper, including the revised DAA Guidelines, can be accessed here. Please review the consultation paper first, then provide feedback through the consultation survey, which can be accessed here.

Consultation on the guidelines will be open until 24 May 2017.

Any queries regarding this consultation can be emailed to:


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