PSA Media Releases – 1. Awards for Australian Pharmacist Journal 2. Pharmacy Practitioner Development

28 October 2015
Australian Pharmacist wins award trifecta

Australian Pharmacist, the official monthly journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, today won its third national award in a week when journalist Peter Waterman won the Bupa National Press Club Health Journalism Award in the Documentary Category.

Last week in Sydney Australian Pharmacist editor and journalist Andrew Daniels won the Journalist of the Year (Business) award at the national Publish Awards and Rebecca Jones and Lyn Todd won the Publish Award for Cover of the Year (Business).

It was the journal’s second award for its outstanding December 2014 cover, The flower children turn 60.

Peter Waterman won the award for his two part series about substance abuse by health professionals.

Australian Pharmacist was also a finalist in its category of the Publish Awards for the fourth year in a row.

Chief Executive Officer of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, Dr Lance Emerson, said the awards showed the strength of the Society’s flagship journal.

“Once again the awards highlight the exceptional quality of Australian Pharmacist in design and editorial content,” Dr Emerson said.

“PSA members should be proud of their flagship journal – free to PSA members. Its quality ensures PSA members receive the highest quality information and education, and enhances PSA’s advocacy efforts.

Mr Waterman was presented with his award at the National Press Club in Canberra.
28 October 2015

The Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee (PPDC) met this month to consolidate proposed amendments and develop a consultation paper on the review of the National competency standards framework for pharmacists in Australia.

The meeting agreed to the following next steps:

  • A consultation paper on the review of the competency standards is expected to be provided to PPDC Member organisations at the end of October 2015 for a six-week consultation period.
  • Organisations will be invited to comment on the content of the revised competency standards framework and to respond to several consultation questions.
  • At the completion of the consultation period PPDC will collate and consider all feedback. A refined draft of the revised framework is anticipated to be released for consultation to the profession and other stakeholders including consumers in early 2016.

Shane Jackson

Chair PPDC

28 October 2015


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