STEM Education and Thoughts for an Advisory Board
Editor’s Note: Since pharmacists have been able to incorporate their practices. not a great deal of effort has been invested at the top end of a practice, particularly a community pharmacy practice, in the area of forward-thinking and thought leadership. This is probably because pharmacy incorporation was restricted to registered pharmacists and that meant taking…
The Pharmacist Advocate – Happenings in a Global Pharmacy on its way to you!
Editor’s Note: In March 2016 i2P published an article by Peter Sayers regarding the globalisation of Australian community pharmacies (read http://i2p.com.au/understanding-the-impacts-of-a-global-pharmacy-invasion/ ). We also published well before the last election that Medicare privatisation issues would became the focus of that election and that the election would be basically fought on health. Future elections are likely to keep…
Asthma Perceptions
I know that we’ve come out smelling of roses in the ethics survey this week, but our role in managing inhaler technique in asthma is under a cloud. 90 % or so of people with asthma don’t use their inhalers correctly, according to research released by the National Asthma Council. I don’t believe that this…
To the ABC Complaints Department
Dear Mr. Maley, Further to my previous communication (13 July 2016) I would like to present you with this conclusive evidence that mandatory vaccination policies in Australia’s social welfare policy represent a danger to public health. Here is a link to Peter McIntyre’s (director of the NCIRS) own admission that the government has never collected…
PGA Media Release – Self Managing Chronic Pain
21 July 2016 Self-managing chronic pain The Pharmacy Guild of Australia and Painaustralia have produced a joint fact sheet to assist people suffering from chronic pain. The fact sheet highlights that medicines alone are not the most effective way to treat chronic pain and that people managing their pain on a daily basis get the…
NPS Media Releases -1. Help for GP Hepatitis C Management 2. New Tool for Diabetes Adherence 3. Take Charge of Your Medicines Week
22 July 2016 JOINT MEDIA RELEASE – Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA) and NPS MedicineWise NEW LEARNING OPPORTUNITY TO HELP GPs MANAGE HEPATITIS C IN PRIMARY CARE A new online learning module, Managing hepatitis C in primary care, provides GPs with an update on the diagnosis, treatment and ongoing management of people with chronic hepatitis C infection. Developed…
ASMI Media Releases – 1. ASMI Congratulates Minister Ley 2. World Self Medication Industry Assembly
ASMI congratulates Minister Ley on re-appointment 19 July 2016 The Australian Self Medication Industry (ASMI) today congratulated on Sussan Ley on her reappointment as Federal Health Minister. ASMI Chief Executive Officer, Deon Schoombie, said: “We look forward to continuing the constructive relationship we’ve had with Minister Ley and her office, and working on addressing our…
EDITORIAL for Monday 11 July 2016
Welcome to this current edition of i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine, dated Monday July 11 2016. Well in the period since the last edition our national elections have been completed over a time period that certainly indicates that Australia should be moving towards an online voting system. The archaic manual systems currently being utilised, caused…
Throw The Map Away And Just Use The Compass
One of my hobbies is genealogy and I find it deeply satisfying when I can apply some areas of this discipline to my professional activities. For example, the origin of surnames for when I am involved in a formal interview, I will often use the patient’s surname as a conversation starter by asking the patient…
What Does BREXIT mean for Australia in a Health Context
That BREXIT appeared to take everyone by surprise is an understatement, with analysts still struggling to establish a pattern or trend that gives a full meaning to this new phenomenon. As Newton discovered “To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” so if BREXIT was the “equal and opposite reaction” what was the…