Erenumab for migraine
Monthly injections of erenumab can reduce the number of attacks
in people who have frequent migraine.
Find out more ►
caring@home is an Australian Government-funded project aiming to improve the quality of palliative care service delivery by developing a range of resources for community service providers, health care professionals and carers that support people to be cared for and to die at home, if that is their choice.
As a part of the project, NPS MedicineWise has collaborated with caring@home to develop medicines guidelines and a smartphone app to be used by prescribers to support carers helping to manage breakthrough symptoms safely using subcutaneous medicines.
More about caring@home
Palliative care medicine guidelines
The Guidelines for the handling of palliative care medicines in community services present consensus-based best practice for the handling of palliative care medicines in community settings.
Download Guidelines
palliMEDS app
The palliMEDS smartphone app is available for authorised prescribers and pharmacists to familiarise them with eight palliative care medicines endorsed by the Australian & New Zealand
Society of Palliative Medicine (ANZSPM), for management of common emergent terminal symptoms using the subcutaneous route.
Download palliMEDS app
12–18 November 2018
The World Health Organization has warned that antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest threats to human health today.
However, there are simple actions individuals can take to help stop the spread of antibiotic resistant infections.This World Antibiotic Awareness Week, NPS MedicineWise has an urgent message to all Australians:
It’s time to take antibiotic resistance seriously. During this week we’ll be highlighting the serious issue of antibiotic resistance and empowering health professionals and the community to be part of the solution.

We all have a part to play in helping to preserve the power of antibiotics.
And there are simple steps you can take now to prevent antibiotic resistance.