Health Station Central – Rebuilding Trust
The community pharmacy environment is really the public face of pharmacy and has been privileged by being protected by legislation. There is an obligation to do the job properly and utilise the space to accommodate highly trained staff to deliver a complete service. There is also an expectation that skilled staff will be paid appropriately…
Pop-Up Stores might Provide Pharmacy Marketing Opportunity
With a range of retail store becoming vacant because of economic distress, new opportunities present by being able to rent the front windows of these stores at low rentals. Outdoor industry insights reveal that this can create a marketing opportunity for pharmacies. The idea is not new and real estate agents and investors have started…
Extreme? Not Necessarily
First, think of the consequences. “Extreme discounts” do attract widespread attention, can generate increased sales and revenue in the short-term and therefore, for specific time-periods, have the capacity to redirect traffic flows. But the tactic is fraught with potential intermediate-to-long-term brand damage consequences. Questions about profit margins and value are understandably raised in the minds…
E-Commerce Giant May Interest Pharmacy Inventors
Health and wellness, apart from providing opportunity in product retailing and the sale of health services, is also a rich source for research projects involving new inventions that represent a vast range of opportunities. Many pharmacists have an inventive component in their make-up and many useful products and services have been invented and designed to…
Light Emitting Devices Cause Sleep Havoc
Pharmacists who specialise in providing Sleep Hygiene Advice now have another item to tick off to improve the sleep of their patients Use of a light-emitting electronic book (LE-eBook) in the hours before bedtime can adversely impact overall health, alertness and the circadian clock, which synchronizes the daily rhythm of sleep to external environmental time…
Insulin nasal spray shows promise as treatment for adults with dementia and Alzheimer’s
Editor’s Note: That a synthetic form of intranasal insulin improves Alzheimer’s Disease, in turn may prove to be due to lowering excess glucose levels in the brain. High brain glucose is known to be inflammatory and inflammation is thought to be one of the mechanisms causing Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia.A man-made form…
Lost memories might be able to be restored, suggests research into marine snail
New research indicates that lost memories can be restored, according to new research into a type of marine snail called Aplysia. The findings offer some hope for patients in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. For decades, most neuroscientists have believed that memories are stored at the synapses — the connections between brain cells, or…
EDITORIAL- for Monday 12 January 2015
Welcome to this week’s edition of i2P (Information to Pharmacists) commencing Monday 12 January 2015. Sluggishly, it seems we are beginning to awaken from holiday excesses and face a brave new world in 2015. It would seem disappointingly to i2P that many pharmacists did not progress professionally in 2014, leaving the New Year as having…
Lifestyle medicine – the right idea at the right time
Eat well, stress less, move more and love more……these four simple principles of lifestyle changes have been shown to be of significant benefit in the management of chronic disease risk, influencing ageing and reducing health care costs. Speaking at the Personalised Lifestyle Medicine Institute’s Thought Leaders Consortium in Seattle, Dr Dean Ornish, President of the…
Pharmacy by Design – Reinventing the Dispensary
Recently, we published some work (Pharmacy by Design) carried out by some US design researchers that involved pharmacy design basic research. The company, which is called Nurture by Steelcase, conducted research over a number of differing pharmacy settings and came up with a number of principles that held true for a pharmacy in all those…