Herd Immunity is Hypothesis Based On Natural Infection – Not Vaccination Pseudoscience

We have known for decades that getting the childhood diseases naturally results in a permanent immunity (herd immunity) to the specific microorganism.
Getting the vaccines results in a temporary immunity, meaning that susceptibility is deferred and repeated booster shots will be required for the ENTIRE life of the individual.

The herd immunity hypothesis states that a very high percentage of a community must be vaccinated in order to protect everyone (the herd) from a disease.You can also read what he said to know how freight experience can help the person to forgot all pain and sufferings that are caused out of diseases.
This is supposed to work because there are not enough vulnerable individuals to allow the disease to spread.
Those few who are unable to receive vaccines on medical grounds are then supposed to be protected by the inability of the infectious agent to spread.

This line of argument further states that a decision not to vaccinate is selfish because it threatens the health of those too vulnerable to be vaccinated against a disease.
However, this argument becomes completely illogical when it is found that many vaccines do not work reliably and do not protect kids who have been vaccinated.
The herd immunity idea simply isn’t supported by the facts.
The argument was developed out of observations of natural immunity, not vaccination.
Statisticians observed that populations were protected when sufficient members contracted the wild form of a disease, and subsequently acquired lifelong immunity.

With vaccines, however, the evidence plainly shows that unvaccinated children may catch infectious diseases from vaccinated children.
The result is that vaccination, not failure to vaccinate, is spreading the disease.
Moreover the children who do fall ill naturally then have strong immunity, while vaccinated children do not.
They have to be repeatedly vaccinated to retain any form of protection whatsoever.

T cells (thymus cells) are the major cell in the immune system; they direct and control all immune responses as well as immune memory.
Subsets of T cells are the T-helper cells (Th).
T-helper cells coordinate and direct the safest and most effective immune response.

For example, we know that, when infected with the measles virus naturally via the nasopharyngeal route, the body produces a Th1 response that externalises the infection and provides permanent immunity.
Fever, rash, coughing, sneezing, etc are signs of the body ridding itself of this infection.
Bypassing the normal body lines of defense by injecting a vaccine forces the immune system into an emergency-based Th2 response which serves to internalize the infection.
You don’t get the disease but are susceptible to the disease later since the Th2 response results in poor immune memory.
So, if a natural, viral (measles) infection results in a Th1 response, why don’t we make vaccines that could elicit the same response?

In 1995, Golding and Scott, published the need for strategies to make vaccines that would generate the “required” Th cell to the corresponding microorganism (got to http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7625646 ).
Since that time, attempts to produce vaccines that would generate a “natural”- type response have failed.
So, we are left with vaccines that generate “protective” responses as a second choice.

How does this work?
In vaccine-induced Th2 responses, called humoral responses, the body produces large quantities of specific antibodies that block the virus from entering cells.
This response is why a vaccinated child doesn’t get a full blown infection and why the child won’t spread as many viruses into the environment.
However, antibodies cannot get into cells to eliminate viruses once the viruses are in the cells or cannot kill infected cells themselves.
Therefore, the body has no choice other than to internalise the virus and be chronically infected when the body is forced into a Th2 antibody response.
The body is essentially constipated with viruses that it cannot expel!

Unvaccinated children who are exposed to measles will generate the Th1 immune response that is required to make permanent immunity, as well as kick out the virus from the body.
The normal, healthy body’s response to viruses is to externalise them.
To suppress this natural response can be as hazardous to our health as suppressing waste elimination from the bowel or toxin release from the skin.
Natural Th1 responses generate cell-mediated responses that serve to both neutralize viruses by producing antibodies and most importantly stimulate the immune cells necessary, to kill any cells infected with viruses.
The body works to externalise and eliminate viruses when the Th1 response is generated.
So we understand now that when a Th2 response is induced, it drives the infection deeper into the interior and causes us to harbor it chronically. 
It is commonly held that the presence of antibody to viruses is a sign of a chronic on-going infection not a sign of immunity. 
Our bodies generally need to have Th1 cells to defend against viral, Gram-negative bacterial, and fungal infections, and tuberculosis, as well as to protect against cancer.

Th2 response is necessary to protect against Gram-positive bacterial, parasitic infections, as well as to neutralise toxins from microorganisms and the environment.
A balance of Th1/Th2 cells in the body is defined as immunostasis (or immune balance) and is required for optimum health and wellness.
Vaccines promote a failure in immunostasis by making the Th2-type cells dominant creating a form of immune imbalance.

A vaccine-generated Th2 response can burden the body and exhaust the immune system by forcing the body to deal with a chronic ongoing infection.
A Th2 response to a specific virus infection will specifically suppress Th1 cells from becoming activated against the same virus.
With the resulting failure to generate a Th1 response, cells infected with virus cannot be destroyed.
Chronically infected cells, like nerve cells, can occasionally trick the immune system into reacting to and attacking similar nerve cells resulting in autoimmune disease such as multiple sclerosis, Guillain Barré, etc.

Cells chronically infected with live vaccine viruses also risk having the viruses mutate, trade genes with each other, as well as interact with the host cell DNA.
The live vaccines used presently include, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella (chickenpox), and flu-mist.
Overactive Th2 activity, underactive Th1 capability, chronic infection, potential for novel virus infection and autoimmunity characterise failed immunostasis or Th-cell imbalance in vaccinated children.

Researchers have taught us that the immune system can be classically conditioned.
Like Pavlov training dogs to salivate at only a ringing bell, the immune system can be conditioned into inappropriate responses through repeated vaccinations.
Natural exposure to the environment and infectious diseases conditions immune responses to be more Th1 dominant; whereas repeated vaccine exposure conditions responses to be more Th2 dominant.
A child with Th2-dominance is more susceptible to intracellular organisms such as viruses and is therefore more prone to chronic ear, respiratory, and gastrointestinal infections.

Children need a vibrant Th1 response to appropriately deal with the childhood intracellular viral infections, whooping cough, and hemophilus.
Healthy immune systems are said to be in Th1/Th2 balance or “immunostasis.”
Unhealthy immune systems are said to have a failure in or an imbalance in “immunostasis.”
Parris Kidd (7), has compiled a fascinating review indicating that there may be a link between Th1/Th2 balance and disease.
Diseases such as allergies, asthma, atopic dermatitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, cancer, tuberculosis, and AIDS, appear to result from a Th2-dominant immune response.

It is imperative that we discern the impact of conditioning children’s immune responses to be more Th2 dominant and the consequences of this pattern on the incidence of the Th2-dominant diseases listed by Parris Kidd.
When we become Th2 dominant, the antibody-producing part of our immune systems gets derailed like a freight train going a hundred miles per hour, out of control.
E. Hurwitz et al (5) has shown that unvaccinated children have less incidence of respiratory conditions, such as asthma and allergies, when compared to their vaccinated counterparts (8), thereby supporting Kidd’s hypothesis.

The focus of much current research is the role of inflammatory responses of varying degrees of severity serving as precursors to cancer, cardiovascular disease, and chronic degenerative diseases being influenced by the different Th cells. Th2 immune responses direct and support bad, excessive inflammation whereas Th1 cells promote healthier type inflammation.

With evidence to support the adverse effects on the immune system by the vaccines, then why do we continue to vaccinate?

The role of a public health office is to reduce the incidence of infectious disease in the pediatric population.

Vaccines generate protective immune responses on a temporary basis and reduce the incidence of infectious disease in the vaccinated kids as well as the unvaccinated kids.
Why are the unvaccinated kids protected too?
The risk of exposure to the disease is lessened when more individuals are vaccinated.
As described, that happens because vaccinated children have tons of antibodies which neutralise infectious virus thereby lessening their ability to spread viruses to others.

The phenomenon of unvaccinated children being protected by the vaccinated is promoted as herd immunity.
However, this form of herd immunity is incomplete as documented above.

With the passage of time and the vaccinated population not getting their boosters, all become susceptible to disease.
Susceptibility to childhood diseases when we are adults greatly increases severe morbidity and mortality from those diseases.
Parents and the powers that-be desire this vaccination approach in order to defer infectious disease to a later date so they do not have to stay home, miss work, and care for a sick child.
Th2 dominance from vaccinations results in children being at risk of diseases arising from chronic ongoing infections as well as being vulnerable to the damaging effects of the infectious disease they were vaccinated against when they age and forget about getting booster vaccinations.

On the other hand, there are parents anxious to expose their children to the childhood diseases through measles and chickenpox parties so a natural (Th1) immunity can be established early, provide lifelong immunity and appropriately condition the immune system to the natural environment.

It is also obvious that Australian vaccination coercive policy creates a de facto mandatory pressure to force parents into vaccinating their children, with unproven evidence and incomplete efficacy of specific vaccines.
i2P has previously exposed some of the “lobbyist” activities that have occurred with Australian politicians that can only be regarded as conflict of interest or corruption.
Vaccination policies need to restore parental rights to choose the vaccinations they wish their children to have and receive informed consent.
The well orchestrated and financed campaigns for mandatory pro vaccination smack of Big Pharma marketing and its “deep pockets”.


1.Abbas AK, Murphy KM, Sher A.  Functional Diversity of Helper T Lymphocytes.  Nature: 1996: 383  pp.787-793

2. Golding S., Scott DE.,  Vaccine Strategy: Targeting Helper T Cell Responses.  Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 754:126-137,  May 31, 1995

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4. Taylor,J.  Which Arm of the Immune Response most Likely Plays the Predominant Role in Host  Defense Against Influenza Virus: humoral or cell-mediated?  Medscape Feature, 1998, 08.98, p.443

5. Urnovitz H.,  Archiving of Live Viral Vaccines.  From Proceedings of the First International Public Conference on Vaccination.  September 13-15, 1997.

6. Ader R., Felten D., Cohen N.,  Psychoneuroimmunology.  Academic Press, 2nd edition, 1991.

7. Kidd P., Th1/Th2 Balance: The Hypothesis, its Limitations, and Implications for Health and Disease. Alt. Med. Review, Vol.8 #3, 2003, p223-246.

8. Hurwitz E., Morgenstern H. Effects of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis or Tetanus Vaccination on Allergies and Allergy Related Respiratory Symptoms Among Childern and Adolescents in the U.S.  JMPT Vol. 23#2 Feb. 2000

9. Taylor, J .  Herd Immunity: The Varicella Vaccine Is it a Good Thing?  Archives Peds. Vol 155#4 Apr. 2001.

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