EDITORIAL for Moday 6 April 2015
Welcome to i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine for Monday April 6, 2015. This week we are developing more insights into the new paradigm for pharmacy, in its physical, managerial and professional requisites. And it is taking shape so that we can conceptually “see” what it looks like. In this edition we expand on the types…
Your Future Pharmacy – there are choices
Pharmacies have always existed in different formats to give customer or patient choices. Physical size has been one of these determinants, but does size really matter? Pharmacy, as an industry has relied on the PBS as being the centre of its universe. In so doing, pharmacists have skewed pharmacy practice to becoming overwhelmingly geared towards…
Competitive Advantage Points Back to the Future
Having owned two large pharmacies in the past, after 7 years implementing other property businesses in the healthcare space, circumstance provided me with the opportunity to commercialise a new pharmacy in a green-fields site in eastern Melbourne. Much continues to be written about the future for Pharmacy. What is our future role? How do we…
So you want to collaborate? – a US experience
Collaboration between doctors and pharmacists is not a new thought, and when performed correctly and ethically, it works well for both sides. But mostly this is an exception, it only seems to work if the pharmacist takes up the role of being a second class citizen with floor-mat privileges. It is simply a power play…
Basic Patient Engagement
The term “Patient Engagement” is appearing in pharmacy media at an increasing rate. But what is meant by this term and is there more than one form of patient engagement? The quick answer is that the term is not new, but has been expanded to include patient sharing between various health professions. Patient engagement has…
Marketing Focus- What Industry are you in?
How strikingly honest! The recent statement by the newly appointed Managing Director of the Myer department store network was refreshingly candid and open.He declared that in recent years Myer had lost its relevance to many consumers and that it would take at least 3 years to redress.The figures and history support and endorse those sentiments.Since…
Take charge of your attitude
A mother was ready for a few minutes of relaxation after a long and demanding day. However, her young daughter had other plans for her mother’s time. “Read me a story, Mommy,” the little girl pleaded. “Give Mommy a few minutes to relax. Then I’ll be happy to read you a story,” the mother replied. …
What Happens if the Bees Die?
Everyone knows that without bees, a whole bunch of crops would cease to reproduce. But when you think about 70 percent of the fruit, vegetables, seeds and nuts we consume suddenly no longer being viable resources, that’s pretty mind-blowing. That’s around $200 billion in global agricultural revenue alone, not to mention, you know, all the…
PSA Media Releases – 1. PSA-MIMS Intern of the year (NT & SA) 2. Maintain Current Pharmacy System
March 30, 2015 South Australia/Northern Territory PSA/MIMS Intern of the Year award announced South Australian intern Philip Spyrou has been announced as the PSA MIMS Australia SA/NT Intern of the Year for 2014. The prestigious award celebrates the achievements of exceptional interns in developing skills for their professional career. Presenting the award SA/NT PSA Branch President, Ms Sue Edwards, said: …
NPS Media Releases – 1. Warfarin Patient Education 2. PPI Step-Down Process
Latest edition of Australian Prescriber out now 1 APRIL 2015 PATIENT EDUCATION ABOUT WARFARIN PIVOTAL TO SUCCESSFUL USE Warfarin can be a challenging drug to manage. Long-term anticoagulation is recommended for patients with atrial fibrillation at risk of stroke, and for those with recurrent venous thrombosis or prosthetic heart valves. An article in the latest issue of Australian…