The Safe Vaccine Debate – 1. OMNS: VACCINE ADJUVANTS AND EXCIPIENTS 2. Jon Rappoport – The great flu vaccine hoax: new evidence 3. The Dr Judy Wileyman Report – Newsletter #180 and Newsletter #181 & Letter to Illawarra Mercury

1. OMNS: VACCINE ADJUVANTS AND EXCIPIENTS – Know what else comes through the needle?

(OMNS Nov 2, 2017) By Ralph Campbell MD
Excipients in vaccines are chemicals that are not the main active ingredient, but are added to vaccines for several purposes.
Preservatives are added to prevent contamination, and adjuvants are added to “killed virus” or subunit vaccines, and are designed to make the antigens more reactive and have a longer duration of action.
This seems to be a good idea, but unfortunately there is a bad side, particularly to the two most popular additives: thimerosal and aluminum.
Thimerosal, a preservative, is a mercury compound, added to vaccines to kill any “live viruses,” fungi, and bacteria in the vial.
Aluminum (as aluminum hydroxide or aluminum phosphate) is an adjuvant in vaccines meant to boost antibody response.
Both of these metals are regarded as environmental toxins.


Thimerosal has received the most negative publicity, as some have claimed that mercury toxicity is a cause of autism.
This leads us to the work of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a British academic gastroenterologist and surgeon.
At about the same time that his theories about toxicity of vaccines became prominent in the news, we in the USA were becoming more aware of environmental toxicity of metals.
The emphasis over here was slanted more to this environmental cause, with which Wakefield agreed.
But he was more concerned about giving combined vaccines to infants with immature immune systems.
He advocated going back to administering single vaccines, a practice that quickly became well accepted by the U.K. and U.S. public, but certainly not by the vaccine industry with its large investment in combined vaccines, particularly the Mumps, Measles, Rubella (MMR) vaccine.

Initially, as Wakefield was a specialist in stomach and intestinal disorders, a mother brought her autistic child to him as she wondered if there was a connection between his gastrointestinal problems and autism.
Then he began gathering cases of mothers reporting that their little ones rapidly showed behavior regression after receiving an MMR vaccination.
He studied 12 children with both gastro-intestinal and developmental issues.
This study resulted in an article with several other authors being published in Lancet, the well-known British medical journal. The conclusion: They couldn’t prove the significance of the association, because the number of cases was too small and the evidence in the existing published medical literature was inadequate.
There were two problems with this conclusion.
First, although many things in medicine cannot be proven, research reports should provoke thoughtful consideration. Second, published evidence was and remains inadequate because many of the prestigious medical journals, including Lancet, are practically subsidized by pharmaceutical companies and will not publish a study that bites the hand that feeds them.


A strong campaign of vilification of Dr. Wakefield began when Brian Deer, a British journalist published a paper claiming Wakefield had falsified data and committed fraud.
It is almost unbelievable to witness the delight that many had in bringing this good man down, and to read of the counter-punches of the vaccine industry.
He had his license to practice medicine revoked and even gave up his British citizenship as he moved to the U.S. in order to pursue the work he totally believed in.
Eventually the British high court retracted Deer’s paper which was full of more fraud than he had alleged Wakefield had in his study.
In spite of the Court’s decision, Lancet refused to reinstate Wakefield’s original study, effectively enabling Deer’s falsehoods.

The mercury level of some vaccines may be as high as 50 mg/L, whereas when soil contains a level exceeding 0.2mg/L it is considered a hazardous waste site.

A paper published in Nutritional Neuroscience explained how mercury could be a potential cause of autism: “There is a vicious circle between nervous system impairment and increasing dysbiosis (faulty metabolism), leaky gut and neurochemical compounds and/or neurotoxic xenobiotics (substances foreign to the gut) production and absorption.” [1]
A “leaky gut” is one in which the gut lining is abnormally porous, allowing digestive products that don’t usually get into the blood stream to do so, a process that can lead to further troubles described below.
The “vicious circle” referred to the hypothesis that leaky gut is both a cause and a result in this system, and can lead to the formation of abnormal levels of neurochemical compounds.
On top of this, add mercury (the xenobiotic) and you have neurological impairment that includes autism.
The mercury level of some vaccines may be as high as 50 mg/L, whereas when soil contains a level exceeding 0.2mg/L it is considered a hazardous waste site.

Due to public pressure, while the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) was dragging its heels, the industry voluntarily stopped the use of Thimerosal in many vaccines.
However, it is still in influenza vaccines.
Since many more shots are now given, by five years of age the mercury load might still be hazardous.


Another known environmental toxin, aluminum, having had a role as an adjuvant for decades, has become more widely used, and is currently added as an adjuvant in Hep A, Hep B, DT, H. Influenza b, and pneumococcal vaccines in the form of aluminum hydroxide, HPV vaccines as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate (AAHS) and in the case of Merck’s vaccines many were mislabeled for years but were actually AAHS .[2].
By 18 months of age, a child who has received all recommended vaccines will have had a load of 5mg of aluminum, while the FDA regards only 0.85 mg as “safe.”
Unsafe levels of aluminum and mercury can end up in the brain where they can promote inflammation as in the immune system, and thus they are commonly associated with several neurological diseases including the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease.

Couple this aluminum load with the large intake derived from infant formula (bottle) feeding for the vulnerable infant and we have a significant problem.
Studies reveal formula levels of aluminum 9.6 times higher than that of human milk, with variation in different brands on the market.[3]
Another study shows soy formula levels 20 times that of human milk, levels which are far above “safe” levels set by WHO.[4] Evidently aluminum compounds get in formula from the manufacturing process.[4]

Many antacid products contain aluminum hydroxide, and have for decades.
Some newer products list magnesium and calcium carbonates as ingredients, not aluminum hydroxide.
Aluminum-containing forms were widely used in the ’60s, causing me to wonder about a causal relationship with the now prevalent Alzheimer’s disease.
Since aluminum in solution competes with calcium in many biological processes, it is significant in the development of osteopenia (weak bones) in both infants and adults.
Aluminum inhibits more than 200 important biological functions of the body, is a pro-oxidant, and is a neurotoxin even at very low levels.[5]


The study of squalene is another punch vs. counterpunch story.
There is a well-documented problem concerning Gulf War participants who might have received a vaccine or vaccines with squalene as an adjuvant.
Those with antibody levels to squalene had a high incidence of an autoimmune disease.
Those without, did not.
The industry’s objection to this study was widely and vehemently publicized.
They claimed that by using this substance in an oil-based form it would be harmless.
The problem with any environmental toxin that has an affinity for fat is that small amounts in a single dose, with repeated doses, can accumulate in fatty tissues, where they can be released later when the body is under stress.
And they act as inflammatory agents while residing in fatty tissue.
This discussion is not complete, but there is plenty here to chew on.

There are many other potentially toxic additives or excipients in vaccines, not all of which have been thoroughly studied for safety.
With all the fuss about abortion clinics selling fetal body parts, the public might be appalled to learn that human diploid cells, containing fetal DNA, are used in some vaccines, used in the growth media, and may lead to the development of auto-immune diseases.

Similarly, animal cells may be used in the growth media for growing viruses, including egg albumin, a common allergen. Pig/swine viruses were found in the unfortunate rotavirus vaccine that caused the serious intestinal problem of intusussception.
The Simian virus (SV40) was found in a polio vaccine, a virus known to be a carcinogen.
One influenza vaccine, Flucelvax, uses tumorigenic dog cells in its growth media cell culture.
The fear is that after continuing a culture growth process, these cells could mutate into carcinogens.

Glutamate is included in Flumist (the sniffed form of flu vaccine) because it inhibits oxidation from light.
Couldn’t the Flumist simply be stored in a dark vial?
Flumist was developed in order to spare the infant from suffering a painful shot, but commonly infants express pain when something is squirted up their nose.
Monosodium glutamate is in Proquad (DPT-polio) vaccine, and in Zoztavax (varicella for shingles prevention) and Varivax (another shingles preventer).
Varivax manufacturers also use diploid cells to grow the virus.


Even though we now know that the risks of adding potentially toxic adjuvants and excipients often far exceed the benefits, I doubt if anything will change, because their use is so well entrenched.[2,6,7]
The FDA and CDC will pronounce their usual “more studies are needed,” assuming they will do such studies at all.
Studies comparing a test group with a control group might take decades.
Like a baseball play review: “There has to be indisputable evidence to overturn the call.”
For now, neither the doctor nor the parent may effectively change any part of the immunization schedule without a penalty.

The toxic burden of aluminum and mercury may be lowered with an adequate intake of vitamin C, which has a chelating effect: vitamin C can bind with these metals and cause them to be excreted.[8-10]
One can prevent the leaky bowel problem with dietary practices that control motility and inflammation of the bowel: good B-complex vitamin intake, adequate fiber in the diet (including soluble fiber, as in apples and extractor-juiced vegetables) and probiotics (that make for a healthy microbiome, the new name for good bugs that reside in the gut).
I have found some probiotic preparations that cause a degree of intestinal upset, but in my experience buttermilk and yogurt never fail.

While you’re at it, get adequate exercise for it enhances intestinal mobility.
And when you exercise, use something other than antiperspirant deodorants which usually, as their label will verify, contain aluminum.
Choose stainless steel or glass cookware instead of aluminum. “Silver” dental amalgam fillings contain mercury; insist on composite restorations instead.
Seafood is good for you, but avoid eating high-mercury-level fish such as swordfish.
Seafood relatively low in mercury includes anchovies, herring, sardines, scallops, clams, salmon, pollock, catfish, eel, crab and shrimp.
Learn which other foods or personal care products have a high content of harmful metals, and avoid or reduce their consumption.

And think twice before you allow the injection of any questionable substance into your child’s body. Parents, you and your doctor should work together while bucking the entrenched system.

( To view a table of excipients added to US vaccines: . You can watch a comprehensive video interview with Dr. Andrew Wakefield at )


  1. Mezzelani A, Landini M, Facchiano F et al. Environment, dysbiosis, immunity and sex-specific susceptibility: A translational hypothesis for regressive autism pathogenesis. Nutr Neurosci. May, 2015; 18(4): 145-161. Full text:
  2. Humphries S. Merck’s dirty little secret.
  3. Fernandez-Lorenzo JR, Cocho JA, Rey-Goldar ML et al. Aluminum contents of human milk, cow’s milk, and infant formulas. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1999, 28:3, 270 275.,_Cow_s_Milk,_and.11.aspx
  4. ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition. Agostoni C, Axelsson I, Goulet O, et al. Soy protein infant formulae and follow-on formulae: a commentary by the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2006, 42:4, 352-361.
  5. Kawahara M, Kato-Negishi M. Link between aluminum and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease: The Integration of the Aluminum and Amyloid Cascade Hypotheses. Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2011 Mar 8;2011:276393.
  6. Humphries S. Trojan horses and cluster bombs: Aluminum.
  7. Humphries S. Video series on vaccines: Honesty vs. policy Part I. Is Dr. Humphries a quack homeopath? II. Vaccination of kidney patients. Where’s the science?
    Part III. Reviewing the situation
    Part IV. Trailblazers and outliers
    Part V. One size does not fit all
    Part VI. The business of vaccination
  8. Vitamin supplements help protect children from heavy metals, reduce behavioral disorders
  9. Kruck TP, Cui JG, Percy ME, Lukiw WJ. Molecular shuttle chelation: the use of ascorbate, desferrioxamine and Feralex-G in combination to remove nuclear bound aluminum. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2004 Jun;24:443-459.
  10. Yanagisawa A. Orthomoleculartreatment for adverse effects of human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine

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2. Jon Rappoport – The great flu vaccine hoax: new evidence

Jon Rappoport was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California.
He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power.
Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe.
Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

Apparently, the powers-that-be want everyone to take the seasonal flu vaccine out of loyalty and blind faith. Because actual science reveals the hoax.

A new study, published in the PLOS Journal on 10/23, by contributing authors from the Scripps Institute and the University of Pennsylvania, is titled: “A structural explanation for the low effectiveness of the seasonal influenza H3N2 vaccine.”   

Oops. Low effectiveness? The public has been taught to believe the vaccine is quite effective.  

Here is a key quote from the study: “It is common to use chicken eggs for culturing clinical isolates and for large-scale production of vaccines. However, influenza virus often mutates to adapt to being grown in chicken eggs, which can influence antigenicity and hence vaccine effectiveness.”  

Translation: The virus in the vaccine mutates, in the chicken eggs, and therefore the patient’s immune system responds to the wrong version of the flu virus.   

Here is another quote: “Our study describes a mechanism [that explains]…the low influenza vaccine effectiveness and reaffirms the urgency for replacing the egg-based production of influenza vaccines.”  

It gets worse, far worse.   

Here is evidence I have cited for several years now. It comes from a 2013 review:  

Dr. Peter Doshi, writing in the online BMJ (British Medical Journal), reveals a monstrosity.

As Doshi states, every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory samples are taken from flu patients in the US and tested in labs. Here is the kicker: only a small percentage of these samples show the presence of a flu virus.

This means: most of the people in America who are diagnosed by doctors with the flu have no flu virus in their bodies.

So they don’t have the flu.

Therefore, even if you assume the flu vaccine is useful and safe, it couldn’t possibly prevent all those “flu cases” that aren’t flu cases.

The vaccine couldn’t possibly work.

The vaccine isn’t designed to prevent fake flu, unless pigs can fly.

Here’s the exact quote from Peter Doshi’s BMJ review, “Influenza: marketing vaccines by marketing disease” (BMJ 2013; 346:f3037):

“…even the ideal influenza vaccine, matched perfectly to circulating strains of wild influenza and capable of stopping all influenza viruses, can only deal with a small part of the ‘flu’ problem because most ‘flu’ appears to have nothing to do with influenza. Every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory specimens are tested across the US. Of those tested, on average 16% are found to be influenza positive.

“…It’s no wonder so many people feel that ‘flu shots’ don’t work: for most flus, they can’t.”

Because most diagnosed cases of the flu aren’t the flu.

So even if you’re a true believer in mainstream vaccine theory, you’re on the short end of the stick here. They’re conning your socks off.

There is much more to say about the ineffectiveness and danger of the flu vaccine, but I’ll leave it here for now.

The “experts” and their loyal parishioners, who are worshiping at the altar of the medical cartel, need to pick up their brains, which they checked at the door, and engage in a process called THINKING.
I know it’s painful, but it’s very useful.


3. The Dr Judy Wileyman Report Newsletter #180 and Newsletter #181 & Letter to Illawarra Mercury

Newsletter 180 Epigenetics: The Evidence that Mandatory Vaccination is a Crime Against Humanity
30 October 2017

Whilst the Australian government implements mandatory and coercive vaccinationpolicies for 16+ vaccines it has just awarded the Prime Ministers most prestigous Prize for Science ($250,000) to Professor Jenny Graves.
This is for her research on the role of environmental, nutritional and chemical factors on the expression of genes in animals and humans – the field of epigenetics. 

Australia’s coercive and mandatory vaccination policies have been implemented without investigating the harm of vaccine ingredients on the genetics of the population. 

Anyone involved in promoting or legislating vaccines without knowledge of how the vaccine ingredients will affect the genetics of the population, and hence the health outcomes of vaccinated individuals, is participating in a crime that is protected under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) S268). This is stated as follows: 

The promotion of false or misleading health information that causes harm can be considered an abuse of the person / institution’s duty of care to the general public, negligence and malfeasance of office and such parties can be prosecuted for crimes of genocide and causing conditions of life intended to destroy (Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) S268).

Here is Video 3 (10 minutes) of my PhD (The Ingredients of Vaccines  and their Effects on Human Health) (Transcript for Video 3) that provides the evidence that governments have never investigated the components of vaccines for their effects on human genes and hence the health of vaccine recipients.

Governments have been promoting vaccines for decades by ignoring the harm that they cause and this will increase exponentially with mandatory and coercive policies that enforce 16 + vaccines. Here are the links to Videos 1 and 2 that describe the flawed theories that are being used to promote vaccines to the public and politicians:

i) Video 1 (7 minutes)  The Undone Science in Government VaccinationPolicies
ii) Video 2 (7 minutes) Vaccine-created Herd Immunity did not Control Infectious Diseases 

Notices of Liability will be sent to any Australian policitians or academics who have participated in promoting or legislating vaccination policies that are based on false/ or misleading information about vaccine safety and efficacy.

Please see below for action you can take to protect your health.

Say “Yes” to an Inquiry into Vaccine Safety and Transparency 
Go to:

Vaccine Ingredients:
Please consider whether you want these substances injected into the tissues of your new born infant before the blood brain barrier is developed at 6 months of age. That is exactly what you are doing with each vaccine that you use:

Aluminium hydroxide
Aluminium hydroxide/phosphate
Aluminium phosphate
Borax (‘sodium borate’ – causes infertility and is found in HPV vaccines and hep A)
Egg protein
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Thimerosal (50% mercury compound) (flu vaccine multidose vials and infanrix-hexa and hep B 2013)
Antibiotics: Neomycin, Polymxin, Gentamicin, Kanamycin

Newsletter 181 The Ingredients of Vaccines and their Effects on Children’s Health
6 November 2017


Here is the link to my talk at the Perth Convention Centre (4 November 2017) that describes the risks of mandatory and coercive vaccination policies. 

This video provides evidence of the breach of the medical code of conduct that doctors are now participating in and the breach of the Australian government’s duty of care to the Australian public. 

It also shows that these policies are not for a legitimate public health purpose and this is why they have not been introduced in any legislation or regulation in the Australian Health Department. They have been introduced in the Department of Social Services and there is no evidence that they will improve the health of the population. 

In this video I provide the evidence that these social welfate polices will be detrimental to the health of the Australian population. Any politican, doctor or academic who is ignoring this evidence can be held liable for the damage they will cause to human health. 

Please watch my presentation at the Perth Convention Centre (4 November 2017) The Ingredients of Vaccines and their Effects on Children’s Health and forward to family and friends.


Open Letter To the Illawarra Mercury Editor 10 November 2017.
Copied to UOW Vice-Chancellor, Professor Paul Wellings and UOW academics

RE ‘Controversial UOW Professor awarded Emeritus Professorship’ (Agron Latifi,  1  November 2017)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to request that you correct the false and misleading information that you have provided to the public about my PhD research on vaccinations in your newspaper article by Agron Latifi (1st  November 2017). This information is fabricated and it misinforms the public about an important health topic.

Professor Paul Wellings, the VC of UOW is standing by the high standard of my PhD research and Agron Latifi has made unfounded claims.

Here is my reply to Agron Latifi’s  fabricated comments. I am requesting that you correct this information to ensure that the public is accurately informed about this university research to protect public health.  

The Illawarra Mercury is Misinforming the Public about University Research (Agron Latifi, 1 November 2017)

On 1 November 2017 my supervisor at the University of Wollongong (UOW), Professor Brian Martin, was awarded a prestigious Emeritus Professorship for his dedication to academic integrity and freedom of speech. Brian Martin’s dedication to freedom of speech ensures that all scientific issues can be debated, including vaccination, but the Illawarra Mercury journalist describes this behaviour by a professor as controversial.

On the contrary, it is controversial for the media to attempt to prevent the science from being scrutinised not for an academic to present the science for debate in a PhD.
This is why UOW academics and the UOW Vice-Chancellor, Professor Paul Wellings, are standing by this research.

The Illawarra Mercury journalist claims that my PhD thesis is ‘anti-vaccination’ instead of informing the public that it provides the scientific evidence for the risks of vaccination that need to be assessed to determine the benefits of this procedure in healthy people. The newspaper also misinforms the public about the faculty in which my research was completed.

This is significant because it has been used as a way of attempting to discredit the scientific arguments I have presented.

My whooping cough research was completed in a Master of Science (Population Health) degree in the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences in 2007. However, the University of Wollongong would not allow me to continue my PhD research in the faculty of health because of the politics of this issue.
Hence it was directed to the humanities in the Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts.

The Illawarra Mercury journalist claimed my research was completed in the Faculty of Social Sciences – this is untrue. This faculty was not established until 2014 when public health was moved from the Faculty of Health to this new and separate faculty. This was after my research was almost completed in the Faculty of Law. Humanities and the Arts.

The journalist also suggests that my research claims there is a ‘vast conspiracy’ between global health agencies to push immunisation. This statement is misinforming the public about my academic research. My thesis provides the evidence that the World Health Organisation (WHO) is breaching its charter of promoting objective science by allowing pharmaceutical companies and the World Bank / International Monetary Fund and wealthy foundations, to influence the design of global vaccination programs through the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI).

The recommendations for vaccines for WHO global health programs are not being made by sovereign countries in response to their own needs, but by the GAVI alliance – a partnership that includes the pharmaceutical and biomedical companies that benefit from the vaccines they are recommending. These recommendations are provided to the World Health Organisation who then recommends them to be implemented in all WHO member countries.

This practice is deceptive and it allows the pharmaceutical companies to benefit from government health policies. This is detrimental to human health and it is non-transparent. The false claims that the Illawarra Mercury and other Australian media are making about the scientific literature on vaccines is ensuring that this deception remains hidden to the public.

Here is my interview with Sarah Westall from Business Game Changers ‘The Vaccination Debate: Let’s Get Serious‘ that describes how human health is being endangered by this non-transparent government health policy.

Judy Wilyman PhD
Bachelor of Science, University of NSW
Diploma of Education (Science), University of Wollongong
Master of Science (Population Health), Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Wollongong.
PhD in The Science and Politics of the Australian Government’s Vaccination Program, UOW School of Social Science, Media and Communication (re-named the School of Humanities and Social Inquiry in 2014). 

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