OMNS – The Forces Against Health in Australia – Nutritional medicine could save hundreds of millions of lives, but vested interests actively pursue the opposite.
(OMNS June 25, 2012) Health practice in Australia is still focused on treatment of disease as opposed to its prevention and the optimization of health. Although the scientific literature has recently shown an increasing awareness of the importance of lifestyle factors in preventing disease, mainstream medical professionals continue to be trained to react to disease…
The Safe Vaccine Debate – 1. OMNS: VACCINE ADJUVANTS AND EXCIPIENTS 2. Jon Rappoport – The great flu vaccine hoax: new evidence 3. The Dr Judy Wileyman Report – Newsletter #180 and Newsletter #181 & Letter to Illawarra Mercury
1. OMNS: VACCINE ADJUVANTS AND EXCIPIENTS – Know what else comes through the needle? (OMNS Nov 2, 2017) By Ralph Campbell MD Excipients in vaccines are chemicals that are not the main active ingredient, but are added to vaccines for several purposes. Preservatives are added to prevent contamination, and adjuvants are added to “killed virus”…
Why Amazon’s Entry to the Australian Pharmacy Market May Drive Cultural Change, New Innovation and Promote Young Pharmacists
Amazon is about to enter the Australian retail market and is known to be interested in adding pharmacy to its retail mix of products and services. Amazon has developed “entry point technology” to a consumer’s home. It is called the Echo system and it is powered by voice activation technology called “Alexa” which is of…
Please give me eye contact!
It what seems obvious findings, patients prefer their doctors to be engaging in conversation, and to ignore any online screens. As electronic medical records become more common, it’s not unusual for doctors to enter data into a computer as they talk with their patients. Doctors seeing patients for the first time, when trying to build…
Pharmacy Disruptors – Amazon, Artificial Intelligence & Holographic Health Practitioners
Disruption, as we all know, is an inevitability that is to be feared. If that fear can be used to motivate a chain reaction of positivity, then we have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Fear is already building around the knowledge that Amazon will be entering the pharmacy market in Australia and that…
“Pushy” customers or are they merely “informed”?
I was rather puzzled when reading an article on the challenges of a “pushy” customer and the pressures placed on student pharmacists. I’m puzzled because we, in pharmacy, have lost the skills of listening. We have become so “medicalised” that we now seem to “tell” rather than “partner in a satisfactory outcome”. Whether the educators…
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service – Vaccinations: To Be or Not to Be
Whether or not to vaccinate their children is a big question for parents to ponder. Instead of encompassing a one-size-fits-all attitude, there needs to be the realization of individuality on both sides of the needle—the vaccine itself and the target patient. Some vaccines are ineffective, and may in fact be harmful. [1-4] In my experience…
The “flu”……What role can we play?
It’s been interesting listening and watching as “experts” try and explain the issues behind what has been a disastrous vaccination results in Australia. The news each evening has the usual media beat-up where we are all going to die as this dangerous, mutating virus envelopes us all. But what have we been telling our patients?…
I’VE BEEN THINKING about my first lecture on pharmacy automation, the life work of Dr. Kenneth N. Barker, and the autographed baseball I keep on my desk.
On August 23, 2017, I received word that hospital-pharmacy icon and dear friend, Kenneth N. Barker, passed away earlier that morning. Below is a blog I wrote upon his retirement in 2009. I have made a few edits to bring it up to date. I’ve been thinking about my first lecture on pharmacy-automation, the life work…
Scottish pharmacy – a public/private partnership that encourages pharmacist clinical development.
Scotland has long displayed a talent for identifying the care role for pharmacists and expanding that role by supporting clinical aspirations for pharmacists, and made central to their total National Health Service delivery. The HealthierScotlandStrategy document published in August 2017 and titled ‘Achieving Excellence in Pharmaceutical Care’ aims to “strengthen the role of pharmacy in both hospital and…