The Feel Good Principle: Making People Feel Better by Avoiding Inadequacy Marketing
We like things that make us feel good. We avoid stuff that hurts, feels bad, or is painful. It’s a basic human principle — embrace pleasure, and avoid pain. This explains why so many of us fail at New Year’s resolutions. Let’s be honest, most of us suck at resolutions. Here’s the reason why: they’re…
Vaccine Manufacturers Face Criminal Charges in Spain
Editor’s Note: The “junk science” that is used to promote vaccines and other pharmaceuticals has consequences. One consequence includes the loss of lives. While this is criminal and actionable, we have yet to see senior individual executives prosecuted for their crimes, only the companies they represent receiving massive fines. That mainstream media is colluding with…
I’ve Been Thinking About: Presidents, Engineers, Nurses, and the Law of Unintended Consequences
The bulk of the word consequence is sequence. In sequence, outcomes (intended or not) follow actions. Typically, consequences is used in reference to negative outcomes. In 1974, Richard Nixon had neither intended nor anticipated the devastating sequence of events that would follow the Watergate break-in and subsequent cover-up. He had not expected his actions would…
Can Vitamin C Cure Ebola?
Article provided by the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service http://orthomolecular.org/subscribe.html archive link http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/index.shtml Commentary by Steve Hickey PhD, Hilary Roberts PhD, and Damien Downing MBBS, MSB (OMNS Aug 20, 2014) If there were a drug that worked on Ebola you should use it. There isn’t. There is only vitamin C. But you must be extremely careful…
The 10-Year Market Plan: A new Pharmacopiea+ New Clinical Services
A 10-year market plan has been called for pharmacy. Who will have the lead in this initiative and how will it be made inclusive so that any pharmacist may contribute? Indeed, does the traditional leadership group for pharmacies, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, have sufficient moral capital to be even considered for this important job?…
Where are all the oldies going?
OK! I’ve had enough. I can’t sit back any longer and watch geriatric medicine become a cash cow for disinterested GPs and uncaring pharmacists. Let me give you a list: Proton pump inhibitors prescribed and dispensed for years at a time, in high doses, given at the wrong times of the day. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories prescribed…
Understanding Substitutes
Editor’s Note: We have republished an excerpt from marketing guru Seth Godin’s blog, because we thought it relevant to pharmacy practice, particularly when pricing clinical services. A link to Seth’s site appears at the foot of this article Seth Godin: This is a pretty long post, and I know that you could easily substitute another…
The new SV pharmacy in Turks and Caicos, Caribbean: The Family choice for all the people of the island!
Editor’s Note: This month we venture into a tourist service pharmacy in one of the world’s renowned tourist destinations. Apart from special tourist needs, the pharmacy itself has to survive special environmental pressures created by sun, wind, salt and sand. These challenges and more are everyday problems that the global company, Sartoretto Verna is able…
Building a Better Business Model – Not a Mouse Trap
Hej! from Copenhagen (København), capital city of Denmark, home of Hans Christian Andersen and focus of the music and lyrics of Frank Loesser from his 1952 song, “Wonderful Copenhagen”. Geographically, we’re a long way from Perth and Australia. However, in the global community some perspectives don’t vary. Typically, attitudes override aptitudes in identifying and realising…
Just Who’s Targeting our Toddlers?
Ear infection (acute otitis media), causing pain and deafness, is one of commonest childhood infections. One parent, whose child had an earache, brought this up at her local Mums & Bubs support group and was flooded with advice. One mother had started attending a children’s chiropractor during her pregnancy because he claimed that he could…