A successful person is an average person, focused
I love golf – both playing and watching the pros – so you can imagine my delight when my wife Carol Ann surprised me for my birthday with a trip to watch the Ryder Cup in Glasgow, Scotland, in late September. What a memorable experience, one that’s been on my bucket list for a long…
Channel 7 Program Sunday Night Reports on Trasylol Cover-Up
Ross Coulthart, the Sunday Night investigative reporter from Channel 7 TV, broke a story involving the drug Trasylol, its grim history and the trail of destruction created after its original launch in the global marketplace. The story revolved around Jenny Lloyd, a Victorian woman who was two years old when her father (David Lloyd) died…
Consumer Perspective in Service Design Innovation
Take the patient’s perspective when designing a new service model. Or, using the current “buzz” phrase, you need to become “patient-centred”. Some of the best innovations are brilliant in their after-the-fact simplicity. Take the US-based Minute Clinic. We all know “an ounce of prevention…” yet most of us still don’t go to the doctor for…
Unconditional Expenditure
Editor’s Note: The following brief article by Barry Urquhart has been included as a baseline for pharmacists to consider what “unconditional markets” they may be associated with from within their pharmacy. Barry talks about the metrics of pet food as being one example. Would not pet medicines fit into a similar category? And what about…
You Have to Wonder
Australian Doctor online recently ran a news item about GP’s and their “CAM Creep”. What they were saying was that because of the broad nature of general practice and consumer demand, doctors were susceptible to prescribing more CAM’s and were doing so in larger numbers. In so doing, it was claimed that obsession with complementary…
Make a commitment to succeed
If you want to excel at anything in life you need to be committed. If you only want to be good enough to get by, then a commitment to excellence is not necessary. If you are committed to a cause, you don’t need to tell anyone. They can tell from your actions. I often wonder…
CHF – New Friend of Pharmacy?
The Consumers Health Forum (CHF), not always known for a friendly approach with pharmacy, seems to be moderating its view in recent media releases. Currently, it is calling for the role of a pharmacist in primary health care to be debated. In a recent media release it states: “The Consumers Health Forum says the AMA‟s…
Magnesium Supplementation Without the “Coke and Fries”
Elderly patients (increasing by the day as “baby boomers” turn 65) are at risk from magnesium deficiency, most commonly when they are taking diuretics, proton pump inhibitors, or both simultaneously. If you need help with your estate planning, you can check it out here! Magnesium deficiencies can also occur in the diet because many pasture…
Global forces are at play. Marketplace reality is becoming more conspicuous. In essence, Australian products, services, labour, skills, brands, and entities are being repriced, – and not at the discretion of owners, managers and directors. There is no better example than the recent decision by the multi-national corporation Chevron to import from Scandinavia, over 11,000…
Deprescribing – the New Kid on the Block!
When I see words such as “deprescribing” I immediately think of advertising spin and the need to address our “sick” society. And make no mistake, these new spin words are introduced through the medical profession to highlight doctors as “good guys” and pharmacists as “bad guys”. “Deprescribing” is simply overprescribing inappropriately by doctors, directly creating…